
Terms containing 原位 | all forms | in specified order only
environ.三位一体的原则trinity of principles trias of environmental policy principles: precautionary, originator (polluter-pays) and cooperation principle; Three fundamental principles of environmental policy: precautionary principle, polluter pays-principle and cooperation principle (环境政策的三个基本原则:预报原则、污染者付费原则和合作原则。)
tech.三原色单位trichromatic unit
gen.与末位相邻的碳原子adjacent-to-end carbon
busin.中位区位原理median location principle
busin.中位投票人原理median voter theorem
tech.中等原子量同位素intermediate isotope
tenn.中间站位原则centre theory
tenn.中间站位原则center theory
plast.surg.乳腺导管原位ductal carcinoma in situ
interntl.trade.代位原则subrogation principle
econ.代位原则a subrogation principle
met.代位式溶质原子substitutional solute atom
commer.会计企业本位原则entity concept
met.位移原子数最大值displacement spike
gen.位移原子数的最大值displacement spike
tech.位置复原图palinspastic map
met.位错与固溶间隙原子间的相互作用dislocation interaction with dissolved interstitials
tech.低位湿原low moor
tech.低位湿原泥炭low moor peat
tech.低品位原料low-grade material
met.低品位原矿low-grade run-of-mine
life.sc.体外-原位基因治疗ex vivo gene therapy
dermat.佩吉特病样原位黑素瘤pagetoid malignant melanoma in situ
China, polit.保持同原选举单位密切的联系maintain close contact with the electoral units which elected deputies
genet.倒数第三位碳原子antepenultimate carbon
genet.倒数第二位碳原子penultimate carbon
gen.停在原位stay put
tech.光学零位原理optical null principle
tech.光学零位原理optic null principle
agric.六位体[壳粒]抗原hexon antigen
agric.再定位原点reorigin (reorigo)
proj.manag.击键的原始扫描码按照键盘型号被转换成键位代码The raw scan code of the key is then translated into key code according to the keyboard model
earth.sc.区位原则location principle
earth.sc.千分之一原子质量单位millimass unit
econ.单位产品原料消耗consumption per unit product of raw materials
busin.单位产品原材料消耗量consumption of raw materials per unit of product
tech.单位原矿回收unitary ore
earth.sc.单位时间原子核变化events per unit time
tech.单位记录原则unit record principle
el.单片综合原位多重处理技术single-wafer integrated in-situ multiprocessing
construct.原〔起〕始位置original position
tech.原位original position
environ.原位in situ In the natural or normal place (在自然或平常的地方。)
karate.原位moto no ichi
chem.原位in site
genet.原位 PCRin situ PCR
telecom.原位home position
bridg.constr.原位original site
petanq.原位original place
life.sc.原位in situ
tech.原位上覆压力in-situ overburden pressure
gen.留在原位不动stay put
agric.原位中子活化分析in situ neutron activation analysis
earth.sc.原位修正modified in situ
polym.原位光聚合in situ photopolymerization
polym.原位共混in situ blending
surg.原位内分泌瘤orthoendocrine tumor
tech.原位击实试验Proctor compaction test
genet.原位分子杂交molecular hybridization in situ
gen.原位相加结果存原位add in-place
tech.原位加固土桩in-situ stabilized column
tech.原位加州承载比试验in-situ CBR test
tech.原位加州承载比试验in-situ California bearing ratio test
tech.原位动力压实法in-situ dynamical compaction procedure
tech.原位动力压实法in-situ dynamic compaction procedure
tech.原位动力工程性质dynamical engineering property in-situ
tech.原位动力工程性质dynamic engineering property in-situ
water.res., ecol.原位化学处理in situ chemical treatment
tech.原位化学处理in-situ chemical treatment
agric.原位化学探测in situ chemical probing
bridg.constr.原位十字板抗剪强度in-situ vane shear strength
tech.原位单轴抗压试验in-situ uniaxial compressive test
tech.原位压实力field compactive effort
chem.原位反应reaction in-situ
