
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一次电路理图primary circuit diagram
一种快速a rapid prototype
一致consistency principle
一致始递归函数uniformly primitive recursive function
一致有界uniform boundedness principle
一般因故障common cause failure
一般会计general accounting principles
一贯doctrine of consistency
组织three-foundation weave (平纹斜纹缎纹三个基本组织)
set of colours
three-primary colours
three-primary colors
set of colors
色体系three primary colour system
色单位trichromatic unit
色印花trichromatic printing
色图像trichromatic image
色坐标trichromatic coordinates
色法tricolor system
色滤光片elementary colour filter
色滤光片elementary color filter
色系数trichromatic coefficient
色系统trichromatic system
三倍于物的损害赔偿treble damage
三分之一和三分之二one-third two-thirds rule
三同时three-simultaneous rule
三弯距theorem of three-moments
三种料配料ternary mix
三色复three-colour display
三色复three-color display
三角形冲积平triangular alluvial plain
三角洲上部平upper delta plain
三角洲平沉积deltaic plain deposit
三角洲平沼泽地delta plain swamp
三阶third-order theory
上三角洲平沉积upper delta-plain deposit
上升滨岸平raised beach platform
上升滨岸平raised beach plain
上流upflow principle
下三角洲平沉积lower delta-plain deposit
下包络lower envelope principle
下降平subsided plain
下限lower bound theorem
不交叉对比non-crossing correlation rule
不可谅的拖期non-excusable delays
不同尺寸稿different-sized original
不同频率收发crossband principle
不含水water-free oil
不含蜡non-waxy crude
不对称asymmetrical atom
不对称asymmetric atom
不对称碳asymmetrical carbon atom
不对称碳asymmetric carbon atom
不毛的高barren plateau
不相容Pauli exclusion principle
不确定性理不定性原理uncertainty principle
不稳定沥青unstable protobitumen
不稳定unstabilized crude oil
不透明稿opaque original
不饱和unsaturated oil
丘陵平岩溶hilly and plain karst
丛林草bushveld (南非)
丝状纤维filamentary fibril
严格一致strict compliance rule
严格比较strict comparison principle
伊豆一小笠海沟Izu-Ogasawara trench
优先专用权prior appropriation doctrine
优先用水权prior appropriation doctrine
优化principle of optimality
优质good oil
会计基本fundamentals of accounting
传染cause of infection
借贷principle of debit and credit
借贷平衡principle of equilibrium
分子中双子法diatomics-in-molecule method
分带平belted plain
分散decentralization principle
分散料库decentralized material storage
分散型还染料dispersable vat dyes
分析子光analytical atomic spectroscopy
分析子光analytic atomic spectroscopy
分析子吸收光谱学analytical atomic absorption spectroscopy
分析子吸收光谱学analytic atomic absorption spectroscopy
分析性analytic principles
分程序结构block structure mechanism
分类criterion of classification
分类principle of classification
分组principle of classification
分组group forming criterion
分色colour separated copy
分色individual image
分色separate tracing
分色separate manuscript
分色keyed original trace
分色color separated copy
分色colour separation masters
分色color separation masters
分色清绘keyed original trace
分裂与还技术splitting and reassembling technique
分路by-path principle
分选separation principle
分选grading principle
分配allocation principles
切割低平dissected low plain
切变shearing principle
切换switching principle
列车模拟train simulation rationale
初期侵蚀平incipient peneplain
初级primary raw materials
初级elementary fibril
初级微elementary microfibril
包容envelope principle
包容inclusion principle
包络envelope principle
principle of optimality
化合combination principle
化合体积combining-volumes principle
化学子量mass on chemical scale
化学子量chemical atomic weight
化学chemical principle
化学定律和law and principle of chemistry
化学氧化还chemical oxidation reduction
化学絮凝净化的污水chemically flocculated and clarified raw sewage
化学还chemical reducing
化学还作用chemical reduction
化害为利综合利用principle of comprehensive utilization of turning harm into good
化工industrial chemicals
化工heavy chemical
化工料矿产raw material commodities for chemical industry
化工料矿物mineral material for chemical industry
式采水器Kitahara type water bottle
合成composite artwork
合成synthetical oil
合成synthetic oil
合成synthetical crude
合成氨料气synthetical for synthetical ammonia
合成氨料气synthetic for synthetic ammonia
合格acceptable material
合格qualified raw sheet
合理可行尽量低as low as reasonable achievable principle
吊钩tackle principle
同位素的子量isotopic weight
同等几率insufficient reason rule
同量异序isobaric atom
唇面排水孔钻头bottom-discharge bit blank
唇面排水眼钻头bottom-discharge bit blank
圆片theory of discs
圆盘theory of discs
圈流湿法料粉磨closed circuit wet raw grinding
土体位测试in-situ soil mass test
土力学soil mechanics principle
土地分区land zoning regulations
土地复land reconversion
土壤复regradation of soil
土壤氧化还redox of soil (作用)
土壤氧化还oxidation-reduction in soil (作用)
