
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing | all forms
三次谐波中性点电third harmonic neutral voltage
三次谐波剩余电third harmonic residual voltage
三相五柱式变three-phase five-column transformer
三相合成电three-phase compound voltage
三相感应电调整器three-phase induction regulator
三相电互感器three-phase voltage transformer
三相电调整器three-phase voltage regulator
三相调three-phase regulator
三绕组变three circuit transformer
三绕组变triple wound transformer
三绕组调谐变triple tuned transformer
upper pressurized ring
upper clamping collar
不合格变faulty transformer
不对称三相电unbalanced three-phase voltage
不对称电asymmetrical voltage
不对称端电asymmetrical terminal voltage
不平衡三相电unbalanced three-phase voltage
不平衡电unbalance voltage
丙种均线Punga connector
两相低电动机twin phase low-voltage motor
两相变two phase transformer
两种电馈电dual voltage feed
中心抽头变center mid-tapping transformer
中心抽头变center tapped transformer
中性点接地变neutral earthing transformer
串级工频试验变cascade power-frequency testing transformer
临界击穿电disruptive critical voltage
临界电critical voltage difference
主变generator transformer
倾斜力机inclining press
倾斜力机inclined press
变压器subdivided transformer
器式制动potentiometer braking
voltage division ratio
电容器divider capacitor
分布铁芯式变distribution core type transformer
分级电调整stepped voltage regulation
分级电调整器contact voltage regulator
切铁芯变cut-core transformer
初始击穿电initial puncture voltage
初始击穿电initial breakdown voltage
初始电initial voltage
初始电上升速度initial voltage response
初始电响应initial voltage response
初始瞬态电initial transient voltage
初时击穿电initial breakdown voltage
制动力调节器brake pressure regulator
刷握brush holder finger
刷握brush hammer
刷电brush voltage
化合物充填变compound filled transformer
匝间电voltage between turns
匝间耐试验turn-to-turn voltage test
合成compound pressure
合成电resultant voltage
同步控制synchronizing transformer
同步升换流机synchronous booster converter
同步发电机励磁电alternator field voltage
同步发电机-变器系统synchro generator-transformer system
同步用变synchronizing transformer
同步调变流器synchronous -converter
同步调变流器synchronous booster-inverter
同相电cophased voltage
同相速敏变in-phase speed-sensitive transformation radio
启动变starting transformer
启动机电starter voltage
启动用自耦变induction starter
启动用自耦变starter autotransformer
启动用自耦变auto starter
启动电cranking voltage
启动电starting voltage
圆柱形变cylindrical transformer
圈式绕组wound type transformer
在脉冲应力下under pulsating compressure stress
地热发电geopressed geothermal electricity
地面对地电ground-surface voltage to ground
地面对地电earth-surface voltage to earth
地面电ground-surface voltage to ground
地面电earth-surface voltage to earth
堵转转子电blocked rotor voltage
堵转转子电locked-rotor voltage
备用电力变auxiliary power transformer
复动力机gang press
复绕式变compound transformer
装定子built-in stator
外加impressed voltage
外加applied stress
外加application pressure
外加电腐蚀corrosion associated with applied voltage
外加电试验separate source test
外加电试验applied potential test
外铁型变shell type transformer
外铁型电力变shell form power transformer
多抽头变multi-tap transformer
多抽头变staged transformer
多极低电机multipolar low-voltage machine
多电电动机multivoltage motor
多电电机multivoltage machine
多相对称电polyphase symmetrical voltage
多相电polyphase voltage
多相系统的径电diametral voltage of polyphase system
多相系统的线电mesh voltage
多相系统的线电line voltage of polyphase system
多相系统的边电polygonal voltage of polyphase system
多绕组变multiple winding transformer
多芯柱变multi-limb transformer
大容量变high power transformer
射频变RF transformer
小功率变light-capacity transformer
小功率变wattage transformer
小型变ouncer transformer
尾水调tailrace surge tank
布伦特福德-因特斯泰普调Brentford Interstep voltage regulator
