
Terms for subject Securities containing 双重 | all forms | in specified order only
交叉市场双重交易cross-market dual play
双重上市股票dually listed stocks
双重买人double up
双重交叉货币工具指数基点quanto cross index basis
双重交易即当经纪人又当自营商的交易dual trading
双重交易便利dual trading facility (如在香港上市股票被准于在其他市场上交易)
双重代理dual agency
双重价格dual valuation (clause, 条款)
双重价格制two-tier system
双重保证债券covered warrants bonds
双重信托split level trust
双重债券duet bond
双重免税基金double exempt fund (既免国税又免地税)
双重共同基金dual mutual fund
双重分类账账户double columns ledger account
双重危机double jeopardy
双重发盘收购two-tier tender offer (在双重发盘收购中,竞价者在第一层价格收购数额满足后,将以第二层价格(较低价或以证券而不用现金)收购其余股票)
双重呈报规定dual filing
双重外汇期权dual currency options
双重套期double hedging
双重存档及审批制度dual filing and vetting
双重定价double pricing
双重审批dual vetting
双重居民公司dual resident company
双重股价两次下跌至相近价位,又都上涨,在分析图形上呈类似字母" W"的形状技术分析W formation
双重double bottom
双重惩罚double penalty
双重扣减double discounting
双重报价double barreled quotation
双重担保债券dually secured bond
双重担保债券double barrelled bond
双重担保的double barreled
双重招股章程结构dual prospectus structure
双重指数票据dual index notes
双重收费double charge
双重普通股dual-class common stock
双重期权hermaphrodite option
双重期权put and call
双重期权dual options
双重期权double put and call option
双重期权doubling option
双重期权double option
双重本位体制double standard system
双重注册dual registration
双重监管duplicative regulation
双重监管duplication of supervision
双重监管double regulation
双重目标信托dual purpose trust
双重目标基金dual purpose fund
双重目标投资公司dual-purpose investment company
双重目标资金dual purpose fund
双重筹资split funding
双重系列零息债券dual series zero-coupon debenture
双重股份两重普通股,分红时权力平等,表决时权力不平等dual-class stock
双重股份资本调整的转换方法向内部人发行高表决权股份换回他们现有表决权股,其余由外部持股者拥有的低表决权股份通常能拿到较高的红利exchange method of dual-class recapitalization
双重股权资本调整的分配方法dividend method of dual-class recapitalization
双重能力dual capacity
双重融资double financing
双重融资结构的分配方法dividend method of dual-class recapitalization (双重股权转换的方法是将股份分拆或红利股票作为新的表决权股,而以前的普通股被定义为有更大表决权的股份)
双重计算double counting
双重记账double posting
双重货币债券dual currency bonds
quantity adjusting option 的简写双重交叉货币工具quanto
双重货币工具选择权就是期权或期货再加一组远期汇率合约quanto options
双重货币日元债券dual currency yen bonds
双重货币期权dual currency options
双重货币账户dual currency account
双重资本重组两级表决权股份结构,它把公司股票按表决权分为高和低级两等,低级股每股有一票的表决权,高级股票每股有十票的表决权,这种安排是一种反收购策略dual class recapitalization
双重赔偿条款double indemnity clause
双重选择权证券duop security
双重银行业务dual banking
双重魔力double witching
双重魔力时光double witching day
无息双重货币贷款zero interest dual-currency loan
证券市场双重顶和双重底技术分析double tops and bottoms
货币转换的双重货币债券currency change dual currency
资金双重使用例如,用银行贷款购买银行债券double gearing