
Terms for subject Mathematics containing 双X | all forms
二项分布double binomial distribution
伽马 γ 函数psi function
伽马 γ 函数digamma function
位方式two-position mode
侧指数bilateral exponential
侧检验double-tailed test
侧检验two-tailed test
侧检验two-sided test
值运算系统dyadic system
偶复合形dual complex
γ 函数digamma function
列相关比率bi-serial ratio of correlation
列相关系数bi-serial coefficient of correlation
参数族two-parameter family
变常态分配bivariate normal distribution
变量函数产生器function generator of two variables
变量指数分布bivariate exponential distribution
变量贝塔 β 分布bivariate beta distribution
可逆设计,双互换设计double-ratio estimator
向分类two-way classification
因子模型bifactor model
对数变换log-log transformation
对数图double logarithmic chart
对数格纸double-logarithmic paper
峰分布bimodal distribution
帕累托曲线double Pareto curve
序列相关biserial correlation
截尾正态分布doubly truncated normal distribution
支环面锚环two components torus
散子模拟一种电脑操作过程craps simulation
斜率模/数转换器dual slope A/D converter
线正切hyperbolic tangent
曲线正割hyperbolic secant
曲线正割分布hyperbolic secant distribution
极因子bipolar factor
线性型bilinear form
超几何分布double hypergeometric distribution
轴磁心存储器biax memory
轴磁芯存储器biax memory
连通区doubly connected region
正副两份汇总穿孔机duplicating summary punch
正副两份穿孔duplicating punching
重二分法double dichotomy
重抽样,复式抽样double reversal design
重泊松分布double Poisson distribution
重混杂double confounding
重试验binary experiment
键结合doubly linked
随机泊松过程Cox process
随机泊松过程doubly stochastic Poisson process
随机矩阵doubly stochastic matrix
非中心 F 分布doubly non-central F-distribution
曲余切inverse hyperbolic cotangent
曲余割inverse hyperbolic cosecant
曲余弦inverse hyperbolic cosine
尤尔曲线分布Yule's hyperbolic distribution
广义变量指数分布generalized bivariate exponential distribution
广义变量指数分布generalised bivariate exponential distribution
的样本duplicated sample
沙赫样本检验Schach's two-sample tests
混合式变量或多变量函数产生器hybrid function generator of two or more variables
列相关point biserial correlation
变量分布bivariate distribution of two discrete variables
变量分布point bivariate distribution
结合转变设计tied double changeover design
霍奇斯变量符号检验Hodges-Ajne's test