
Terms for subject Environment containing 压机 | all forms
压缩机compressor A mechanical device 1. to provide the desired pressure for chemical and physical reactions, 2. to control boiling points of fluids, as in gas separation, refrigeration, and evaporation, 3. to evacuate enclosed volumes, 4. to transport gases or vapors, 5. to store compressible fluids as gases or liquids under pressure and assist in recovering them from storage or tank cars, and 6. to convert mechanical energy to fluid energy for operating instruments, air agitation, fluidization, solid transport, blowcases, air tools, and motors (一种机械装置。1. 为化学和物理反应提供所需的压力。2.控制例如气体分离、制冷和蒸发等流动体的沸点。3.排空空体积 4. 传送气体或蒸汽。5. 在一定的压力下以气态或液态的形式储存可压缩的流动体,以方便其储放。6. 为空气搅动、流体化、固体运送、鼓风、空压工具和马达等的装置操作,将机械能量转变为流动能量。)