
Terms containing 及 时 | all forms | in specified order only
proverb一针及时省九针a stitch in time saves nine
securit.及时交割风险untimely delivery risk
securit.及时付款风险untimely payment risk
China, law及时出警fail to dispatch the police to the scene
agric.及时抽穗unseasonable earing
fenc.及时的劈delayed cut
fenc.及时的进攻delayed attack
fenc.及时还击delayed riposte
voll.及时进攻delayed attack
shipb.不可撤销信用证可保证卖方及时收到货款an irrevocable L/C to ensure the sellers to get paid in time
UN, account.与成员国联系不及时untimely outreach to Member States
telecom.与此同时,该公司表示,与其他芯片供应商相比,它已从移动设备的普及中挣到了更多的钱In the meantime, the company says it's already making more money from the proliferation of mobile devices than any other silicon vendors
interntl.trade.临时及非常费用unforeseen and extraordinary expenses
fin.临时及非常费用unforseen and extraordinary expenses
tech.临时木结构及帐篷temporary wood frame structures and tents
tech.临时管道及电缆连接器umbilical connector
tech.临时管道及电缆连接器umbilic connector
econ.及时完成定货,我们辛苦工作了三个月We had hard work of 3 months getting the order fulfilled in time
gen.为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒,承包有关电力系统的电力生产、分配及应用等各方面的整套综合装置的安装及启用for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute
avia.主计时及控制电路master timing and control circuit
tech.事故及停待时间trouble and waiting time
avia.交付的及时delivery timeliness
gen.他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院,那情况就糟多了He said it could have been a lot worse, had the ambulance not gotten to you in time
commer.以便及时到达我方Please time your L/C so that it reaches us in good time for shipment
space休息及舱外活动时间rest EVA period (载人航天飞行中的)
commer.会签后请及时退寄一份Please send back the duplicate duly countersigned
econ.估计资金的流转时间及数量estimate time and amount of the flow of funds
el.作业及时间控制系统job and time control system
econ.你方必须在合同期满前及时付款You must pay in time before the lapse of the contract
commer.你方未能及时开立信用证We regret to say that you failed to establish the L/C in time
interntl.trade.及时参考for ready reference
securit.促使及时、公平、真实、准确、完整、透明和有效地进行信息披露boost the timely, fair, truthful, accurate, complete, transparent and effective information disclosure
expl.促成超压强度的主要爆破参数是每次延时的装药量以及药包裸露于大气的程度、或者说药包的埋深The primary design-parameters which contribute to the intensity of overpressure are the charge weight per delay and the extent of exposure of the charges to the atmosphere, that is,the depth of burial of the charges
commer.保证及时装运货物ensure the shipment being made in time
securit.信息披露不及时overdue information disclosure
China, polit.《关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的公约》及其《议定书》The Hague Convention for the Protection of Culture Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and its protocol
expl.冲击波超压能级受爆破设计、实施工序及当时大气条件的影响Airblast overpressure levels are influenced by the blast design and its implementation,and the prevailing atmospheric conditions
corp.gov.准确及时just in time
econ.准确及时Kabushiki Kaisha
gen.力争及时完成地against time
manag.动作及时间分析法motion time analysis
proj.manag.参赛者到达终点时、要触及固定在终点的触垫、同时两个收发器都必须保持原样Competitors must finish the race with both transponders intact and will finish the race by striking a touch pad anchored at the finish line
gen.按,准in time
gen.及时as occasion demands
gen.及时early in the day
sport.及时in time
gen.及时lose no time in + ing
commer.及时in due course
gen.及时in due course of time
gen.及时lose no time
archit.及时apropos (的)
el.及时on time
el.及时just in time
gen.及时in due course of time
gen.及时as occasion requires
China, law及时in good time
China, polit.及时in a timely manner
gen.及时without delay
el.及时上市time to market
el.及时上市工程time-to-market engineering
China, law及时上缴hand over promptly
China, law及时下令order without delay
proj.manag.及时交货timely delivery
econ.及时付款payment in due course
securit.及时付款pay promptly
corp.gov.及时供资timely funding
securit.及时信息timely information
tech.及时修改time update
el.及时-全面质量控制管理体系just-in-time/total quality control systems
China, law及时公告announce in a timely manner
work.fl.及时分发timely distribution
proj.manag.及时到达due arrival
el.及时制造just-in-time manufacturing
fenc.及时time cut
China, law及时办理handled in a timely manner
China, law及时受理accept and handle without delay
exhib.及时告知duly informed
nautic., tech.及时和全面修理prompt and thorough repair
avia.及时回答信息系统instant responses information system
busin.及时in time
proj.manag.及时duly ad.