土壤钻探始资料soil boring source
土的位密度测定field density determination of soil
圣维南Saint Venant principle (即等力载原理)
圣维南等力载原理principle of Saint Venant
圣维南principle of Saint Venant
圣•维南弹性St. venant principle of elasticity
堆积平littoral plain
堆积平海岸constructional plain coast
处理principle of management
备用safety copy
setting back
价值recovery value
分类群restored taxa
力矩righting moment
力矩righting couple
力矩restoring moment
力臂righting arm of stability
力臂righting lever
力臂righting arm
recovery volume
recovery quotient
restoration drawing
地图palinspastic map
工作restoration work
式装置apparatus with homing position
弹簧release spring
弹簧antagonistic spring
弹簧座centring spring seat
强度resilient strength
指令release command
按扭carriage return button
接触器reset contactor
控制restore control
期间recovery phase
期间recovery period
构件restoring component
restoring method
测标recovery peg
盐土regarded alkali soil
碱土regraded alkali soil
端头returned end
系数return coefficient
终止管理程序recovery termination manager
能量restored energy
脉冲发生器reset pulse generator
装置recovery apparatus
试验recovery test
误差reset error
阶段recovery phase
面容reconstruction of face contour
复制duplicate original
复式簿记principle of double-entry bookkeeping
复照reprographic original
复露准平岸线resurrected peneplain shoreline
外业field sheet
外业图实测原图field map
多伊尔木板积表Doyle-scribner rule
多余surplus stock
多余superfluous raw material
多利安柱式的proto-Doric order
多数majority principle
多普勒Doppler principle
多湾海岸平embayed coastal plain
多管式氢还multiple tube hydrogen furnace
多频收发crossband principle
big log
大冰large ice field
大地geodetic point of origin
大气复时间atmospheric recovery time
大草风格Prairie style
大质量支撑principle of massive support
大陆架平continental shore plain
大陆架平continental shelf plain
射影地恒等射影不变性projectively identical
将结果与来对比relation of results to the originals
small log
小冰small ice-field
小砂sand sheet
尖削木下锯法tape sawing
市场marketing principle
布劳威尔不动点Brouwer's fixed point theorem
布拉格一格雷Bragg-Gray principle
帕斯卡Pascal's theory
带式片干燥器belt veneer dryer
带梢long log with slender top
带状沿海平belted coastal plain
带电charge atom
带皮rough wood
开坯动机cogging engine
弃采cause of discarded mining
水的隧道raw water tunnel
引上玻璃板宽度ribbon width
引导vectoring doctrine
弗兰克一康登Franck-Condon principle
成包bale cotton
成本一产量一利润分析generalizations on cost-volume profit analysis
成熟始森林old growth
成片冰continuous field ice
成矿元素沉淀precipitating cause of ore-forming elements
战略strategic raw material
战略与稀有重要strategic and critical raw material
指导guide principle
指明assignable cause
价计算calculated on the basis of their original price
保险单价格value as in original policy
始成本编制的报表historical cost statement
始成本编制的报表historic cost statement
按中等开销加利润则确定的价格cost-plus price
按件计酬piece rate principle
按吸收理工作的贝塔测量计beta absorption gauge
按吸收理工作的贝塔测量计beta absorption gage
按直接材料成本法direct material cost method
按经济in economy
按薄膜上升理工作的蒸发器climbing-film evaporator
按轴向理建成的建筑物structure built on the axial principle (指长的建筑物)
挤压制模hob master
明晰清楚principle of clarity
易分解沥青labile protobitumen
最优化principle of optimality
最优化optimization criterion
最优性principle of optimality
最佳弯曲optimal crooked principle
最佳性principle of optimality
最功变形principle of least work of deformation
最大复ultimate recovery
最大复力臂对应角angle for maximum righting lever
最大实体maximum material principle
最大平均不确定性maximum average uncertainty principle
最大最值maximum-minimum principle
最大模maximum modulus principle
最大诚信principle of utmost good faith
最小二乘principle of least squares
最小位能principle of minimum potential energy
最小位能law of minimum potential energy
最小余能principle of minimum complementary energy
最小作用principle of least action
最小作用量principle of least action
最小冗余principle of minimal redundancy
最小功principle of the least work
最小功least-work principle
最小势能principle of minimum potential energy
最小势能理法method of minimum potential
最小应变能principle of minimum strain-energy
最小模minimum modulus principle
最小约束principle of least constraint
最小能量principle of minimum energy
最小能量minimum energy principle
最小能量比minimum energy ratio principle
最小限度活动的principle of minimal action
最少孔隙含量principle of minimum voids content
最短时间least-time principle
有效子电荷effective atomic charge
有缺陷defective materials
有覆盖平covered plain
服务成本课税cost-of-service taxation principle
服务费用cost-of-service principle
期望expected principle
标准prototype standard
标准材料的成本standard material cost
标准三色油墨standard three colour ink
