
Terms for subject Polymers containing | all forms
三聚氰胺树脂层melamine laminate
三聚鼠胺一玻璃层制品melamine-glass laminate
上行程式upstroke press
式压机down stroke press
不溢式trimless mold
聚乙烯medium-pressure polyethylene
临界击穿电指数critical tracking index
二氧化硅增强层silica-reinforced laminate
交向层材料crosswise laminate
交向层材料cross laminate
交向层片材cross-laminated sheet
固化low-pressure cure
塑料low-pressure plastic
成型low-pressure molding
模塑low-pressure molding
法聚乙烯low-pressure processed polyethylene
法聚乙烯low-pressure polyethylene
注射成型low-pressure injection molding
聚合low-pressure polymerization
铺叠成型contact lay up molding
充模mold face filling pressure
入口力降entrance pressure drop
成型impact molding
cold pressing
cold compression molding
成型cold press molding
黏合剂cold pressing adhesive
冷模花机hobbing press
压机hobbing press
分散pressure dispersion
成型pressure forming
染色pressure dyeing
模塑press molding
动态保注塑oscillating packing injection molding
动态保注塑dynamic packing injection molding
动态保注射成型oscillating packing injection molding
动态保注射成型dynamic packing injection molding
动态渗透dynamic membrane
动态渗透dynamic osmometry
动态渗透dynamic osmometer
动态膜渗透dynamic membrane osmometry
单板层laminated veneer lumber
入深度depth of penetration
制料坯compressed preform
坯吹塑compression blowing
型橡胶制品pressed rubber article
塑制件compression molded part
塑用混合料compression molding compound
差树脂传递模塑法differential pressure transfer molding
延取向效应calender grain
延效应calendered effect
延机calendering machine
延泡沫塑料夹芯织物calendering fabric foam
延片料calendered wed
延用树脂calendering resin
延用混合料calendering composition
延级树脂calender-grade resin
延薄膜calender film
延薄膜calendered sheeting
延贴合层calendered coating
延贴合织物calender-coated fabric
敏性高分子pressure sensitive polymer
敏聚合物pressure sensitive polymer
敏胶带pressure sensitive tape
敏黏合pressure sensitive adhesion
敏黏合剂contact cement
敏黏合剂pressure sensitive adhesive
敏黏合剂pressure sensitive adhesive agent
敏黏合剂contact bonder
敏黏性pressure sensitive tack
板开距压机daylight opening
板迹印plate mark
注成型compression injection molding
片机preforming machine
电传化器piezoelectric transducer
电偶合因子piezoelectric coupling factor
电应力常数piezoelectric stress constant
电应变常数piezoelectric strain constant
电弛豫piezoelectric relaxation
电松弛piezoelectric relaxation
电生物陶瓷piezoelectric bioceramic
纹薄膜纤维profiled film fiber
缩剪切强度compression shear strength
缩回复compression recovery
缩型塑性仪compression plastometer
缩塑性体compression plastomer
缩屈服应力compressive yield stress
缩屈服载荷compressive yield load
缩应力一应变图compressive stress-strain diagram
缩应力一应变曲线compressive stress-strain curve
缩应力弛豫compression stress relaxation
缩弹性回复compressive elastic recovery
缩弹性模量modulus of elasticity in compression
缩弹性模量elastic modulus in compression
缩性收缩compressive shrinking
缩成型compression forming
缩挠曲试验compression flex test
缩木材compressed wood
缩永久变形试验compression set test
缩畸变compression deflection
缩硬度compressive hardness
缩胶合板high-density plywood
花纸embossed paper
阻行为piezoresistive behavior
黏结布press bonded fabric
厌氧敏黏合剂anaerobic pressure-sensitive adhesive
反复缩试验repeated compression test
发泡芯层层foam-cored laminate
缩黏性流动viscous compressible flow
可冲热塑性塑料stampable thermoplastic
可变差黏度计variable head viscosimeter
各向均成型isotactic molding
各向异性层材料anisotropic laminate
后成型层材料post forming laminate
后成型层post-formed laminate
含碳酚醛树脂层carbon-phenolic laminate
吹塑挤blown-bubble extrusion
喷涂料罐pressure container
塑料层plastic lamination
增强层reinforced laminate
多层multiplaten press
多层塑料层combination plastic laminate
多层层multiply lamination
夹心层塑料sandwich laminate
制品laminate molding
制品laminated molding
加工laminated finishing
地砖laminated tile
型材laminated profile
基材laminate substrate
基材laminate base
塑料stratified plastic
复合材料laminated composite
lamination layer
布板laminated cloth
木板laminated veneer
laminate sheet
板材laminated sheet
板黏合强度laminate bond strength
树脂laminate resin
树脂清漆laminating varnish
热固性塑料laminated thermosetting plastic
用聚酯树脂polyester laminating resin
纤维laminated fiber
酚醛塑料laminated phenolics