oil及时in due course
proverb及时处理a stitch in time saves nine
China, polit.及时完善政策措施promptly revise policies and measures
China, law及时审理timely trial
commer.及时将此事通知买主communicate it to the buyer in due time
busin.及时强化律law of immediate reinforcement
China, law及时归还return promptly
IMF.及时timeliness IMF-EBB, of data
China, polit.及时总结经验carry out a timely review of our experience (in)
ecol.及时报废prompt scrap
securit.及时披露timely disclosure
space及时指令管理time-related instruction management (系统)
avia.及时指令管理time related instruction management
China, law及时接受promptly accept
textile及时援助seasonable aid
tech.及时支撑forepoling support
China, law及时收押take a criminal into custody without delay
China, law及时救助timely assistance
China, law及时救护promptly arrange for first aid
avia.及时替换replacement in time
China, law及时核实verify in a timely manner
ecol.及时核对current check
busin.及时检验有缺点产品inspect for defects promptly
agric.及时灌溉timely irrigation
proj.manag.及时生产just in time
el.及时生产just-in-time production
econ.及时生产just-in-time manufacturing
textile及时生产供应系统just in time JIT system
gen.及时in season
econ.及时的医疗the timely medical treatment
econ.及时的帮助the timely help
interntl.trade.及时的援助seasonable aid
sport.及时的进攻timely attack
China, polit.及时研究和解决take quick steps to address (new problems)
gen.及时抓紧时间行动not let the grass grow under one's feet
China, law及时解除removed or lifted in time
fin.及时调整政策make timely adjustment to policies
el.及时调节deliberate control action
econ.及时贷款timeliness of credit
China, law及时足额on time and in full
tech.及时、足额发放timely and sufficient funding
fenc.及时转移time degagement
avia.及时运送on time delivery
China, law及时返还return in a timely manner
fenc.及时还击immediate riposte
fenc.及时进攻attack into tempo
China, law及时退还return without delay
busin.及时通知duly notice
securit.及时通知duly notified
proj.manag.及时采购安排just-in-time purchasing arrangements
agric.及时opportune rain
econ.及时预警和干预系统timely warning and intervention system
textile及踝时装式样maxi (style)
auto.可变气门正时及气门升程电子控制装置一种能根据发动机转速及负荷由 ECU 自动调节气门正时和气门升程的装置variable valve timing and valve lift electronic control
auto.可变气门正时及气门升程电子控制装置variable valve timing and valve lift electronic control
el.mach.同时可触及部分simultaneously accessible parts
adv.同时收到两种及以上当月期刊的住户household combinations of magazines
bridge.同时攻牌及打牌attack and play cards at the same time
commer.向卖方力陈及时装运货物的重要性urge upon the seller the importance of shipment in time
econ.因果及机率时间deterministic or probabilistic times
consult.国际货物销售的时限及限制时效工作小组Working Group on Time Limits and Limitation prescriptions in the International Sale of Goods
econ.在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况时,承包商必须采取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
tech.在港及出航时期的保险at and from insurance
fin.垫付款项充作临时及额外费用advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense
busin.垫付款项充做临时及非常费用advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense
commer.培训规划的及时timing of training programmes
gen.好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately
commer.如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方式发运货物If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis
commer.如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless worked
commer.如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless used
econ.如果不能及时付款,我们将无法赶装此轮Failing prompt payment, we will miss the steamer
econ.如遇意外事故,雇主应负责对受雇人提供及时救护The employer shall be responsible for immediate care of employees in case of accident
