
Terms for subject Rail transport containing | all forms
力机构three-pressure equalizing system
力机构three-pressure organ
力机构分配阀three pressure equalizing pressure
三相一两相平衡牵引变three-two phase balanced traction transformer
三相一两相平衡牵引变器接线three phase-two phase balanced traction transformer connection
三相三绕组接线牵引变traction transformer of three phase three winding connection
三相油浸式变three phase oil immersed transformer
ceiling molding
不变constant pressure
不锈钢复合钢板旋密封式制动缸spinning sealed brake cylinder by stainless composite steel plate
力制动机two-pressure brake system
保护接地medium-voltage protection earth
开关柜medium-voltage switchgear
罐车medium pressure tank car
临时高给水系统temporary high-pressure water supply system
力机构two-pressure organ
力机构two-pressure equalizing system
二极管反向击穿电diode reverse breakdown voltage
二极管稳diode voltage regulator
伍德布里奇接线牵引变traction transformer with vector of Wood Bridge
会车力波crossing pressure wave
乙炔发生器low pressure acetylene generator
二氧化碳灭火系统low pressure carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system
low voltage side
侧调压low voltage regulation
保安阀low pressure safety valve
安全阀low pressure safety valve
开关柜low voltage switchgear
母线low-voltage bus bar
low pressure blowpipe
燃气辐射板采暖radiant panel heating by low pressure gas
电缆low voltage cable
电路low voltage circuit
电路low tension circuit
绕组low tension winding
膜过滤装置low pressure membrane filtration device
自动补偿装置automatic low-voltage compensation device
调压开关low voltage tap changer
调压开关low tension tap changer
低电保护接地low-voltage protection earth
低电大电流试验low-voltage high-current test
倾翻液hydraulic cylinder for tipping
倾翻液装置dumping hydraulic device
unsymmetrical pressure
电路电子管bias circuit
衬砌unsymmetrically loading lining eccentrically compressed lining
隧道unsymmetrically loaded tunnel
允许接触电permissible accessible voltage
inner pressing ring
内部过电试验test on internal overvoltage
冲击电impul se voltage
冲击电试验impulse-voltage test
冲击耐受电impulse withstand voltage
接线端子cold pressure connection terminal
冷挤套筒cold-extrusion sleeve
gas regulator (焊接)
给水pressure reducing valve
分接牵引变tapped traction transformer
分段减split reduction
分级调stepped voltage regulation
分配阀三段升three stage build-up
1 分钟工频耐受电1 min power frequency withstanding voltage
列车交会瞬态空气力波trains crossing pressure pulses
列车尾部风信息air pressure information of end-of-train
列车尾部风反馈train rear end air pressure feedback
列车空气差阻力air pressure drag of train
列车管train pipe pressure gradient
列车表面空气air pressure on train surface
列车表面空气力系数air pressure coefficient on train surface
初始扣initial toe load
制冰所内的氨缩机间ammonia compressor room within ice-making room
制动管力梯度brake pipe pressure gradient
制动管减brake pipe pressure reduction
制动管风brake pipe pressure
制动软管数控水试验台brake hose digital control water pressure test rig
前后风pressure difference between cars at front and back of train
前后风false gradient
pressure welding
加速电accelerating potential
升力lift canard
单相结线牵引single phase traction transformer
单相V,v x结线牵引变single phase traction transformer with vector of V, v (x)
单相V,v x结线牵引变single phase traction transformer with vector of V,v (x)
单相接线牵引变traction transformer with single-phase connection
单相电互感器single-phase voltage transformer
单转子滑片式空single rotary compressor
单轴饱和抗强度saturated uniaxial compressive strength
前跳后light strip skipping when leaving from a section
力一空气润滑器pressure-air lubricator
力主管second brake pipe
力保持阀pressure retaining valve
力修正算法pressure modified method
力升高比rate of pressure rise
力升高比pressure step-up ratio
力式集便器pressured toilet
力机压模press contact shoe
力注浆pressure grout injection
力滤清器press filter
力缓解阀pressure relief valve
力表air pressure gauge
力表air gauge
力表塞门air gauge cock
力表管弹簧bourdon tube
力铸造compression casting
力风缸pressure reservoir
吨检测press force measuring
extrusion ring
pressing block
型活塞旋压密封式制动缸profiling piston spinning sealed brake cylinder
