
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
大脚美国gun boats
手套a pair of gloves
手套a pair of gloves
袜子a pair of socks
三粒单排或排扣的剑桥外套Cambridge coat
三线行送料three-thread double row feed
三醋酯锦纶6组分变形丝Tricel Soft
不对称锥筒子asymmetrical taper ends cheese
中国宁海丝绸Ninghai cord
中央包芯组分纤维centric cover-core bicomponent fiber
中标向尺centre finding ruler
中空层织物pocket weave
买卖方价格坚挺的市场two-way market
买卖方价格坚挺的市场two-sided market
买卖方关系relation between the sellers and buyers
4,5-二羟基-1,3-羟甲基-2-咪唑烷酮4.5-dihydroxy-1,3-bis hydroxymethyl-2-imidazolidinone
亚麻棉交织经半漂布linen/cotton mixed double warp half bleached plain
交易parties to a trading
交织mixed crepe de chine
交错集圈罗纹组织cross tuck interlock
人造丝rayon crepe de chine
人造丝绉睡衣rayon crepe pajamas
人造丝重rayon canton crepe
人造丝重rayon Guangdong crepe
优级面提花地毯extra super carpet
便于穿脱的拉链妇女整姿内衣double-zipper foundation
倒梯形排纽上装款式button one double
偏心皮芯型组分纤维eccentric sheath-core bicomponent fiber
crepe line
免征重税no double taxation
全自动站式结鞋帮机full automatic two-station type shoemaking machine
全自动轮转式色射出结帮机automatic rotary type direct injection two color sports shoes making machine
共轭组分长丝conjugate bi-component filament
冷热头领型机collar creasing press with heat and cool head
刚性剑杆twin rigid rapier
刺绣层网眼纱Brussels curtain
前叠合处很浅的排扣型less over-lap
前身中间暗裥女裙double fly front skirt
加利姆面绒头羊毛地毯galims (伊朗)
加固罗纹interlock plated
加圆嵌线.袋jetted with re-inforcement pocket
劳资labor and management
劳资labor and capital parties
劳资employer and employee
包括买价和卖价的向报价单two-way price quotation
北京条子pekin crepe
滚边袋single and double piped pocket
滚边袋single and double piped-pocket
省缝single and double darts
有闪光效应的股绒经丝绒velours double
单头/ 头绣花机one/two-head embroidery machine
单襟式扣上衣two jacket button single-breasted jacket
单襟式扣上衣two-button single-breasted jacket
单针线锁式线迹lock stitch 1 needle 2 threads
印花面绒布printed both-side raised flannelette
印花哗叽面绒布printed both-side flannelette
线缝double cord seam
面绒布beacon robbing
面绒布beacon robing
厚呢排纽上装pea jacket
、三色提花袜two or three coloured jacquard hosiery
三角座滑架tandem carriage
三角针道double cam track
丙酮醇diacetone alcohol
double yarn
丝光纱线与织物均进行丝光double mercerized finish
丝光double mercerized finish
丝光 T 恤衫双丝光布制double mercerized T-shirt
丝光 T 恤衫double mercerized T-shirt
丝光布纱、布先后丝光double mercerized fabric
丝光布double mercerized fabric
丝光T恤衫双丝光布制double mercerized T-shirt
丝光针织物double mercerized weft knit fabric
丝头疵double ends
丝头疵点double ends
刀折边器double blade ruffler
列人字形配置double-mirror set-out
列凸纹浮线组织double blister
列凸纹浮线织物double blister fabric
列剑杆double tiered rapiers
列斜纹精梳毛织物drap d'alma
列沙眼纱罗jour deux place
列滚珠轴承double-ball bearing
列网眼纱罗jour deux place
列镜式循环double-mirror set-out
别针duet pin
到凸纹浮线织物double blister fabric
包边缝felled seam
匹织造长毛绒织物double woven pile fabric
十字形线迹double cross stitch
十字线迹double cross stitch
十字绣leviathan stitch
十字绣reviathan stitch
十字绣star stitch
十字绣double cross stitch
吃浮线double float
吃线double feed
吃线织袜机two-feed knitter
吃线织袜机dual feed knitter
吃线罗纹French welt
吃线罗纹关边tubular welt
吃线装置double feed attachment
吃虚线double float
吃虚线袜底double float foot bottom
合铺布cross spreading
构型钢综duplex configuration heald
名票据two-way note
向利率two-way rate
向加强织物bidirectional fabric
向印花two-way print
向引纬biphase insertion
向弹性针织物two-way stretchable knit
