
Terms for subject Economy containing 双相 | all forms
为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation
为实现共同的目标,双方同意互相交流专业技能和技术资料To achieve the common objectives, both parties agree to exchange know-how and technical data to each other
双列相关系数biserial coefficient of correlation
双方在大事讨价还价后相互让步的交易horse trade
双方接受一项相互交换制造方面的技术诀窍的建议Both parties accepted a proposal for reciprocal exchanges of recipes of manufacture
我相信在执行合同中引起的争端一定会以双方都感到满意的方式得到解决I believe that the dispute arising from the execution of the contract will surely be settled to the satisfaction of both parties