tech.原位发动机engine in situ
polym.原位发泡foam in situ
polym.原位发泡in situ foaming
polym.原位发泡foaming in situ
tech.原位含水量in-situ water content
tech.原位固结时间field consolidation time
bridg.constr.原位in-situ soil
tech.原位in-situ soil (壤)
tech.原位soil in-situ
tech.原位field soil
tech.原位土密度filed density
tech.原位土密度density of soil in place
busin.原位土工试验in situ soil test
bridg.constr.原位土工试验inplace soil test
tech.原位土工试验field soil test
tech.原位地层图dip-corrected map
anim.husb.原位培养in situ cultivation
agric.原位培养in situ culture
polym.原位增强in situ reinforcement
water.res., ecol.原位处理in situ treatment
tech.原位处理in-situ treatment
polym.原位复合材料in situ composite
tech.原位复合材料in-situ composite
surg.原位多器官灌注in situ multiple organ perfusion
tech.原位孔隙比in-situ void ratio
tech.原位孔隙比field void ratio
tech.原位安装on-site installation
tech.原位定量in-situ quantitation
tech.原位实时观察法real-time and in-situ observation
tech.原位容重in-situ unit weight
bridg.constr.原位密度in-place density
bridg.constr.原位密度in-situ density
tech.原位密度field density
polym.原位 X 射线衍射技术in situ X-ray diffraction technique
surg.原位小肠移植orthotopic small intestine transplantation
tech.原位应力in-situ stress
polym.原位引发剂in situ initiator
bridg.constr.原位强度in-situ strength
tech.原位强度field strength
surg.原位心脏移植orthotopic cardiac transplantation
otorhinol.原位性眼震primary position nystagmus
dermat.原位恶性黑素瘤malignant melanoma in situ
el.原位执行技术execute in place
agric.原位扩增in situ amplification
tech.原位承载试验field loading test
tech.原位抽水渗透性试验pumping test in-situ
tech.原位抽水渗透性试验field pumping test
tech.原位推压试验in-place push test
el.原位掺磷多晶硅技术in-situ phosphorus-doped polysilicon technology
geophys.原位断开的normally open
surg.原位旁肝移植paratopic liver transplantation
surg.原位旁胰腺移植paratopic pancreas transplantation
tech.原位有效上覆压力in-situ effective overburden pressure
tech.原位有效压力in-situ effective pressure
tech.原位有效压力field effective pressure
biotechn.原位杂交in situ hybridization
genet.RNA 原位杂交in situ RNA hybridization
genet.DNA 原位杂交in situ DNA hybridization
otorhinol.分子原位杂交hybridization histochemistry
agric.原位DNA-RNA 杂交in situ DNA-RNA hybridization
agric.原位DNA-DNA 杂交in situ DNA-DNA hybridization
agric.原位杂交hybridization in situ
genet.原位杂交作图in situ hybridization mapping
genet.原位杂交定位in situ hybridization mapping
genet.原位杂交显带技术in situ hybridization banding
polym.原位杂化复合材料in situ hybrid composite
space原位标定in-site calibration
space原位校验in-site test
agric.原位核酸杂交in situ nucleic acid hybridization
avia.原位检查on-aircraft check
desert.原位氧化in-situ oxidation
polym.原位氯化接枝共聚合in-situ chlorinating grafting copoly merization
tech.原位水当量field moisture equivalent
supercond.原位in-situ process
dermat.原位浅表性扩张性黑素瘤superficial spreading melanoma in situ
compr.原位测试in-situ test
railw.原位测试in situ test
tech.原位测试in-situ testing
tech.原位测量in-situ measurement
desert.原位测量in situ measurement
genet.原位消化法in situ digestion
anim.husb.原位混合法in situ hybridization
tech.原位渗入field infiltration
tech.原位渗透试验in-situ permeability test
tech.原位渗透试验field permeability testing
tech.原位渗透系数field coefficient of permeability
tech.原位激振试验in-situ impulse test
mol.gen.原位激活in situ activation
geol.原位玻璃透明in-situ vitrification
el.原位生成直观推断技术in-situ generated heuristic technology
tech.原位生物修复in-situ bioremediation
water.res., ecol.原位生物修复in situ bioremediation
ecol.原位生物修复in-situ bio-remediation
water.res., ecol.原位生物处理in situ biological treatment
tech.原位生物处理in-situ biological treatment
water.res., ecol.原位生物膜in situ biofilm
tech.原位生物膜in-situ biofilm
space原位生长工艺in-site growth process
chem.原位电泳in-situ electrophoresis
agric.原位电泳in situ electrophoresis
life.sc.原位carcinoma in situ
plast.surg.原位in situ cancer
life.sc.原位in situ
tech.原位监测in-situ monitoring
tech.原位监测in-situ monitor
tech.原位直剪试验in-situ direct shear test
polym.原位硫化法in situ curing
oil原位示踪剂in-situ tracer
chem.原位示踪剂in situ tracer
anim.husb.原位离体肠技术in situ isolated gut techniques
life.sc.原位移植orthotopic transplantation
el.原位现场粒子监测仪in-situ particle monitor
polym.原位红外in situ IR spectroscopy
avia.原位维修on-site measurement
polym.原位缩聚in situ polycondensation
earth.sc.原位in situ
busin.原位home position
gen.原位dead ahead position
tech.原位置土soil in-situ
tech.原位置强度in-situ strength
tech.原位置试验in-situ test
polym.原位聚合polymerization in situ
polym.原位聚合in situ polymerization
polym.原位聚合薄膜in situ polymerized film
surg.原位肝移植orthotopic transplantation of liver
surg.原位肝移植orthotopic liver transplantation
dermat.原位肢端雀斑样痣性黑素瘤acral lentiginous melanoma in situ
earth.sc.原位脱氮活度in situ denitrification activity
IT原位记录home record
tech.原位试验field testing
busin.原位试验in situ testing
bridg.constr.原位试验in-place test
tech.原位试验field test
tech.原位贯击数校正correction of field blow count
IT原位转移方法in-place migration method
genet.原位杂交选择in situ selection
space原位通信in-situ communication
space原位通信网in-situ communication net
chem.原位造粒成膜法particle-preparedin situ method
tech.原位重度field unit weight
tech.原位home key
el.原位闭合的normally closed
chem.原位预处理in situ pretreatment
soil.原位风化物in situ weathered material
repr.biol.原位鳞状细胞癌在阴茎头、心冠状沟或包皮上出现局限性光滑的红斑丘疹,形成脱屑或浅在性溃疡Queyrat's erythroplasia
dermat.原位鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma in situ
tech.原先吨位builder's tonnage
corp.gov.原单位releasing organization
auto.原厂标准设计位置manufacturer's nominal design attitude
auto.驾驶人/座椅原厂标准设计驾驶位置manufacturer's nominal design riding attitude position
auto.驾驶人/座椅原厂标准设计驾驶位置manufacturer's nominal design driving attitude position
agric.原噬菌体位点prophage site
agric.原噬菌体位点特异整合prophage site-specific integration
genet.原噬菌体位置prophage site
agric.原噬菌体附着位prophage attachment site
agric.原噬菌体附着座位prophage attachment locus
el.原型[样机]开发单位prototype development unit
tech.原型配位体prototypical ligand
tech.原始位置home position
CNC原始位置reference position
agric.原始位置指光系统 II 的作用中心primary site
telecom.原始位置home location
econ.原始位置initial position
gen.原始位置initial situation
stat.原始单位primary unit
math.原始单位,初级单位primary unit
geophys.重复式地层测试器原始压力值个位数raw pressure one's digit
geophys.重复式地层测试器原始压力值十位数数值raw pressure ten, s digit
geophys.重复式地层测试器原始压力值千位数数值raw pressure thousand's digit
geophys.重复式地层测试器原始压力值百位数数值raw pressure hundred’s digit
geophys.原始套管接箍定位器raw casing collar locator
geophys.原始套管接箍定位器raw CCL
geophys.原始微电位raw micro-normal
busin.原始抽样单位Primary Sampling Unit
busin.原始抽样单位primal sampling unit
tech.原始放射性同位素primary radioisotope
tech.原始方位reference azimuth
geophys.原始方位角raw azimuth
dril.原始相对方位角raw relative bearing
geophys.原始自然电位raw spontaneous potential
geophys.原始自然电位raw SP
chem.原子量单位等于 1.66044 x 10-27 公斤atomic weight unit
gen.原子价轨道电离电位valence orbital ionization potential
tech.原子位移效应discomposition effect
met.原子位置atom site
met.原子位置atomic position
anim.husb.原子单位atom unit
earth.sc.原子单位atomic unit
avia.原子弹空中爆炸中心定位器atomic bomb air zero locator
el.原子时间单位atomic time unit
chem.原子电位atomic potential
el.原子蒸汽激光同位素分离atomic vapor laser isotope separation
busin.原子质量单位atom mass unit
el.统一原子质量单位unified atomic mass unit
chem.统一的原子质量单位unified atomic mass unit
nucl.phys.原子质量单位unified atomic mass unit
met.原子质量单位atomic mass unit
gen.原子质量单位等于 1.600 x 10-24克atomic mass unit
chem.原子重量单位atom weight unit
chem.原子量单位atomic weight unit
tech.原收款单位original payee
agric.原有单位面积产量finished unit area yield
met.原材料单位消耗unit raw material consumption
IT原来〔静止〕位置home position
tech.原来位置home position
navig.原标准深度单位original standard depth units
genet.原核生物蛋白质定位procaryotic protein localization
geol.原油单位oil unit
tech.原生同位素primeval isotope
tech.原生同位素parent isotope
energ.ind.原生放射性同位素radioactive parent
met.原生放射性同位素radioactive parent isotope
met.原矿品位raw ore grade
expl.原矿品位uncut value
tech.原稳定水位initial steady level
telecom.移动通信原籍位置home location
telecom.原籍位置寄存器home location register
telecom.原籍位置登记器home location register
tech.原设计水位designing water level
China, law原选举单位original electoral unit
China, law原选举单位unit which elected
China, polit.原选举单位the bodies that selected deputies
China, polit.原选举单位的人民代表大会会议sessions of the people's congresses of the units which elected deputies
tech.双位置原理double site principle
China, law受原选举单位的监督subject to supervision by the unit which elected
China, polit.受原选举单位的监督be subject to supervision by the units which elected them (deputies)
tech.变位线原理Muller-Breslau's principle
met.可控阴极电位还原滴定controlled cathode-potential reduction titration
tech.可能位移原理principle of possible displacement
chem.同位素原子量isotopic weight
geol.同位素原子量isotopic atomic weight
met.同位素指示剂原子tracer isotope atom
tech.同位素的原子量isotopic weight
met.同位素示踪原子tracer isotope atom
otorhinol.原位carcinoma in situ of larynx
nurs.噬斑原位杂交in situ plaque hybridization
genet.噬菌斑原位杂交in situ plaque hybridization
tech.原位力矩restoring torque
gen.回到原来位置make up for leeway
judo.回归原位keep in the centre
judo.回归原位keep in the center
construct.回归到原位的动作homing movement
tech.土体原位测试in-situ soil mass test
tech.土的原位密度测定field density determination of soil
space原位in situ
tech.原位in place
wind.原位in situ
anim.husb.原位in situ (in position)
dermat.在原来位置in situ
desert.在原来位置上in situ
gen.在有些情况下,这些检查项目甚至可以预防癌症从原位蔓延恶化In some cases, these tests can even prevent cancer from developing in the first place
tech.地下水位持续下降原因cause of groundwater continuous drawdown
genet.基因组原位杂交genome in situ hybridization
met.原位recocking position (高速成形机的)
busin.货币复本位制补偿原则compensatory principle of bimetallism
met.外来杂质原子与位错间的流体静压力相互作用hydrostatic interaction between foreign atoms and dislocations
met.定向凝固原位成形的复合材料directionally solidified in-situ composites
life.sc.定量荧光原位杂交quantitative FISH
dermat.家族性酒渣鼻样皮疹伴原位上皮瘤综合征Haber syndrome
dermat.家族性酒渣鼻样皮疹伴原位上皮瘤综合征familial rosacea-like eruption with intraepidermal epithelioma syndrome
swim.将臂收至原位recover arm
plast.surg.小叶原位lobular carcinoma in situ
