
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 双X | all forms
关于边和多边监督的决定Integrated Surveillance Decision
关于边和多边监督的决定Decision on Bilateral and Multilateral Surveillance
关于成员国政策边监督的决定Decision on Bilateral Surveillance over Members' Policies
向交易two-way transaction
向分类two-way breakdown
向报价two-way price quotation
赢的情况win-win situation
赤字twin deficit
轨价格制度two-tier pricing system
边中心汇率bilateral central rate
边债权人bilateral creditor HIPC Initiative
边出资bilateral contributions
边和多边监督bilateral and multilateral surveillance
边垄断bilateral monopoly
边援助bilateral aid
边支付协定bilateral payments arrangement
边支付协定bilateral payments agreement
边支付安排bilateral payments arrangement
边支付安排bilateral payments agreement
边收支表bilateral statements
边监督Article IV surveillance
边监督bilateral surveillance
边贸易权数bilateral trade weight
重外汇市场dual exchange market
重定价dual pricing
重市场two-tier market
重征税dual taxation
重征税double taxation
重汇率制dual rate system exchange rates
重课税dual taxation
重课税double taxation
重货币债券dual currency bond
重黄金价格two-tier gold price
顺风作用double tailwinds
《2007年边监督决定》2007 Decision on Bilateral Surveillance
强化的边监督strengthened bilateral surveillance