型钢板屋面profiled steel sheet roof
实度试验compactness test
实板面积press plate area
实标准compacting criteria
差阻力drag due to pressure difference
式内框press-type inside frame
式水阀compression faucet
式水阀press-type water valve
接接头compression joint
接线夹compression connector
接钳crimping tool
敏电阻voltage-dependent resistor
inside cornice
cornice (内墙板和顶棚连接处)
pressing plate
follower plate
板螺母follower nut
桩机hydraulic pile driver
模锻整车轮pressed-on forged disc wheel
气机叶轮blower impeller
点式检衡车pressure point type track scale test car
indentation (焊接)
痕深度depth of indentation (焊接)
碎率crushing rate
碎率试模crushing strength tester
紧力clamp strength
紧圈compression ring
紧板pressing block
紧气缸pressing cylinder
紧装置pressing device
紧装置pinch device
缩冷凝机组condensing unit
缩喷嘴孔径orifice diameter (焊接)
缩性修正compressibility modification
缩机集管compressor manifold
缩永久变形permanent deformation by compression
缩站compressed station
press fit
装压力mounting pressure
装吨位mounting tonnage
装曲线pressing curve
装用压力机mounting press
装车轮wheel press mounting
道措施pore pressure measures
balancer weight
pressing iron
balance weight
参考reference pressure
管底座double clevis-base bracket
双模态冲发动机dual-mode ramjet
双电制电力机车dual voltage electric locomotive
双针力表duplex pressure gauge (工务)
双针力表duplex air gauge
护道berm with superloading
护道berm for back pressure
护道counter pressure berm
compressive zone
受电弓接触pantograph contact force
受电弓标称电nominal voltage of pantograph
受电弓标称电nominal voltage at pantograph
器保护继电器transformer relay
器容量transformer capacitance
器油库transformer oil depot
器油过滤间transformer oil filter room
器电势transformer EMF
损失transformation loss
调速variable voltage speed control
变阻调rheostatic control
变频变调速VVVFvariable voltage variable frequency
变频变调速VVVF VVVF variable voltage variable frequency speed control
合成树脂变cast resin transformer
吊柱双管底座double-clevis-base bracket for drop tube
同步变synchronous transformer
向心式缩机radial compressor
吸人力调节阀suction pressure regulator
earth pressures
soil densification
平衡盾构Earth Pressure Balanced Shield
土壤力系数earth pressure coefficient
地板floor edge cover plate
线cable bond
垂直均布uniform vertical pressure
型双管底座double clevis-base bracket G-type
墙板flute or rib on sheathing
中冷charge inter-cooling
匹配试验turbocharger matching test
器出口温度discharge temperature of super-charger
器机油滤清器oil precision filter for turbo-charger
器配机试验turbocharger matching test
degree of supercharging
degree of turbocharging
supercharging ratio
系统supercharging system
pressure-charging valve
阀套pressure-charging valve bushing
复式增combined pressure charge
outer fixing ring
外部过电试验test on external overvoltage
多级离心式气机multiple stage centrifugal compressor
大型中空铝合金挤型材big hollow extruded aluminium profile
大气式采暖装置atmospheric pressure steam heating equipment
大气过电atmospheric over-voltage
大气过电保护atmospheric over voltage protection
增压constant pressure charging
调制constant-potential modulation
风缸constant pressure reservoir
风缸constant-pressure reservoir
小型液捣固机light hydraulic tamping machine
局部减local reduction
局部减local reduction of air pressure
局部减quick-action chamber (急制动)
屏蔽变reduction transformer
带推杆复原装置旋密封式制动缸spinning sealed brake cylinder with pull rod recovery device
罐车atmospheric pressure tank car
干式电力dry-type transformer
干式电互感器dry-type voltage transformer
平均接触mean contact force
平均机械损失mean mechanical loss pressure
异步稳捣固系统non-synchronous constant pressure tamping system
张开extending pressure
弹性elastic shortening
Y 形双管底座double clevis-base bracket Y-type
形变deformation pressure
往复式制冷缩机reciprocating type refrigeration compressor
微气micro-pressure wave
心式牵引变core-type traction transformer
二极管constant voltage diode
constant voltage cabinet
constant voltage box
感应过电induced over-voltage
户内型变indoor transformer
手动接钳manual crimping tool
手摇水机wing pump
toe load
clamping force
扼流变impedance transformer