布伦特福德调Brentford Interstep voltage regulator
带电缆套管的变pothead-type transformer
带绕铁芯式变st rip-wound core type transformer
带绕铁芯式变winding core type transformer
常规试验电normal test voltage
开关冲击闪络电switching impulse sparkover voltage
开口铁芯式变open core type transformer
开启型变open-type transformer
开始放电电discharge inception voltage
开式双柱可倾力机open double-column inclined press
开式循环变open cycle transformer
开断电drop-out voltage
开路电open-circuit voltage ratio
开路相电open-circuit phase voltage
开路阻抗电open-circuit impedance voltage
arc drop
强励时的顶值电ceiling voltage at force excitation
强励时的顶值电ceiling voltage at field-forcing
强励电forced excitation voltage
强励电field-forcing voltage
强迫油冷变forced oil-cooling transformer
强迫油循环式变forced oil circulation transformer
强迫通风干式变force-ventilated dry-type transformer
强迫风冷式变forced air-cooled transformer
强迫风冷油浸变forced aircooled oil immersed transformer
总励磁电total excitation voltage
总和变summation transformer
总电resultant voltage
总电total voltage drop
感应式自动电调节器induction type automatic voltage regulator
感应正弦电induced sinusoidal voltage
感应电inducting voltage
感应电generated voltage
感应电调整器induction voltage regulator
感应电调整器inductive voltage regulator
感应电调整器induced voltage regulator
感应耐试验induced high voltage test
感应高电试验induced high voltage test
持续升试验continuous voltage-rise test
持续运行电continuous running voltage
指形finger plate
按负荷调节电的控制系统compensated voltage control system
槽钢extruded channel
振动应力vibrating compressive stress
收音器变radio transformer
星形-三角形电力变Y-∆ power transformer
星形-三角形电力变wye-delta power transformer
星形电wye voltage
星形电star voltage
星形连接相电star voltage
星形连接线电line voltage of Y-connection
最大励磁电maximum excitation voltage
最大片间电maximum voltage between adjacent segments
最大电波动maximum voltage pulsation
最大电波动peak-to-peak voltage
最高励磁电maximum exciting voltage
最高反向峰值电maximum peak inverse voltage
最高峰值电maximum peak voltage
最高工作电maximum running voltage
最高工作电maximum operation voltage
最高整定电maximum setting voltage
最高浪涌电maximum surge voltage
最高相电maximum phase voltage
最高空载电maximum open-circuit voltage
最高空载电maximum no-load voltage
最高过电maximum overvoltage
最高顺向峰值电maximum peak forward voltage
电线alive wire
有抽头变transformer with taps
有效接触电effective touch voltage
有机硅层玻璃布板silicone glass cloth-laminated sheet
有用电useful voltage
有电动机的力机motored press
有级调step voltage regulator
有载分接变on-load tap-changing transformer
有载比率调load ratio voltage regulator
有载调变压器transformer fitted with on-load tap-changer
有载调变压器on-load voltage regulating transformer
机动车电调整器automotive voltage regulator
机座水试验frame hydrostatic test
机座泵试验pressure test of stator frame
机械-液调速器hydromechanical governor
机械-液调速器mechanical hydraulic governor
标称氢nominal hydrogen pressure
标称电nominal tension
标称电 电气装置的nominal voltage of an electrical installation
标称电路电nominal circuit voltage
标称短路电nominal short-circuit voltage
标称绝缘电nominal insulation voltage
标称集电环电nominal collectoring voltage
标称顶值电nominal ceiling voltage
校正电correction voltage
form pressing
model pressing
云母板moulding micanite
form-pressing article
moulding part
form-pressing piece
form-pressing part
成型线圈form coil
成型线圈pressure forming coil
横向电效应transverse piezo-electric effect
横向调quadrature booster
横轴电quadrature-axis voltage
横轴瞬变电quadrature-axis transient voltage
横轴超瞬变电quadrature~axis subtransient voltage
继电器low-voltage relay
运行under-tension running
运行under-voltage operation
—次侧电primary voltage
伺服装置air powered serve
伺服马达air powered servomotor
工具gas-pressure tool
