
Terms for subject Wushu containing 双X | all forms
单刃single-blade axe pair
南拳叠步double fold step of southern-style boxing
兵器double weapons
double broadswords
刀进枪double broadswords against spear
double sword
匕首进枪double dagger against spear
double fork
叠步double-fold step
头双枪double two-headed spears
头枪double-headed spear
峰贯耳strike the opponent's ears with both fists
弓步double bow stance
手刀two-handed broadsword
手剑play a sword with double hands
double crutch
拳密如雨both fists hitting like the rain
换掌double changing palm
double staffs
片单斧double-blade axe
片双斧double-blade axe pair
片月牙斧double-blade crescent shovel
臂绕环circle both arms
蝶步double butterfly stance
double maces
震脚stamp both feet
double whip
飞脚flash double kick
飞腿double flying kick
并步摆掌bring feet together and circle both palms
拦腰绝手snap with both hands at waist level
提膝摆掌raise leg and swing both palms
束身分腿recoil the body and punch down on both sides
眼睛随视eyes follow both palms
腾空侧踹flash double kick to the side
虎头tiger-head hooks pair
虎鹤形拳tiger-crane double-style boxing
起身峰贯耳stand up and strike ears with both fists
转身分腿turn around and punch down on both sides
转身绝单叉turn body and snap with both hands in crouch stance
飞凤flying phoenix double broadsword