
Terms for subject Plastics containing | all forms
三聚氰胺装饰层melamine decorative laminate
三角形三辊延机triangular calender
三角形三辊延机A-type calender
三辊延机three-roll calender
三辊延机three-bowl calender
式压机upstroke press
式压机用模具mould for up-stroke press
压机upper platen
上光延机glazing calender
上动式液upstroke press
上柱塞铸成型法upper-ram transfer moulding
上柱塞铸成型法upper-ram transfer molding
上柱塞式top force press
上行力机up-stroke press
bottom press platen
压机lower platen
bottom platen
式压机down-stroke press
式压机bottom ram press
式压机bottom force press
式压机用模具mould for bottom ram press
式压铸成型活塞down-stroke transfer plunger
lower die
下活塞lower ram transfer moulding
下活塞式注成型bottom ram transfer moulding
下活塞式注成型bottom ram transfer molding
不均匀进料时模缺陷defect-cold shots
不均匀进料时模缺陷cold slugs
不均匀进料时模缺陷cold shots cold slugs
两侧挤塑机螺杆land pressure
聚乙烯moderate pressure polyethylene
聚乙烯medium pressure polyethylene
中间floating platen
中间centre section
中高压辊crowned roll
临界力比critical pressur ratio
pressure transmission
介质hydraulic medium
pressure pad
传递模flow moulding
传递模flow molding
伺服液试验机servo-hydraulic testing machine
压机low pressure press
发泡机low pressure foaming machine
发泡注塑成型法UCC foam moulding
发泡注塑成型法UCC process
发泡注塑成型法Union Carbide Corporation foam moulding
发泡注塑成型法Union Carbide Corporation foam molding
发泡注塑成型法UUC foam moulding
发泡注塑成型法UUC foam molding
发泡注塑成型法UCC foam molding
固化树脂impression resin
固化树脂contact resin
固化树脂contact pressure resin
塑料low pressure plastic
depression chamber
层合low pressure laminating
层合low-pressure laminate
层合制品low pressure laminate
层合树脂low pressure laminating resin
成型low pressure moulding
成型用树脂low pressure moulding resin
成型用树脂low pressure molding resin
敏感模具保护装置low pressure sensing mould protection device
敏感模具保护装置low pressure sensing mold protection device
树脂low pressure resin
模具low pressure mould
模具low pressure mold
模塑low pressure moulding
模塑low pressure moulding
模铸low pressure die casting
low pressure stage
注塑成型low pressure injection molding
注塑成型low pressure injection moulding
注塑low pressure injection moulding
聚乙烯纤维low pressure polyethylene fibre
聚合low pressure polymerization
轧花kiss embossing
辉光放电为非极性热塑性塑料极化low pressure discharge
铸塑low pressure casting
铺叠成型contact layup moulding
闭模吹塑low pressure mould closing
体积bulk compression
体积模收缩volumetric mould shrinkage
体积模收缩volumetric mold shrinkage
倒 L 形延机inverted L calender
倒 L 形延机inversed L calender
倒模成型有下置阳模的成型机reverse moulding
倒模成型有下置阳模的成型机reverse molding
偏心式eccentric press
偏心式片机eccentric tabletting machine
偏心肘杆eccentric toggle lever press
偏心肘杆eccentric toggle press
时间period of dwelling
时间dwell time
充模注塑filling pressure
制膜hob sinking
hubbing press
初级碎机initial crusher
包装packing press
十进位制hydraulic decimal press
升温heating-up pressure
半全式模具semi-positive mould
半全式模具semi-positive mold
料塞压铸成型transfer moulding with one plunger
单冲程预成型single-stroke preforming press
单柱single column press
单独传动的self-contained press
单辊碎机single-roll crusher
各向均匀omnidirectional pressure
各向同性isotropic pressure
各向同性层制品isotropic laminate
各向均压塑isotactic pressing
合成树脂胶合层材料synthetic resin bonded laminate
合成树脂黏合层laminated synthetic resin bonded sheet
合模mould clamping pressure
合模locking pressure
合模液hydraulic closing cylinder
合模液注塑clamping cylinder
同向层parallel laminated
post embossing
后成型层型材postformed laminated section
后成型层板材postformed laminate
后成型层料板postformed laminate
后拉pull back cylinder
后拉油缸式双动pull back cylinder type double-action press
吸收suction pressure
吹塑blow pressure
吹胀blow pressure
唱片制机record press
唱片录音gramophone record press
pressure-equalizing plate
塑化plasticating pressure
塑料成型plastic press
塑炼plasticating pressure
复合层composite laminate board
应力stressing under external pressure
外形冲outline blanking
外形冲outline blanking die
外形模outline blanking
外形模outline blanking die
多层multiple-unit press
多层multi-bank press
多层multiple deck press
多层daylight press
多层板multiplaten press
多层板multiple platen press
多层板multiple-opening platen press
多层板multi-platen press
多开距multi-daylight press
多模层layer moulding
多模层layer molding
多级multiple stage press
大气bar pressure