误差air pressure tolerance
气体绝缘变gas insulated transformer
气动接钳pneumatic crimping tool
气隙变air gap transformer
hydrogen pressure
损失loss in hydrogen pressure
water pressure
head pressure
式核电站water pressure nuclear electric power plant
hydraulic press
水冷强制油循环式变watercooled forced oil transformer
渐开式均线involute equalizer
漏电试验leakage voltage test
漏磁变leak age transformer
漏磁通变leakage flux transformer
硬度布氏硬度ball indentation hardness
试验ball thrust test
试验ball impression test
甚低频高试验very low frequency high-potential test
electric voltage
三角形voltage triangle
上升voltage build-up
上升voltage boost
上升率voltage buildup rate
上升率rate of voltage rise
上升速度voltage build-up rate
上升速度voltage time response
交轴分量quadrature-axis component of voltage
-伏安下降特性droop voltage-VA characteristic
保护电容器capacitor for voltage protection
冲长built-up of voltage
分布pressure distribution
分担voltage sharing
分级voltage grading
分量voltage component
升级voltage uprating
升高increase of voltage
升高voltage boost
反馈voltage feed-back
反馈系数voltage feed-back factor
变动率voltage regulation
变化variation of voltage
变化率voltage change ratio
同步voltage synchronizing
向量voltage vector
向量图voltage vector diagram
响应速度voltage time response
圆图voltage circle diagram
多边形voltage polygon
-寿命特性voltage-life characteristic
峰一峰值peak-to-peak voltage
崩溃voltage breakdown
voltage belt
平均值average value of voltage
建立voltage build-up
急降voltage collapse
急降voltage breakdown
恢复时间voltage restoration time
振幅voltage amplitude
振荡voltage oscillation
控制逆变器voltage regulating inverter
控制非线性电阻器voltage controlled nonlinear resistor
摆动voltage hunting
效率volt efficiency
整定voltage setting
整定器voltage setter
-时间响应voltage-time response
-时间曲线voltage-time curve
曲线voltage curve
标准voltage reference
标幺值p. u. voltage
校正线圈voltage adjusting coil
梯度pressure gradient
voltage source
特性voltage characteristic
-电流特性曲线volt-ampere characteristic curve
电路potential circuit
百分比percent voltage
的建立build-up of voltage
相位voltage phase
相位角voltage phase angle
相位调整regulation of voltage phase
相量和voltage phasor sum
相量差voltage phasor difference
瞬时值instantaneous value of voltage
矢量图voltage vector-diagram
突增voltage overshoot
端子potential terminal
线圈potential coil
组合voltage combination
绕组potential winding
继电器electric tension relay
脉动voltage pulsation
自动调整运行automatic voltage regulating operation
补偿器voltage drop compensator
补偿控制compensated voltage control
补偿装置potential compensator
voltage gauge
调整因数voltage regulation factor
调整图voltage regulation diagram
调整曲线voltage regulation curve
调整特性voltage regulation characteristic
调整率voltage regulation ratio
调整系数voltage regulation coefficient
调节曲线voltage regulation curve
调节范围range of voltage regulation
谐波voltage harmonic
起建速度voltage built-up rate'
跳闸voltage tripping
跳闸shunt tripping
相关条目tension drop
相关条目voltage drop
降测阻法fall of potential method
降落voltage depression
降调节droop adjustment
骤降voltage dips
网电power-supply voltage
电刷brush finger
电刷接触brush contact volt-drop
电刷接触brush contact drop
电刷接触电brush contact voltage
电力自耦变power auto-transformer
电动接钳electric crimping tool
电动升motor booster
电动机端电motor terminal voltage
电厂电power station voltage
电容变capacitor transformer
电容器式电互感器capacitive potential transformer
电容器式电互感器voltage transformer with capacitors
电容器式电互感器capacitor-type voltage transformer
电容性升capacity booster
电弧arc drop
电弧电峰值peak arc voltage
电感性电reactive voltage drop
电抗性电reactive voltage
电抗电reactive voltage drop
电抗电降补偿reactance-drop compensation