预制件laminated preform
黏结织物laminated bonded fabric
层向抗强度edge compressive strength
层状挤成型技术lamellar-extrusion technique
工业用层塑料industrial laminate plastic
布基层fabric lamination
布基层材料fabric base laminate
布基层fabric base laminate sheet
布基层cloth laminate
布基层板黏合剂fabric laminate adhesive
发泡atmospheric expansion
辉光放电等离子体atmosphere pressure glow discharge plasma
应力缩曲线stress-compression curve
开关电switching voltage
异质层材料heterogeneous laminate
微接触microcontact printing
快速硫化模胶料fast curing molding compound
成型mold pressure
手动液hand press
手搬hand press
强度bearing strength
缩胶垫rubber compression pad
脱水press dewatering
擦胶延机spreading calender
斜角出机头angular head
旋转式缩成型机rotary compression molding press
层压用树脂no-pressure resin
有机硅层silicone laminate
本体bulk compression
机械传动mechanical press
树脂resin transfer molding
树脂化层木材resin-treated laminated compressed wood
棱边抗强度edge compressive strength
die cutting
成型compression molding
成型compression forming
compression molding press
模塑mold pressure
力系数positive pressure coefficient
毛细管人口capillary entrance-pressure drop
氯丁橡胶贴面层neoprene-faced laminate
水平承面积land area
泡沫层材料foam laminate
制品injection molded item
注射缩成型injection-compression molding
floating platen
浸渍榨机steeping press
浸渍缩木impregnated and compressed wood
深度撑deep drawing
深度撑deep draw
深度撑成型deep draw forming
深撑真空成型deep draw vacuum forming
渗透第二位力系数second osmotic virial coefficient
溶胀swelling pressure
滚筒轧roll pressing
封口机heat sealing machine
hot calendering
成型hot compression molding
罐成型autoclave molding
罐成型autoclave forming
热固性层thermoset laminate
热塑性层thermoplastic laminate
热层thermal lamination
热摸hot molding
状高聚合釜cylindrical polymerizer autoclave
环氧层epoxy laminate
环氧玻璃层制品epoxy-glass laminate
环氧纸层制品epoxy-paper laminate
玻璃纤维增强层fiber glass reinforced laminate
玻璃纤维层fiber glass laminate
玻璃纤维毡层glass mat laminate
式硬度试验ball pressure test
甲酚树脂模物料cresylic molding compound
电气级层electrical grade laminate
电渗透electroosmotic pressure
直接模direct pressure molding
石墨增强层graphite reinforced laminate
石墨环氧树脂层graphite-epoxy laminate
石墨织物层graphite fabric laminate
石棉层材料asbestos laminate
石棉织物基层塑料asbestos fabric base laminate
石棉酚醛树脂层asbestos-phenol resin laminate
硫化curing pressure
硼环氧树脂层boron-epoxy laminate
示差蒸气温度计differential vapor pressure thermometer
蒸馏isopiestic distillation
等渗isoosmotic pressure
纤维增强层制品fiber reinforced laminate
纤维素纸基层cellulose paper base laminate
纳米印光刻nanoimprint lithography
纸基层材料paper-based laminate
纺织层textile laminate
织物增强层fabric-reinforced laminate
结构用层structural laminate
时间注塑after-pressure time
试验withstand voltage test
耐热层heat-resistant laminate
聚乙烯层薄膜polyethylene laminated foil
聚偏氟乙烯电塑料poly vinylidine fluoride piezoelectric plastic
聚苯并咪唑层polybenzimidazole laminate
聚酯玻璃纤维层polyester-glass laminate
聚酯玻璃纤维层polyester-glass fiber laminate
聚酰亚胺层polyimide laminate
胶浸缩木材compregnated wood
膜塑料缩比bulk factor of molding compound
膜渗透membrane osmometry
膨胀模具swelling pressure
自动automatic compression molding
苯酚甲醛层phenol-formaldehyde laminate
蒸气渗透法vapor-pressure osmometry
蒸汽渗透计vapor-pressure osmometer
蒸汽渗透计vapor-phase osmometer
蒸汽降低法vapor-pressure method
蜂窝层honeycomb laminate
表观电常数apparent piezoelectric constant
层压板contact laminate
固化树脂impression resin
模塑contact molding
力系数negative pressure coefficient
软质层flexible laminate
连续continuous sheeting
透气性层制件breathable laminate
酚醛一尼龙层phenolic-nylon laminate
酚醛层制件phenolic-based laminate
酚醛层片材phenolic laminated sheet
酚醛树脂黏结纸基层phenolic-bonded paper laminate
酚醛模材料phenolic molding material
静水蠕变hydrostatic creep
X 射线high-pressure X-ray
层压板high-pressure laminate
成型high-pressure molding
液相色谱high-pressure liquid chromatography
电泳high voltage electrophoresis
纺丝high-pressure spinning
结晶动力学high-pressure crystallization kinetics
聚合polymerization under high pressure
聚合反应器pressure polymerization reactor
装饰层压板high-pressure decorative laminate
退火high-pressure annealing
高强度层塑料high-strength laminated plastic
高强度层high-strength laminate