向报价two-way quotation
向报价市场two-way market
向拉布two-way spreading
向拉链two way zipper
洗衣机向水流洗涤方式two water action
向汇率two-way rate
向移圈two-way transfer
向移圈bi-directional transfer
向花样two-way design
向袋口口袋double entry pocket
向褶diamond dart
向褶diamond-shaped dart
向褶torso dart
向褶fish dart
向褶double-ended dart
向褶double dart
向超滤功能bi-directional ultrafiltering
向运动沉降片relanit sinker
向飞碟射击夹克sheet-shooting jacket
唇袋double piped pocket
圆领double round collar
圈包扣covered double-rim button
圈包纽covered double-rim button
圈扣double rim button
圈条器bi-coil coiler
圈条条子bi-coil sliver
圈条梳棉机double coiler card
圈缝double looped seam
圈缝卷边double lapped felling
圈缝合point to point seaming
圈缝合point-to-point seaming
圈缝折边double looped felling
圈阀spectacle valve
堆法two-bin system
复合保险multiple-multiple insurance
头双系统横机tandem two system flat knitting machine
头拉链moveable open-end zipper
头拉链double sliders zipper
头拉链two-way zipper
头拉链dual-opening zipper
头拉链two way zipper
头拉链zipper with double sliders
头拉链two-way separating zip
头疵double ends
头窗帘缝纫机double sewing head curtain hemming machine
头箱式缝纫机double head boxing machine
头结double knot
头绣花机two-head embroidery machine
头缝纫机twin-head machine
头缝纫机double head sewing machine
头舌针double hook latch needle
头舌针double headed latch needle
头针purl machine needle
头针purl knitting needle
头针double-ended needle
头针purl needle
头针挺针片knitting jack
头钩针double hook needle
封尾型拉链closed end zipper
封尾型拉链closed end fastener
封尾型拉链closed and zipper
封尾形拉链dress zipper
尖瓣三角two-point cam
尖瓣三角two-lobe cam
尖角腰省double pointed waistline dart
尖角袋盖double pointed flap
double deck
both plies
层三角座two-tier cam box
层包芯纱double covered yarn
层包覆丝double covered yarn
层圆筒平针织物fochette fabric
层布double cloth
层退圈三角split clearing cam
层锁链绣heavy chain stitch
帘夹持式平铺成网机precision cross-lapping machine
帘夹持式平铺成网机precision cross-lapper
帘网double screen
开口双纬式引纬Twomack type
开拉链moveable open-end zipper
开衩side vent
弯针包缝double curved needle overlock
成分复合纤维biconstituent fiber
挎带手袋twin handle bag
搭卷边double lapped felling
搭接夹线缝double whip stitching with gimp
搭接线缝double whip stitching
搭接缝double lapped seam
搭线缝double whip stitching
搭缝double lapped seam
搭缝卷边double lapped felling
搭缝折边double looped felling
收缩变形纱bi-shrinkage yarn
明线double stitching
木耳边headed ruffle
格子花纹double check
格提箱double decker box bag
横向旋转梭double rotating transverse shuttle
横向旋转梭double-rotating transverse shuttle
次缝double-stitched seam
次缝缝份处理double-stitched seam finish
次缝锯齿剪边缝份处理pinked and double-stitched seam finish
眼综丝duplex heald
程出入境签证two-way exit-entry visa
程横动速率double traverse rate
稳机针针夹flip-up double needle clamp
缀纹绣double-darning stitch
缀纹绣darning double stitch
tent stitch
double stitch
缝料缝纫机two cloth seaming machine
缝料缝纫机two-cloth seaming machine
缝袜脚niantic foot
缩绒织物double milled fabric
舌单头织针double latch needle
舌舌针tandem latch needle
舌针double latch needle
褡接夹线缝double whip stitch with gimp
褡线缝double whip stitch
double pleats
褶端褶边double-edged ruffle
褶领double collar
贴边double welt
贴边口袋double welt pocket
贴边缝double welt seam
贴边袋double welt pocket
贾卡提花经编机double-jacquard warp knitting machine
踵织针double butt needle
踵针twin-butted needle
送压脚walking foot
送料装置dual feed system
选针double selection