load bearing plate
抗水衬砌hydraulic pressure resistant lining
拍式感coin pressure sensor
持续允许电有效值effective voltage under continuous operation
持续工作电continuous operating voltage
指示力系数coefficient of indicated pressure
振动挤混凝土vibro-hydropressed concrete
振动辗vibration compactor
换算闸瓦converted brake shoe block pressure
接缝joint contraction
接触力测量系统measuring system for contact forces
接触网最低电minimum voltage of overhead contact line
接触网最高电maximum voltage of overhead contact line
接触网标称电nominal voltage of overhead contact line
控制电源电control supply voltmeter
斩波调chopper control
斯柯特接线牵引变traction transformer with vector of scott
斯科特变Scott transformer
密封式制动缸spinning sealed brake cylinder
暂时过电Temporary Over-Voltage
最低持续lowest permanent voltage
最低操作电minimum operation voltage
最低运行电minimum operation voltage
最低非持续电lowest non-permanent voltage
最大maximum voltage drop
最大常用减full service reduction
最大持续工作电maximum continuous operating voltage
最大持续工作电Uc maximum continuous operating voltage
最大操作电maximum operation voltage
最大运行电maximum operation voltage
最大限放工作电maximum allowable working voltage
最小限放工作电minimum allowable working voltage
最高持续maximum permanent voltage
最高允许接触电maximum permissible touch voltage
最高爆发peak pressure
最高爆发maximum firing pressure
最高爆发maximum explosive pressure
最高电peak voltage
最高长期过电maximum long-term overvoltage
最高非持续电maximum non-permanent voltage
机械增mechanical supercharging
机械增柴油机engine-driven supercharger diesel engine
松弛relaxation pressure
molded door
欠电继电器under-voltage relay
式空气呼吸机positive pressure air respirator
母线电bus bar voltage
母线电互感器柜bus bar voltage transformer cabinet
母线电调整器bus voltage regulator
元件pneumatic actuator
oxyacetylene pressure welding
焊机gas pressure welder
给水设备pneumatic water supply device
barometric pressure
气控 气动系统气顶油air-over hydraulic
气控液pneumatic control hydraulic valve
气液增air-oil booster
爆破water pressure blasting
水冷型空气缩机间water-cooled air compressor room
减振器检修间oil pressure shock absorber examine and repair shed
减振器阻尼系数damping coefficient of hydraulic damper
力监控oil pressure monitoring
继电器oil pressure relay
油冷变oil cooled transformer
油浸变器室oil immersion transformer room
油浸式牵引变oil-immersed type traction transformer
措施relief measures
面积pressure relief area
流水fluviation pressure
消防气给水设备fire pressure water supply equipment
消防水fire water pressure
涌水gushing water pressure
涡轮人口废气exhaust pressure at turbine inlet
作业驱动hydrostat working drive
作业驱动hydrostatic working drive
减振器hydraulic shock absorber
减振器oil damper
减振器hydraulic absorber
张力补偿装置hydraulic tensioner
打钉机hydraulic spike driver
操动机构hydraulic operating device
机具hydraulic tool
激振hydraulic excitation
激振系统hydraulic actuators
爬升器hydraulic climbers
电梯hydraulic elevator
缓冲器hydraulic draft gear
补偿装置hydraulic tensioner
装置hydraulic plant
压接hydraulic high-pressure presse
驱动走行hydrostatic propulsion
温度temperature compressive force
湿试耐wet withstand voltage
照明稳illumination voltage stabilizer
片间平均电mean voltage between segments
片间最高电maximum voltage between segments
牛顿力系数newtonian pressure coefficient
牵引变tractive transformer
牵引变电所标称电nominal voltage of traction substation
牵引电机电traction motor voltmeter
环氧树脂干式变epoxy resin dry type transformer
不平衡率voltage unbalance
保安器voltage fuse
potential rise
损耗voltage loss
极限值voltage limit
监测装置voltage monitoring device
自动补偿装置auto-regulation voltage compensator
自动补偿装置autoregulation voltage compensator
电动缩机调压器electric compressor governor
电动调electric governor
电容式变capacitive voltage transformer
电源电power supply voltage
电离器电ionization voltage
电路切断时的电冲击break shock
瞬态空气力测试系统transient air pressure test system
砟肩实板ballast shoulder compacting plate
砟肩ballast shoulder pressing plate
夯实compaction by rolling
原理principle of voltage regulation
泵安装regulators pump installation
stabilivolt valve
稳态空气力测试系统steady pressure test system