电枢扌旨armature clamping finger
电枢扌旨armature finger plate
电枢armature end-plate
电枢armature clamp-plate
电枢回路armature circuit drop
电枢回路电voltage drop in armature circuit
电枢开路电armature open-circuit voltage
电枢指armature clamping finger
电枢指armature finger plate
电枢电可调的电动机armature controlled motor
电枢电衰减曲线armature voltage decay curve
电枢相电armature phase voltage
电枢端电armature terminal voltage
电枢绕组均线armature winding equalizer
电枢绕组均线armature winding cross connection
电枢过电armature overvoltage
电枢铁芯armature core clamp plate
电枢铁芯armature head
电枢铁芯armature core damper
电枢齿pressure plate for armature teeth
电枢齿armature tooth finger
电气机车用恒三刷发电机Bergman generator
电流-电方程current-voltage equation
电流-电特性曲线current voltage characteristic
电流表-电表试验ammeter-voltmeter test
Y-△电源变wye-delta power transformer
电源电current supply voltage
电炉变electric furnace transformer
电磁式电互感器electric magnetic potential transformer
电缆入口密封cable entry gland
电网电system voltage
电阻resistance drop
电阻分resistor divider
电阻式自动电调整器automatic resistance type voltage regulator
电阻电copper drop
真空力浸渍线圈VPI coil
真空力浸渍线圈vacuum-pressure impregnated coil
真空力浸渍绕组VPI winding
真空力浸渍绕组vacuum-pressure impregnated winding
真空力浸渍罐VPI tank
真空力浸渍罐vacuum pressure impregnation tank
50%破坏性放电电50% disruptive discharge voltage
变压器voltage-stabilizing transformer
pressure stabilizer
constant voltage regulator
整流器constant voltage rectifier
稳定电调整特性steady voltage regulation characteristic
稳定电调整率steady voltage regulation
稳态电steadystate voltage
稳态电stabilized voltage
稳态电调整率voltage regulation on steady state
第三种均线Punga connector
老化电ageing voltage
寿命试验voltage-endurance test
特性voltage-endurance characteristics
能力withstanding pressure
试验high-potential test
试验electric-strength test
试验pressure -withstand test
试验pressure resistance test
试验-withstand test
试验voltage-level test
试验voltage-endurance test
耐受电试验withstand voltage test
耐斩波冲击电chopped wave withstand voltage
耐波前电front-of-wave withstand voltage
耐电试验voltage endurance test
耐电试验器puncture tester
耐高继电器high voltage relay
脉动电fluctuation voltage
脚控力机foot press
蜗卷均线worm equalizer
voltage adjustment
surge chamber
分接voltage adjusting tapping
变压器joystick transformer
变压器variable voltage transformer
voltage governor
方式mode of voltage regulation
系统voltage control system
节电系统voltage regulating system
voltage regulating stage
继电器voltage regulating relay
逆变器voltage regulating inverter
调制电modulated voltage
调整电calibration voltage
调整电regulating voltage
调节变potential regulator
调节变adjustable transformer
调节电regulating voltage
调频变frequency modulation transformer
调频变FM transformer
调频变frequency regulating transformer
调频变frequency modulating transformer
谐振过电resonance over-voltage
谐波旋转电harmonic rotating voltage
subatmospheric pressure
负序电negative phase-sequence voltage
负序电backward sequence voltage
负序电backward phase-sequence voltage
负序电negative sequence voltage
负序电negative-order voltage
负序电继电器negative voltage relay
负序电枢电negative-order armature voltage
负序电枢电negative backward phase-sequence armature voltage
负序电枢电negative backward sequence armature voltage
逆变变inverter transformer
逆电counter voltage
通用变general service transformer
锁定转子外施电试验applied voltage test with rotor locked
防止过电overvoltage protection
防火型变flame-proof transformer
防爆变explosion-proof transformer
防爆型变flameproof transformer
防过电保护装置overvoltage protective device
阶跃电step-up voltage
阻抗电impedance voltage drpp
鼓风机风blower pressure
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