标准三色油墨standard three color ink
标准氧化还standard oxidation-reduction potential
标准氧化还电位standard oxidation-reduction potential
标准米prototype meter
标准还溶液normal reducing solution
标准还电位standard reduction potential
标准还电势normal reduction potential
标志marker crude
标志体始轴率initial axial ratio of markers
标志体始长度initial length of markers
标记marker atom
标记子法labelled atom method
标记子法labeled atom method
校正corrective material
校正correcting material
微生物plant pathogenic microorganisms
植物病真菌plant pathogenic fungi
植物病害防治plant disease control principle
modulus principle
模型与型关系model-prototype relationship
模拟始条件pseudo-primeval condition
模版stencil master
子粒子subatomic particle
次生secondary raw material
民事civil plaintiff
气体催化还gas catalytic reduction equipment
气体还净化装置gas reduction purification equipment
气相氢化物子系数分光光度法gas hydride atomic absorption spectrophotometry
气镇gas ballast principle
子微波激射器atomic hydrogen maser
子振荡器hydrogen atomic oscillator
子焊接atomic hydrogen welding
子焊接atomic H welding
子电弧焊接atomic hydrogen arc welding
子质量mass of hydrogen atom
子钟hydrogen atomic clock
氢化物分离-子吸收法hydride separation-atomic absorption method
氢化铝锂还reduction by lithium aluminium hydride
氢化铝锂还lithium aluminium hydride reduction
氢碳子比hydrogen-carbon atomic ratio
氢碳子比atomic ratio of hydrogen to carbon
氢还铁粉hydrogen-reduced iron
氧化还redox (作用)
氧化还oxidation reduction
氧化还分析redox analysis
氧化还分析oxidation-reduction analysis
氧化还过程化学redox chemistry
氧化还redox zone
氧化还常数redox equilibrium constant
氧化还引发redox initiation (作用)
氧化还引发聚合redox initiate polymerization
氧化还redox state
氧化还指示剂oxidation-reduction indicator
氧化还树脂redox resin
氧化还活性乳化聚合redox-activated emulsion polymerization
氧化还活性介质redox-active media
氧化还活性物种redox-active species
氧化还活性电对redox-active couple
氧化还理论theory of redox
氧化还电位reduction-oxidation potential
氧化还电位检测器redox potential detector
氧化还电位法redox potentiometry
氧化还电势redox potential
氧化还电势oxidation-reduction potential
氧化还电势突变redox potential discontinuity
氧化还电势突变oxidation-reduction discontinuity
氧化还电对oxidation-reduction pair
氧化还电极oxidation-reduction electrode
氧化还缓冲redox buffering
氧化还速率常数redox rate constant
清漆材料varnish raw material
清绘ink manuscript
清绘final drawing
清绘hand-drawn original
清绘drawing original
清绘图审校drafting editing
球状复spheroidal recovery
生产经济economic principles of production
生产食品和纤维的raw materials to produce food and fiber
生态ecologic consideration
生态复ecologic rehabilitation
生态道德ecological moral principle
生态道德ecologic moral principle
生物还biological reduction
生物还biologic reduction
真本二元二次型properly primitive binary quadratic form
真本二次型properly primitive quadratic form
真空热还vacuum thermal reduction
真空热还vacuum thermal method
sandy plain
砍平hewn timber
稀有scarce raw materials
稀树干草tree savanna
稀树草park land
稀树草气候savannah climate
稀树草气候savanna climate
稀树草疏林savannah woodland
稀树草疏林savanna woodland
程序programme text
程序program text
索姆深海平Somme abyssal plain
索马里深海平Somalia abyssal plain
编绘primary compilation
编绘compiled sheet
编绘composition map
编绘composition sheet
编绘compiled map
编绘compiled plot
编绘edit plot
编绘compilation plot
编绘图审校compilation editing
编辑primitive map for compilation
耐火refractory raw material
耐火料分级classification of refractory raw material
脉冲包络pulsed envelope principle
脉冲反射pulse reflection principle
脉冲宽度调制pulse width modulation principle
萃取火焰子吸收法extraction flame atomic absorption method
蜡克lacquer original
蠕变theory of creep
蠕变复creep recovery
谁污染谁治理principle of keeping pollution controlled by whomever making
调度operating policy
调度员dispatcher primitive
调查火灾establish the cause of a fire
调配材料allocation of raw materials
贝尔曼最优Bellman's principle of optimality
贝尔曼最优性Bellman's principle of optimality
贝尚还Bechamp reduction
贝特洛一汤姆逊Berthelot-Thomsen principle
负担能力ability-to-pay principle
负税能力ability-to-pay principle of taxation
财务调度杠杆leverage principle
责任obligation principle
账面gross book value
退回物诉讼action for restitution
适度从紧appropriately stringent financial policy
逆流counter-current action
选择selection principle
选择特定selective crude
选择性还selective reduction
透明稿transparent original
速度分选velocity-sorting principle
造型及设计theory of form and design
造纸paper-making raw material
销售额极大化sales-maximization principle
锅炉控制理图diagram of boiler control
锌氯化银电池zinc-silver-chloride primary cell
锌还zinc reducing method
锚泊cause of anchorage
震时互易seismic reciprocity
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