机电动机air compressor motor
机间air compressor workshop
空气缩机air compressor (俗称 "风泵")
空气缩机开关air compressor switch
空气缩机调压器air compressor governor
空气缩机调压器同步机构air compressor governor synchronizing system
空气缩机进风滤尘器air compressor suction strainer
空气缩机间air compressor workshop
式焊high-pressure blowpipe
线修裁isobar tailoring
管弹簧式力计tube-spring manometer
管网叠供水pressure-superposed water supply in pipe network
纵向电longitudinal drop
纵向钢轨电longitudinal rail voltage
线化力系数linearized pressure parameter
线间电voltage between lines
缓冲器初draft gear initial pressure
缓冲器预draft gear preload pressure
罐体微控水试验台tank body micro control water hydraulic test rig
网侧电overhead side voltmeter
网侧电voltmeter on side of overhead contact line
脉冲增pulse charging
脉冲干耐受电dry impulse withstand voltage
脉冲转换增pulse converted supercharger
膜板diaphragm retainer
航空液air craft hydraulic oil
螺杆式制冷缩机screw type refrigeration compressor
螺杆式空气缩机screw compressor
方式voltage regulation mode
voltage regulator cabinet
牵引变压器regulating traction transformer
绕组regulating winding
谐波电测量harmonic voltage measurement
试验negative pressure test
负载调on-load voltage regulation
货车空重车自动调整装置限pressure limiting valve of freight car empty-load changeover device
静载试验static load test of overpressure
超滤低low pressure membrane ultrafiltration
超燃冲发动机supersonic combustion ramjet engine
超高ultrahigh voltage
超高输电super-high voltage transmitting electricity
超高输电设备power transmission equipment
越升inshot pressure
跃升inshot pressure
车内空气力变化率rate of air pressure change in car
车轮力机wheel pressing machine
车辆空气差升力air pressure lift of car
车辆空气差横向力air pressure side force of car
轨对地电track-to-earth voltage
轴心抗prism compression
轴流式涡轮增turbocharger with axial turbine
轴箱垂直油减振器journal vertical hydraulic damper
辅助变器柜auxiliary transformer cabinet
辅助电路电auxiliary circuit voltmeter
输出声电平output sound pressure level
过减over-reduction (制动)
过电保护电路over-voltage protection circuit
过电保护装置over-voltage protection device
过量减over reduction
梯度adverse press gradient
透平涡轮装置charging-turbine set
通长铝合金挤型材through extruded aluminium profile
通风系统静ventilation system static pressure box
遥测tele pressure
避雷器放电电discharge voltage of arrester
金属力加工metal pressing
金属型底板层metal pressure-type bottom layer
钢筋打头力机steel bar heading press machine
锥形力配合tapered press fit
metal forming and forging
长期过电long-term overvoltage
气室pressure reducing reservoir
气室pressure-reducing reservoir
电阻step down resistance
保安器voltage limiting fuse
电压限制器voltage limiter
装置电压限制器voltage limiting device
limiting valve
隔离断口间工频耐power frequency withstanding voltage across isolating distance
隧道tunnel grouting
隧道内初始缩波first compression wave in tunnel
隧道内最大力梯度maximal pressure gradient in tunnel
力拔桩机static pressure pile drawing machine
力拔桩机static pressure pile extractor
静垂直static vertical pressure
静态接触static contact force
静液马达static hydraulic motor
非允许接触电impermissible touch voltage
靠背垫seat back cushion edge
时间squeeze cycle
荷载pre-stressed load
频带声Lpffrequency band sound pressure level
频带声frequency band sound pressure level
额定电grade of rated voltage
额流变rated current transformer
系数drag factor
继电器air pressure relay
风表air gage
风表air gauge
air gauge
风泵调air pump governor
饱和无侧限抗强度saturated and unconfined compression strength
饱和电saturated voltage
开关柜high-voltage switchgear
机油泵high pressure lubricating oil pump
气体绝缘组合电器GIS 装置室 high voltage gas insulated switchgear GIS equipment room
气体绝缘组合电器GIS装置室high voltage gas insulated switchgear GIS equipment room
水管high-pressure water pipe
电压互感器high-voltage transformer
电流互感器high-voltage current transformer
电网high-voltage fence
电路high voltage circuit
调压开关high tension tap changer
调压开关high-voltage tap changer
调压开关high voltage tap changer
调压开关high voltage tap
高低继电器high-low voltage relay
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