锁边缝double plover stitch
锥形筒子pineapple bobbin
锥形筒子pineapple cone
锥形筒子pineapple package
锥形筒管biconical tube
锯齿边double picot
锯齿边线迹double picot stitch
防缩织物double shrink proof fabric
阴裥double inverted pleat
同心式皮芯组分纤维centric cover-core bicomponent fiber
同芯式皮芯组分纤维centric cover-core bicomponent fiber
名古屋Nagoya silk
后背饰缝女大衣panel coat
品质不同单纱的股线cop-and-cop doubled yarn
圆形反面袜机purl circular knitting machine
圆筒面针织机double knit circular knitting machine
圆网侧传动bilateral screen drive
垫纬层织物filling-wadded double cloth
垫经层织物warp wadded double cloth
复丝状金属线multifilamentary composite wire
外观层圆裙double circular skirt
多层型组分长丝multilayer brcomponent filament
多梭口刚性剑杆twin rigid rapier
天星型组分纤维bicomponent fiber matrix fibril bicomponent fiber
天星型组分纤维matrix/fibril bicomponent fiber
天星状组分复合纤维island-in-the-sea matrix fibril type bicomponent fiber
经地毯结ghiordes knot
套筒形重袖telescope sleeve
奥比特联多相织机Orbit loom
女式层细呢empress cloth
女式无袖及膝层斗篷jocelyn mantle
女式紧身排扣上衣reefing jacket
女式紧身排纽上衣reefer jacket
女装上的条竖线princess waistline
宽松翻领off turtle neck
小牧场单排纽夹克型paddock model
小花crepe de chine faconne
小花crepe de chine faconne
小菱形花纹层布perched quilt
嵌套的环戒指gemel ring
带洗澡间的人房间double with bath
带裙撑的层抽褶双层裙looped dress
flat crepe
平型反面袜机purl flat knitting machine
平型反面针织机flat-bed purl links machine
平板式针锁缝机flat two-needle lockstitch sewing machine
平素罗纹织物plain interlock
并列型组分纤维bilateral bicomponent fiber
并排皮带twin belt
广东宫丝canton matow silk
开司米层织物double cashmere
开士米层织物double cashmere
异纬面绒布lama barchent
异质组分纤维heterofil bicomponent fiber
弧形加固嵌线袋curved jet with reinforcement pocket
弹力罗纹针织布lycra interlock
弹性面涂层织物stretch-laid coated fabric
W 形M 形重切割double cut W M shape
彩条striped crepe twill
彩条香乐绉color striped crepe twill
往复游架反面平型纬编机flat-bed purl knitting machine with circulating carriages
恩克纶普拉洛斯聚酯股弹力丝Encron Plylos
对比paired comparison
服装款式paired style
服装款式pair style
款式pair style
款式亲人或情人为增强亲切感,统一着装的款式pair style
扩展型排纽夹克spread out
扩开型排纽上衣spreading out
扩开型排纽上衣spread out
扩开型排纽夹克spreading out
扩开型排纽夹克spread out
折角拼缝的层滚镶边mitered double banding
抽针罗纹针织布drop needle interlock
拉开型排纽上衣spread out
拉舍尔罗纹织物raschel double rib fabric
拉舍尔针床经编机raschel two-needle bar warp knitting machine
拉舍尔面经编织物raschel double needle bar fabric
拉链式袋口的嵌线袋jetted with zip pocket
拉链纽扣开口zip and stud
挠性剑杆split flexible rapiers
接线stagged seam
接结层组织tied double weave
摄政期排纽大衣Regency coat
散岛状基体一原纤型组分复合纤维islands-in-the-sea matrix-fibril type bicomponent fiber
斜纹宫绸twill douppioni
普通针缝线迹regular saddle stitch
有关parties concerned
有带祥的嵌线袋jet with tab pocket
有盖嵌线口袋double welt pocket with flap
有腰带排扣外套trench coat
有腰带的排纽外套trench coat
有腰带的排纽男式雨衣常有肩祥,袖祥及大口袋等trench coat
有袋盖的嵌线袋jetted with flap pocket
striped crepe de Chine
条格宫绸doupioni gingham
桑蚕宫丝doupioni silk
梯弗利斯面无绒头地毯tiflis (中东地区)
横凸纹面针织物straight ripple
横棱crepe de chine travers
横棱crepe de chine travers
横棱纹crepe de chine traverse
气圈重控制环balloon control double ring
沉降片向运动relative movement of sinker
沉降片向运动编织技术relative technique
沟纹层呢cut double cloths
流苏花边的棱纹point ondule
浅叠前襟排扣型less over-lap
浓抹raddle cheeks
海岛型组分纤维type bicomponet fiber matrix-fibril bicomponent fiber
涤盖棉纬编针织物polyester over cotton doubled-faced weft knit fabric
涤盖棉面针织物polyester and cotton double jersey