textile安装时间及费用installation time and costs
gen.客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,同时您的消费额将被计入您的账单There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded
space导航控制及时序计算机guidance control and sequencing computer
commer.尽管他们作了一切保证,但未及时交货In spite of all their assurances, they didn't make the delivery in time
econ.尽管他们承接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time
expl.岩石及混凝土爆破时的破碎特性blast fragmentation behaviour of rock and concrete
proj.manag.当20世纪80年代个人电脑开始普及之后、电脑艺术也时髦起来Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public
econ.当发生危及财产的紧急事故时,应提供必要的材料和安装必要的设备During an emergency endangering property, necessary materials and equipment should be furnished and installed
busin.您会及时收到我们的货物,希望您能够满意I believe that the products will reach you in time and hope they will give you complete satisfaction
econ.感谢你方及时提供细节Thank you for offering us specifics in time
econ.我们会对你们的汇票及时照付We will accord your draft due protection
econ.我们工人的工作量太大,不能及时完成The load is too heavy for our workers to finish in time
gen.我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience
commer.我们相信货物将及时抵达你处We trust that the goods will reach you in due course
econ.我们认为要求你方及时完成全部订单是合理的We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time
commer.我方一定注意及时开证We'll see to it that the L/C is established in time
commer.我方作艰苦工作才使货物及时装岀We had hard work getting all the goods shipped in time
econ.我方将及时在指定的地点提供必要数量的材料供建造工厂使用We shall supply necessary amount of materials for the construction of the plant in time at the designated point
econ.我方将尽力加快装运以及时满足你方要求We will do our best to expedite shipment to meet your requirements in time
commer.我方有理由要求你方及时装运货物We have reason to request you to effect shipment in time
econ.我方订货发运时,我们会及时得到他们的通知We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered
tech.报告提交及时timely rate of report filing
busin.抵达及时instant of arrival
busin.抽样及时sampling instant
org.name.招聘支持及临时协助组Recruitment Support and Temporary Assistance Group
tech.按工时及材料定价法time and material pricing
space数据及时时效data timeliness
fin.新华富时中国 25指数期货及期权合约FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index futures and options contracts
bridg.constr.无箍筋及斜筋时混凝土的容许主拉应力allowable principal tension stress of concrete without stirrup and diagonal bar
logist.时区标准时间附录 1 国外及中国港澳台地区主要货运与物流组织包括航线运价组织zone standard time
interntl.trade.时效及限制time limit and limitation
busin.时效及限制time limits and limitations
manag.时间及信用管理员time and credit clerk
econ.时间及日期time and date
commun., railw.时间及测速单元Time and Odometer Unit
auto.更换零件名称及工时指南parts and time guides
econ.有时候,一些建筑物是照一次总付合同及成本加佣金合同建造的Sometimes buildings are built under lumpsum and cost-plus contracts
bridg.constr.有箍筋及斜筋时混凝土的容许主拉应力allowable principal tension stress of concrete with stirrups and diagonal reinforcement
commer.有责任及时交货be obligated to deliver the goods in time
agric.及时开花unseasonable flowering
econ.根据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
econ.根据合同,你方应毫无保留地及时给我方提供一切详情和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
econ.款到后,我方银行会及时告知你方Our bank will inform you of the credit in due course
avia.及时just in time
China, law正确、及时审理correct and timely trial
econ.毫无疑问,这批货会及时装运的Out of question, the goods will be shipped in time
hydroel.st.永久及施工临时用地汇总表Summary of land requisition for permanent use and constructi temporary use
