
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不要浪费钱财买无用之物Don't waste money on trash
年比该厂产量增加了百分之五十The output of the factory has increased by fifty percent as compared with last year
专线outgoing tieline message (与专线来报 (incoming tieline message) 相对)
为核对账目,现附明细表一张列举已装运各批货物及应付佣金For reconciliation of accounts, we are sending you herewith a statement listing shipments made and commissions payable
今年产量将比年高得多The outturn this year will be much higher than last year
从信用证中删上述词语delete the above-mentioned words from the L/C
以一切合理的努力获取所需的许可证A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
以免失销售机会Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market
你方必须从信用证中删提及的条款It is necessary that you delete the clause mentioned from the L/C
兹寄你方所要保险单更改批单We are sending you herewith the requested indorsement to the insurance policy
兹寄你方所要保险单更改批单We are sending you herewith the requested endorsement to the insurance policy
兹附我方第100号销售确认书一式两份We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 100 in duplicate (in two copies)
兹附我第九号目录补遗Enclosed please find a supplement to our catalogue No. 9
兹附检验报告一份以作为我方的索赔根据We enclose herewith a survey report in support of our claim
兹附800美元支票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的佣金We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date
再争论下也无效果It would be idle to argue further
买东西go marketing
壳虾peeled shrimp
年收益减少10%There was a 10% decrease in earnings last year
某人办公室拜访某人call at sb's office
鱼鳃和内脏后重量gilled and gutted weight
反对从信用证中删该条款object to deleting the clause from the letter of credit
发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function
可略negligible a. quantity
可略neglectable quantity
合同失约束力The contract ceased to bind on the both parties because of the force majeure case
否则大部分多余小麦就必须出口到世界市场上Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
使用价值的东西dead duck
时效债权bar red claim
时效权利bar red right
如果不能在五月装运,我们只好撤回订单他处采购If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order
完全失对价total failure of consideration
已失时效的合同outlawed contract
必需的进口许可证一经签发,我们将向你方电要求报实盘On the issuance of the necessary import licence, we'll cable you for your firm offer
我们已从信用证中删了有关条款As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit
我方现寄标准货样We're sending you the standard samples at the request of your representative
把供应赶快运hurry forward supplies
把该原理贯彻应用到设计工作中pursue the principle to the design
最后一条款必须从信用证中删The last clause shall be omitted from the L/C
壳的花生 Arachis hypogaeagroundnut in shell
壳的花生 Arachis hypogaeaunshelled groundnut
此类货物的贸易额自年以来有了很大增加The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year
用空邮寄样品The samples are being sent by air mail
由于无直达船舶你港,货物必须转运As there is no direct vessel to your port, the goods will have to be transhipped
电报报表单sending form
人民币1,000元的支票一张enclose a cheque for CNY 1,000
星期日与假日的晴天工作日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
水分moisture removal