
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing | all forms
三中心变度拱坝three-centered variable thickness arch dam
不对称峡谷中双圆心变度拱坝平面图Two-centered arch dam with variable-thickness arches at a nonsymmetrical canyon
层状结构moderately thick layer structure
拱坝medium-thick arch dam
冰冻frozen depth
冲坑水垫water cushion depth of plunge pool
压实compacted thickness
压实层compacted lift
壁冲击管heavy wall drive barrel
壁压力水管thick-shell penstock
壁圆筒理论thick-cylinder theory
层状结构thick layer structure
拱坝massive arch dam
拱坝thick arch dam
支墩坝massive buttress dam
钢板thick steel plate
高比ratio of thickness to height
度拱variable-thickness arch
度拱variable-thickness arches
度拱坝variable-thickness arch dam
坝体dam thickness
坝的dam thickness
夯实compacted thickness
夯实层compacted lift
定子铁片thickness of lamination
层状结构giant-thick layer structure
干漆膜dry paint film thickness
平均度法average thickness method
拱端局部加度拱locally-thickened arches at both abutments
浇筑层lift thickness
enthalpy thickness
度拱jack arch
度拱constant thickness arch
管壁pipe thickness
覆冰radial thickness of ice
覆盖层height of cover
边界层thickness of boundary layer
铺层lift thickness
snow depth