gen.没有及时反应miss one's cue
econ.温哥华保兑商行通知说,有关信用证本应及时修改好Vancouver confirming house's advice was that the relative L/C should have been duly amended
expl.然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast
space状态存储器及实时系统status memory and real-time system
commer.现时实际需求的大小及结构size and composition of present effective demand
nautic., tech.登乘时间及下水时间embarkation time E and launching time L
gen.outspend 的过去时及过去分词比别人花费多outspent
oil突破时波及系数breakthrough sweep efficiency
dril.等待及整训时间management downtime
commer.答应及时开立信用证promise to establish a letter of credit in time
gen.签证处理时间一般为三个工作日,但是具体个案处理时间可能根据个人情况及特殊要求而定Visa processing time is typically three working days, but processing time for specific cases may vary due to individual circumstances and other special requirements
tech.维修及服务时间repair and servicing time
commer.而是由于你方信用证未及时抵达我方The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit
proj.manag.若要卸载单个映象及其依赖项、可使用与安装此映象时相同的命令行参数To uninstall a single image and its dependencies, use the same command-line arguments that were used to install the image
expl.药包埋深不仅是决定空气压力强度的主要因素、而且对脉冲频率及持续时间也有影响The depth of burial of the charges is not only a primary factor in determining the intensity of the air pressures, but it also has an effect on the frequency and duration of the pulses
drag.行动及时action and timing
commer.装运延误并非由于我方未能及时备货The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit
oil见水时波及系数breakthrough sweep efficiency
automat.记录鉴定及控制时间系统record evaluate and control time system
proj.manag.设计人员可以在短时间内制造一个固体模型以及简单地改变和测试它Designers can then create a solid model in a short time and easily make changes and task tests
commer.请务必及时执行本订单By all manner of means please execute this order in time
commer.请勿忘及时通知我方装运事宜Please don't neglect to advise us of the shipment in time
econ.请在书面通知里,详细说明谈判时间及地点Please particularize the time and place of the negotiation in the written notice
econ.请尽最大努力及时按订单规定交货,使我方客户完全满意Please do your utmost to execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without any delay
expl.读起史书、他时常有去参观埃及的金字塔群的想往Reading history books, he is sometimes fird with a desire to visit the Egyptian pyramids
econ.货币及信用经济时代period of money and credit economy
interntl.trade.赔偿责任的时间及地区限制temporal and geographical limit of liability
econ.赔偿责任的时间及地区限制the temporal and geographical limit of liability
busin.起程及时instant of departure
gen.车程总长及开车时间total travel estimate
space载波及比特定时恢复carrier and bit timing recovery
auto.运输及时rate of timely delivery
bridg.constr.铆钉受剪及承压时的疲劳容许应力allowable fatigue stress of rivet in shearing and compressing
watchm.防水表壳,自动上发条的机芯,表盘日历窗,格林尼治双时区腕表以及潜水腕表都是劳力士的发明The waterproof case, the self- winding movement, the date window in the dial, the GMT two-time-zone watch and the diving watch are all Rolex inventions
busin.预估资金的流转时间及数量estimate of time and amount of the flow of fund
tech.频率及计时间标准frequency and time standard
expl.飞石产生的主要原因包括抵抗线不足、炮泥长度不够、钻孔不精确、单位炸药消耗量过多、地质条件不利露天节理、矿层不稳固和空穴、延时定时和序列不当、延时不精确、发生反向爆破、以及台阶上部岩石松散等The major causes of flyrock are inadequate burden, inadequate stemming length, drilling inaccuracy, excessive powder factor,unfavorable geological conditions open joints, weak seams and cavities, inappropriate delay timing and sequence, inaccuracy of delays, back break and loose rock on top of the bench
org.name.驻欧洲联盟及比利时联络处布鲁塞尔Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium