
Terms for subject Technology containing 双方 | all forms | in specified order only
三方双锥trigonal bipyramid
三方双面锥trigonal bipyramid face
买卖双方both vendor and purchaser
二维双调和方程two-dimensional biharmonic equation
借贷双方认可的细账account stated
全双工工作方式full-duplex mode
全双曲型微分方程totally hyperbolic differential equation
六方双锥hexagonal bipyramid
六方复双锥hexagonal dipyramid
六方复双锥类hexagonal dipyramidal class
半双工方式half-duplex mode
南方双壳类地理区austral bivalve province
双向水流洗涤方式two-water action
双因素方差分析two-factor variance analysis
双工作方式干扰机noise and deception jammer
双并方位标two-bearings and run between
双折射方解石double refraction calcspar
双方both parties (当事人)
双方by and between (当事人)
双方both (当事人)
双方之间的责任liability between the parties
双方位计算机two-bearing computer
双方同意by mutual consent
双方向平衡duplex balance
双方向运行double directional working (on single track line)
双方有责任碰撞条款both to blame collision clauses
双方的利益mutual interest
双方的利益common interest
双方解石片double calcite plate
双方解约mutual recission
双方话终拆线last-subscriber release
双方话终拆线last-party release
双方过失碰撞条款both to blame collision clauses
双曲型微分方程hyperbolic differential equation
双曲流运动方程hyperbolic flow equation
双曲线型偏微分方程hyperbolic partial differential equation (式)
双曲线微分方程hyperbolic differential equation
双曲线方程hyperbolic equation
双曲线流动方程hyperbolic flow equation
双杆联吊装卸方式union purchase system
双磁头卷带方式two-headed wrap
双磁芯存储方式two-core per bit
双立方体double cube
双立方体室double-cube room
双级方案two-level scheme
双级方程曲线oval of Cassini
双纽线方向性图接收lemniscate reception
双线圈方法double coil method
双线方式two-wire system
双组分配方two-package formulation
双联拖车方式double bottom trailer system
双脉冲方式dipulse system
双重方位投影double azimuthal projection
双重方法dual mode
双重通信方式duplex communication system
双铰接方框架double-articulated rectangular frame
双铰方框架double-pinned rectangular frame
双铰方框架double-hinged rectangular frame
双限抽样检验方案two-sided sampling plans
双风道方式dual duct system
后桥双臂曲柄操纵方向rear bellcrank steering
四方双锥tetragonal dipyramid
复三方双锥ditrigonal dipyramid
复六方双锥dihexagonal bipyramid
复四方双锥ditetragonal dipyramid
双方面都有约束力binding upon all parties
弱双曲型方程weakly hyperbolic equation
拟线性双曲型方程quasi-linear hyperbolic equation
拟线性双曲型方程组quasi-linear hyperbolic systems
斜方双楔rhombical disphenoid
斜方双楔rhombic disphenoid
斜方双锥rhombical bipyramid
斜方双锥rhombic bipyramid
方解石双折射calcite birefringence
有争议双方contesting parties
模双曲方程normal hyperbolic equation
碰撞双方均有过失条款both to blame collision clauses
空间双点后方交会double resection in space
规定双方权利义务的契约indenture deed
订约双方当事人contracting parties
超双曲线微分方程ultra-hyper-bolic differential equation
需要的双方吻合double coincidence of need