夹层材料塑模具sandwich mould
夹层材料塑模具sandwich mold
夹板fixed pressure
夹片气热成型trapped sheet forming
夹芯层sandwich laminate
套接剪强度compressive shear strenght of dowel joint
封焊sealing pressure
封焊sealing press
封闭shut-off pressure
射料杆ram pressure
射料杆plunger pressure
局部localized compression
laminating diagram
塑料plastic laminate
laminate layer
cloth laminate
布板制的轴承laminated fabric bearing
布板制的齿轮laminated fabric gear
布板制的齿轮fabroid gear
强度laminating strength
成型laminated molding
木材laminated veneer
木材laminated timber
木材laminated compressed wood
laminating press
材料laminated molding
材料laminated moulding
复合材料laminated composite
材料制的齿轮laminated gear
材料的各向异性anisotropy of laminates
laminated timber
板用片材增强料sheet reinforcement for laminates
模制品laminated moulding
模制品laminated molding
模制棒材热固性塑料laminated moulded rood
模制棒材热固性塑料laminated molded rood
模制管材热固性塑料laminated moulded tube
模制管材热固性塑料laminated molded tube
模塑laminate moulding
模塑laminate molding
模塑模具laminated moulding die
模塑模具laminated molding die
模塑法:层压制品laminate moulding
模塑法:层压制品laminate molding
模塑管laminated moulding tube
模塑管laminated molding tube
片材laminating sheet
片材热固性塑料laminated sheet
管材laminated tube
胶合板laminated veneer
胶布板制的轴承fabric bearing
装饰板decorative composite panel
nip roll
plane of a laminate
面层top lamination
层合花机层合与压花同时进行laminating embosser
层合花法laminating embossing
布基层层合塑料fabric base laminate
布基层fabric base laminated sheet
布氏球试验Brinell ball test
布衬耐软管fabric lined pressure-tubing
带搅拌的高stirred autoclave
发泡free expansion
层合材料no-pressure laminate
层合制品no-pressure laminate
树脂no-pressure resin
常温cold calendering
常温层cold lamination
帽形hat press
帽形机成型hat press moulding
帽形机成型hat press molding
帽形机模具hat press mould
帽形机模具hat press mold
开式单臂gap frame press
异速延机friction speed calender
异速延机friction calender
弹簧compression of a spring
Z形四辊延机Z-type calender
力耗损total pressure loss
恒定水constant head
恒定水constant head tank
成型molding pressure
成型shaping pressure
成型mould pressure
成型forming pressure
成型moulding press
成型molding press
手动hand press
手动portable press
手动hand-operated press
手动铸模hand transfer mould
手动模hand moulding press
手动模hand molding press
手动肘杆式hand toggle press
手动螺旋hand screw press
手动螺旋式hand-driven screw press
手摇碎机hand crusher
指示indicator pressure
jamming against
blocking against
冲程squeeze stroke
式塑性计extrusion type plastometer
成型shot moulding
成型shot bag moulding
成型shot molding
成型shot bag molding
成形extrusion moulding
forcing machine
ejecting press
模塑用于试验模具,模型模具由环氧树脂制造squeeze moulding
螺杆tapering screw
螺母squeeze nut
装置squeeze rollers
装置nipping of unit
wringer roll
squeegee roll
辊式涂布机squeeze roll coater
挤出extrusion pressure
挤塑延机extruder calender
挤塑延装置extrusion-calendering plant
搅拌高agitated autoclave
敞边式open side press
最大maximal pressing force
有机硅层塑料silicone laminate
有肩全式模具landed positive mould
有肩全式模具landed positive mold
杂散电stray voltage
树脂和玻璃纤维织物层材料resin-glass fabric laminate
树脂浸层合木材resin impregnated densified wood
树脂浸渍层合缩木材resin-treated laminated compressed wood
树脂胶合层resin-bonded laminate
框式frame press
pressure forming
后组装post-moulding assembly
后组装post-molding assembly
后结晶post-moulding crystallization
后结晶post-molding crystallization
坯件由软金属制master blank
工人press maker
工具装置press jig
废品defective mouldings
废品defective moldings
baking press
机开程clearance of a press
毡料mould mat
纤维板moulded fibre board
纤维板molded fibre board
缺陷chipped area
模内pressure inside the mould
模内pressure inside the mold
模冲die work
模冲die press
模出料片材die glazing
模出料光装置片材die glazing unit
模切die cutting press
模塑mould pressure
模塑力传感器mould pressure sensor
模塑embossing moulding
模塑embossing molding
模塑层制品moulded laminate
模塑层制品molded laminate
模塑层塑料管moulded laminated plastic tube
模塑层塑料管molded laminated plastic tube
模塑层moulded laminated rod
模塑层molded laminated rod
模塞助成型forming with helper
模塞助成型drop forming
模塞助真空成型vacuum plug-assist forming
模头内die pressure
模槽mould cavity pressure
模糊blind blocking
模腔mould cavity pressure
模腔注塑in-cavity pressure
模腔力控制cavity pressure control
横向缩模量transverse compressive modulus
橡胶袋施成型rubber bag moulding
橡胶袋施成型rubber bag molding