tech.岩体原位试验in-situ test of rock mass
genet.引物原位 DNA 合成技术primer in situ DNA synthesis
telecom.恢复原位set back
agric.打印纸定位原点paper origin
biotechn.抗原决定部位antigenic determinant
agric.抗原结合部位antigen-binding site
gen.拨号盘恢复原位return of dial
fin.按原始货币单位编制的报表historical dollar statement
tech.撤离原位move-off position
swim.收臂至原位recovery of arms
swim.收臂至原位arm recovery
tech.放射同位素原子radioactive atom
mil., air.def.方位复原脉冲azimuth reset pulse
gen.旅客们,请耐心坐在原位,耐心等待稍后通知Passengers please kindly remain seated and waiting for the next announcement
tech.原位记录no-home record
met.晶格原子间隙位置interstitial lattice site
bridg.constr.最小位能原理最小势能原理minimum potential energy principle
tech.最小位能原理principle of minimum potential energy
tech.最小位能原理law of minimum potential energy
space月球原位通信lunar in-situ communication
space月球原位通信网lunar in-situ communication net
org.name.有关促进和保护人权的国家机构的地位的原则Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions
org.name.有关促进和保护人权的国家机构的地位的原则Paris Principles
org.name.有关促进和保护人权的国家机构的地位的原则Principles Relating to the Status and Functioning of National Institutions for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights
el.有效位置复原active position home
met.杂质原子与位错间的化学相互作用chemical interaction between foreign atoms and dislocation
genet.染色体原位抑制杂交技术chromosome in situ suppression
genet.染色体原位杂交in situ chromosome hybridization
genet.染色体原位杂交chromosome in situ hybridization
nurs.染色体原位杂交in situ chromosomal hybridization
genet.染色质纤维荧光原位杂交chromatin fiber fluorescence in situ hybridization
tech.标准氧化还原电位standard oxidation-reduction potential
sport., med.标准氧化还原电位standard redox potential
tech.标准还原电位standard reduction potential
genet.核酸原位杂交nucleic acid hybridization in situ
genet.核酸原位杂交in situ nucleic acid hybridization
tech.正常原位持水量normal field capacity
gen.千分之一原子质量单位millimass unit
earth.sc.毫原子质量单位milliatomic mass unit
tech.氧化还原电位reduction-oxidation potential
agric.氧化还原电位oxidation- reduction potential
el.氧化还原电位[势]oxidation-reduction potential
oil, transp.氧化还原电位oxidation reduction potential
oil氧化还原电位oxidation-reduction potential
ecol.氧化还原电位reduction oxidation potential
ecol.氧化还原电位电势oxidation reduction potential
met.氧化-还原电位oxidation-reduction potential
met.氧化还原电位redox potential
tech.氧化还原电位检测器redox potential detector
tech.氧化还原电位法redox potentiometry
oil氧化还原电位测井redox potential log
oil, transp.氧化还原电位计oxidation reduction potentiometer
chem.氧化-还原电位计oxidation-reduction potentiometer
agric.氧化还原电位-酸碱度相互关系{土壤}Eh-pH relationship
tech.海水氧化还原电位oxidation-reduction potential of seawater
space涂层原位测试in situ measurement of coatings
met.溶质原子向位错偏聚segregation of solute atoms to dislocations
space火星原位通信martian in-situ communication
space火星原位通信网martian in-situ communication net
expl.爆破既产生了新的裂缝、又延展了固有的裂隙和节理、这样可松动并取出岩体结构中的“原位”岩块Blasting involves both the creation of new fractures and the extension of existing cracks and joints to loosen and liberate "in-situ" blocks within the rock mass structure
petanq.球的换位原则position exchange rule
met.理论还原电位theoretical reducing potential
expl.由于地压原因、房子地基向南位移a southward displacement of the foundation of a house by the earth pressure
chem.电化学原位红外光谱法electrochemical in situ IR spectroscopy
tech.留置原位混凝土模板leave-in-place form
