
Terms for subject China containing 双X | all forms
专门委员会和边友好小组的交流exchanges between special committees and between bilateral friendship groups
争议disputing party
加强并扩大边政治合作reinforce and extend bilateral political co-operation
协议both parties to the agreement
twice the amount
向转移two-way transfer
层经营体制double-tier management system
层经营体制dual operation system
方协议agreement between the two parties
方平等mutual equality
方推举chosen by both parties
方约定mutual agreement
under investigation at appointed duration and place
subject to questioning at an appointed time and place
边关系bilateral relations
边和多边条约bilateral or multilateral treaties
边或者多边bilateral or multilateral
月的下旬near the end of even-numbered months
multilateral and bilateral
夫妻both husband and wife
实行家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的层经营体制apply the dual operation system characterized by the combination of centralized operation with decentralized operation on the basis of operation by households under a contract
方具有约束力binding on both parties
边关系和共同关心的国际和地区问题交换意见exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual concern
巩固和加强边关系consolidate and strengthen the bilateral relationship
当事人方的诉讼标的object of action of both parties
承包方的权利和义务rights and obligations of the two contracting party
方约定agreed upon by both parties
男女both the man and the woman
立法机构议会边友好小组或者协会bilateral friendship groups with legislatures
符合方的根本利益serve the fundamental interests of both sides
网间互联parties to the network interconnection
非全日制用工方当事人two parties to part-time employment