涤纶面印花绒布polyester polar fleece printed
涤纶面绒布polyester polar fleece
涤纶面绒布做服装或衬里用,俗称摇粒绒polyester polar fleece
涤纶面起绒布polyester double-faced fleece
漂白经布bleached dosuti
漂白面绒布both-side raised white flannelette
инд 潘司粗经布painsi
澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织纺纱法,纱纺捻法,西罗纺捻法Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization process
熟织宫绸silk doupp ioni
熟织宫绸silk doup ioni
爱斯基摩面大衣呢Eskimo cloth
牛仔明线贴袋denim top-stitched pocket
瑞士凹凸织物Swiss double pique
生丝丝头疵点double ends
重容器封装pack in double receptacle
电脑提花面针织机double computer jacquard knitting machine
男式层短裤short with built-in briefs
男式排扣厚呢短夹克reefing jacket
男式排扣礼服dress frock coat
疙瘩面缎正面有纬向疙瘩效应,反面如古代绸缎antique satin
疙瘩面缎antique satin
皮芯组分丝centric cover-core bicomponent fiber
皮芯型组分纤维mantle/core bicomponent fiber
皮芯型组分纤维skin-core fiber
福井Fukui silk
签约parties to a contract
素色割绒面拔白印花浴巾plain-dyed twisted-loop sheared bath towel with white discharge printing
纤维素-硬链段组分纤维elastomeric-hard bicomponent fiber
纺并spin doubled yarn
缎面斜纹背重织物back stripe
缘边嵌线contoured jet with reinforcement pocket
罗氏皮圈牵伸装置duo Roth system
罗马面地毯Roman carpet
羊驼毛面针织物alpaca stitch fabric
苯并咪唑-苯并菲绕啉纤维耐高温纤维,商名,美国poly bis-benzimidazo-benzophenanthroline fiber
聚乙烯色涂层PV two-tone coating
聚喹喔啉咪唑萘二酰胺纤维polyquinoxaline bisimidazozaphthaldiamide fiber
聚对亚苯基苯并噻唑纤维新型高强度合成纤维fiber poly-p-phenylene benzobisthiazole fiber
聚对苯二甲酰-草酰-脒脘纤维耐高温抗燃纤维,德国polyterephthaloyl oxalamidrazone fiber
聚对苯二甲酰草酰脒腙polyterephthaloyl oxalic-bisamidrazone
聚对苯二甲酰草酰脒腙纤维polyterephthaloyl oxalic-bisamidrazone fiber
聚对苯二甲酰草酸脒脘纤维fiber polyterephthaloyl oxalicbisamidrazone fiber
PU 聚氨酯色涂层PU two-tone coating
聚蔥醌吲哚纤维polyanthraquinone-bisbenzazole fiber
聚酰基草酸脒腙纤维polyacyloxalamidrazone fiber
臀部层加固裤double seated trousers
舌形夹撕破强力试验tongue double nip tear test
色条striped crepe twill
色织经布yarn-dyed dosuti
色织仿毛层粗厚花呢yarn-dyed wool-like two-layer tweed
色织纯棉层鞋面帆布yarn-dyed cotton shoe canvas
色织蓝边面绒布both-side raised yarn-dyed flannelette with blue selvage
艾伯特面大衣呢Albert cloth
艾斯股细或线eis wool
艾斯股细毛线ice wool
宫绉jacquard doupion crepe
花宫jacquard doupion crepe
花式反面组织fancy purl
花式反面针织物jacquard purl fabric
花式罗纹针织物knit-miss bourrblet fabric
花纹crepe de chine faconne
花色罗纹组织bourrelet fabric
董磅oriental crepe
薄型面针织物semi-double knit fabric
表里色缎satin alcyonne
表里交换层织物interchangeable double cloth
衬垫层织物wadded double cloth
衬衫用内向卷边器dual underfront shirt hemmer
袜子底加固sole-in-sole splicing
裂离型组分纤维splittable bicomponent yarn
装饰伸缩线缝decorative plastic double seam
装饰伸缩线缝decorative elastic double seam
装饰用排缝decorative double seam
西装的开衩double vent
透印面花布pushing prints
透孔面针织物lace double knit
针织股线eis yarn
针织物边部重线圈half stitch
销缝线迹罗纹组织interlock stitch
锁式针迹线线迹缝double locked stitch
锁式针迹行缝边double-lock seam
锦纶经布手套nylon simplex glove
锦纶/氨纶组分弹性纤维nylon-spandex bicomponent fiber
锦纶-聚氨基甲酸乙酯组分纤维弹性纤维nylon-spandex bicomponent fiber
镶土耳其饰边的翻领套头毛衫karaca sweater
防散脱链线迹ravel-proof double chainstitch
防滴水层壁cavity wall
防缩印花面绒布pre-shrunk both-side raised printed flannelette
阿尔帕卡面呢double alpaca
集圈罗纹组织tuck-rib interlock
集圈罗纹组织tuck-interlock design
露出里层的层裙open robe
马基诺面大衣呢mackinaw coating
马球牌面厚绒呢商标polo cloth
马金瑙面大衣呢Mackinaw coating
骏花jun crepe jacquard
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