earth.sc.百万电子伏/原子质量单位million electron volts/atomic mass unit
plast.surg.Bowen 皮肤原位鳞癌Bowen's disease
geophys.短源距原始电位电阻率raw short normal resistivity
expl.破碎粒度合成分布曲线受原位岩体结构的影响、也受岩体内炸药空间分布的影响The coarse end of the resulting fragment size distribution is influenced by the insitu rock mass structure and the spatial distribution of the explosive within the rock mass
el.晶格中移位原子displaced atom
met.移位原子displaced atom
auto.ctrl.移位原理principle of shifting
gen.空位-填隙原子平衡vacancy-interstitial equilibrium
met.空位-溶质原子对vacancy-solute atom pair
tech.空位示踪原子互换vacancy tracer exchange
chem.符号、单位、术语、原子质量和基本常量委员会SUNAMCO Commission
chem.符号、单位、术语、原子质量和基本常量委员会Commission on Symbols,Units,Nomenclature,Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants
org.name.粮农组织/国际原子能机构农业中应用同位素和生物技术联合计划Joint FAO/IAEA Programme on Agricultural Applications of Isotopes and Biotechnology
nurs.细胞原位杂交in situ cytohybridization
anim.husb.B 细胞抗原受体部位B cell antigen receptor site
water.res., ecol.细胞病原体单位最可能数most probable number of cytopathogenic units
gen.统一标度原子质量单位规定碳同位素 C12 的质量为 12.000amu,由而使 1 amu = 1.6600 x 10-24克; 系 IUPAP 和IUPAC 于1960年前后共同拟订unit of unified scale
securit.股价反弹回到原位bounce back
surg.膀胱原位bladder carcinoma in situ
water.res., ecol.荧光原位杂交fluorescent in situ hybridization
life.sc.荧光原位杂交fluorescence in situ hybridization
water.res., ecol.荧光原位杂交-流式细胞术fluorescent in situ hybridization-flow cytometry
el.荧光原位混成fluorescence in situ hybridization
genet.菌落原位杂交colony in situ hybridization
nurs.菌落原位杂交in situ colony hybridization
tech.虚位移原理virtual displacement principle
tech.虚位移原理law of virtual displacement
railw.虚位移变分原理virtual displacement variational principle
dermat.表皮原位carcinoma in situ
tech.辙叉返回原位return of points
tech.原位reducing potential
met.还原电位reduction potential
met.还原电位reducing potential
expl.这旅馆处于俯瞰原野景色的最好位置The hotel is in a prime location overlooking the plain
gen.通用原子能公司培训、研究与同位素生产用反应堆training, research and isotope production reactor, General Atomics
comp., MS進位原則rounding policy (A drop-down list on the price list item form from which a user can select how to round the price (up, down, or not at all))
chem.配位原子coordination atom
chem.配位原子donor atom
chem.配位原子ligating atom
tech.配位原子coordinating atom
tech.钻孔原位测试技术drill hole testing technique in situ
chem.错位原子misplaced atoms
met.间歇原子-位错相互作用interstitial-dislocation interaction
met.间隙原子-位错间相互作用interstitial-dislocation interaction
surg.*阴茎鳞状细胞原位squamous cell carcinoma of penis in situ
met.静型原子位移static atomic displacement
tech.预计最终原位应力anticipated final field stress
expl.飞石产生的主要原因包括抵抗线不足、炮泥长度不够、钻孔不精确、单位炸药消耗量过多、地质条件不利露天节理、矿层不稳固和空穴、延时定时和序列不当、延时不精确、发生反向爆破、以及台阶上部岩石松散等The major causes of flyrock are inadequate burden, inadequate stemming length, drilling inaccuracy, excessive powder factor,unfavorable geological conditions open joints, weak seams and cavities, inappropriate delay timing and sequence, inaccuracy of delays, back break and loose rock on top of the bench
desert.高位外尔德草原high Veldt (分布在非洲南部的南非、博茨瓦纳、莱索托和津巴布韦,海拔 1200〜1800m的外尔德草原的中心部分,土层薄而贫瘠,有不少盐土洼地)
tech.高位湿原high moor (bag)
tech.麦克斯韦变位互等原理Maxwell's theorem of reciprocity
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