注塑机back pressure valve
正交铺敷层orthogonal ply laminate
喷涂air spraying
喷涂air spray coating
指示针dial barometer
blow gun
注塑air pressure injection moulding
注塑air pressure injection molding
注塑成型法Hauny process
注塑法injection process with air pressure
注塑法air-pressure injection process
热成型trapped sheet forming
热成型pressure thermoforming
脱模air ejection
预拉伸真空成型vacuum forming with air-pressure prestretch
气体反泡沫塑料注塑法用专门的加热-冷却系统和气密封结构模具制造热塑性泡沫塑料TFM foam molding
气体反泡沫塑料注塑法TFM process
气体反泡沫塑料注塑法用专门的加热-冷却系统和气密封结构模具制造热塑性泡沫塑料TFM foam moulding
气体反泡沫塑料注塑法Allied Chemical Corporation foam moulding
气体反泡沫塑料注塑法Allied Chemical Corporation foam molding
气体反注塑成型制备热塑性泡沫塑料gas-counterpressure injection moulding (process)
气体反注塑成型制备热塑性泡沫塑料gas-counterpressure injection molding (process)
气体反注塑法USM foam molding
气体反注塑法United Shoe Machinery foam molding
气体反注塑法United Shoe Machinery foam moulding
气体反注塑法Toshiba and Asahi foam moulding
气体反注塑法USM foam moulding
气体反注塑法Toshiba and Asahi foam molding
气体反铸塑法gas counterpressure casting process
气动pneumatically driven press
气动pneumatic press
气胀模塞助真空成型pressure bubble-plug assist vacuum forming
气袋层成型autoclave bag moulding
流变仪nitrogen-pressurized rheometer
传动装置water-driven hydropneumatic plant
破裂试验hydrostatic burst test
试验hydrostatic pressure test
水加输送conveyance of water under pressure
水银mercury pressure
洛氏痕硬度Rockwell indentation hardness
活动力板loose pressure block
活塞pump pressure
活塞式铸plunger-type transfer molding
活塞式铸plunger-type transfer moulding
活塞式铸plunger moulding
活塞式铸plunger molding
活塞式铸plunger moulding press
活塞式铸plunger molding press
活塞式铸plunger-type transfer mould
活塞式铸plunger-type transfer mold
活塞闭合液系统注塑机direct piston closing system
活板式铸模loose plate transfer mould
yield pressure
流体flexible pressure
流体施成型fluid pressure moulding
流动模型坯flow moulded parison
pressure measuring cell
焊接jointing pressure
焊接welding press
焊缝welding pressure
焊缝joining pressure
爆破burst pressure
片材延机sheeting calender
片材延机sheet calender
痕微型硬度计microhardness ball indentor
痕硬度ball indentation hardness
痕试验ball indentation test
硬度试验器ball tester
电动液servo valve
电子液型坯壁程序控制electronic-hydraulic parison programming
电缆热成型cable clave moulding
真空vacuum embossing
真空层vacuum lamination
真空模vacuum embossing
真空离心rotational vacuum embossing
真空袋工艺vacuum bag technique
真空袋deflatable flexible bag moulding
真空袋vacuum bag laminating
真空袋vacuum bae method
真空袋deflatable bag technique
真空袋deflatable flexible bag molding
真空袋vacuum bag technique
真空袋deflatable bag method
真空负成型negative vacuum forming
着色塑料薄膜gravure printing
研磨grinding pressure
破裂缩应变压缩试验compressive strain at rupture
压制isostatic pressing
压实isostatic compaction
成型在加工聚四氟乙烯等材料时isotactic moulding
成型氟塑料isostatic moulding
重量变化测定热分析isobaric weight-change determination
等渗溶液isoosmotic solution
等温力比isothermal pressure ratio
缺口冲notching press
密封pressure-tight seal
强度bursting strength
强度burst strength
强性resistance to compression
resistance to pressure
compressive resistance
痕强度resistance to indentation
痕性resistance to indentation
leak proof under pressure
碎强度crushing strength
碎强度试验crushing test
碎强度试验器crushing tester
碎性crushing resistance
pressure tubing
pressure pipe
booster hose
缩性resistance to compression
缩永久变形resistant to compression set
缩的compression resistant
试验proof pressure test
试验breaking down test
陷性indentation resistance
耐击穿电electric breakdown endurance
耐平包装flat crush resistance
耐电voltage resistance
耐电withstanding voltage
耐电试验withstanding voltage test
耐高电high voltage tube
聚四氟乙烯铸Teflon coining
聚苯乙烯模发泡expanding casting of polystyrene
脱模力knockout press
脱模销ejector pin retainer plate
脱模销ejector locking plate
蜂窝层材料honeycomb laminate
成型negative forming
热成型negative thermoforming
贯层强度flatwise compression
贯层缩强度flatwise compressive strength
贴合延机doubling calender
轧花光机embossing calender
轧花延机stamping calender
锁模mould clamping pressure
锁模locking pressure
锁模clamping pressure
锥形力头pressure cone
螺杆decompression zone
hydrostatic pressure
缩材料incompressible material
顎式C-type press
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