
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 压力 | all forms | in specified order only
三动压力triple-action press
三向压力triaxial pressure
上冲头压力upper punch pressure
上升增长压力upacting pressure
上模冲压紧压力top-punch hold-down pressure
上行冲程压力upstroke press
上辊压力pressure of top roll
下传动压力bottom drive press
下冲头压力lower punch pressure
下冲式压力down stroking press
下滑座式凸轮压力bottom slide cam press
下滑座式拉延压力bottom slide drawing press
下滑座式深拉压力bottom slide drawing press
不均匀平衡,稳定压力uneven pressure
不稳定压力uneven pressure
中间包内钢水静压力ferrostatic pressure in tundish
临界压力系数critical pressure coefficient
伸张压力stretching press (薄板的)
伸张压力stretch press
伸角式压力horn press
伸角状压力horn press
低于大气压的压力subatmospheric pressure
作用于坯壳的垂直压力vertical compression on shell
偏心压力cam press
偏心式压力eccentric-type press
偏心齿轮压力eccentric gear press
充氧压力铸造oxygenated pressure casting
入口压力inlet pressure
全鼓风压力full-wind pressure
全鼓风压力full wing pressure
共轭压力conjugate pressure
压力internal pressure
内在压力intrinsic pressure
分子压力molecular pressure
分子压缩压力molecular gauge
分子压力molecular gauge
切断压力cutting-out press
初始压力initial force
初轧板坯齐边压力slab reducer
制瓶压力bottle making press
压力挤压extrusion with front pressure (法)
压力挤压法extrusion with front pressure
前开式压力open front press
前送料压力front loading press
前送料压力front loading press
剩余压力surplus pressure
剩余压力residual pressure
升华压力sublimation pressure
单位压力unit pressure
单位压力specific pressure
单位压力contact pressure
单位压制压力specific moulding pressure
单位成型压力specific moulding pressure
单位轧制压力specific rolling pressure
单冲杆压力single-punch press
单向压力uniaxial pressure
单向压力single-action press
单活塞爆炸压力single-piston explosive press
卧式压力horizontal press
force of compression
compressive force
压入应力indentation stress
压入抗力resistance to indentation
压入抗力indentation resistance
压制压力compaction pressure
压制压力pressing pressure
压制压力briquetting pressure
压制力pressing force
压力press power
压力上限upper pressure limit
压力下降loss of pressure
压力不正常pressure off-time
压力传感元件pressure responsive element
压力传感器pressure pickup
压力传感器load cell
压力传送仪pressure transmitter
压力传递介质pressure transfer medium
压力开关pressure switch
压力式真空计pressure vacuum gauge
压力指示器pressure indicator
压力气氛pressurized atmosphere
压力气氛pressure atmosphere
压力焊焊缝pressure weld
压力范围pressure limit
压力调宽机sizing press
压力调直机straightening press
压力调节pressure adjustment
压力调节器stilling chamber
压力调节器pressure controller
压力调节装置pressure regulation unit
压力调节阀pressure regulating valve
压力送料槽pressure-feed tank
压力送料罐pressure-feed tank
压力pressure valve
压力鼓风forced air blast
压塑压力compaction pressure
压头加压力ram pressing capacity
压应力stress in compression
压溃力collapsing force
压碎应力crushing stress
压碎抗力resistance to crushing
压紧力compacting pressure
压紧力compacting force
压缩压力compression pressure
压缩力draught pressure
压缩变形抗力resistance to compression
压缩应力stress in compression
压缩应力-应变图compression stress-strain diagram
压缩应力应变图compression stress-deformation diagram
压缩应力应变图compression stress-strain diagram
压缩应力-应变图compression stress-deformation diagram
压缩应力强度intensity of compressive stress
压缩应力试验机compression stress tester
压缩残余应力compressive residual stress
后开式压力open-back press
吸引压力suction pressure
周围介质压力environmental pressure
圆边折缘压力circular flanging press
压力系数coefficient of earth pressure
垂直压力vertical pressure
垂直压力vertical compression
垂直压力vertical pressure drop
垂直轧制压力normal roll pressure
外来杂质原子与位错间的流体静压力相互作用hydrostatic interaction between foreign atoms and dislocations
外界压力ambient pressure
多冲杆压力multiple-punch press
多工位压力transfer press
多工位压力transfer press
多柱压力multidaylight press
多次压力循环multipressure cycle
多次拉延压力reducing press
多次深拉压力reducing press
多滑块压力multiple-slide press
多管压力multi-tube pressure gauge
大功率拉深压力heavy draw press
大型压力heavy-duty press
大型拉延压力heavy-duty drawing press
大气压力air pressure
大气压力冒口atmosphere riser
大气压力加料atmospheric pressure feeding
夹压应力grip stress
夹紧压力clamping pressure
射流压力基准fluid pressure reference
尾部送料压力breech loading press
尾部送料压力breech loading press
局部压力localized pressure
展平压力flattening pressure
布料压力控制feed pressure control
布氏硬度压力Brinell hardness press
布登压力Bourdon gauge
带反压力的挤压differential pressure extruding
带钢压力strip press
干油压力润滑系统pressure grease system
干油集中压力润滑系统centralized pressure-grease system
平均单位压力mean specific pressure
平均单位轧制压力mean unit roll pressure
轧辊平均单位压力mean specific roll pressure
平均有效指示压力indicated mean effective pressure
平均轧制压力average roll pressure
平衡压力equilibrium pressure
平衡压力吹管balanced pressure torch
张力曲柄连杆式压力tension knuckle press
弯圆边压力circular flanging press
弯轨压力rail bending press
弯辊压力roll-bending pressure
弯辊压力传感器roll-bending pressure transducer
弯边压力flanging press
弯边压力folding and seaming press
弯边压力flanging machine
弯边压力wiring press
弯边压力joggling press
弹性压力elastic compression
弹簧压力spring pressure gauge
弹簧式压力spring manometer
减厚强力旋压power spinning
当量氮压力equivalent nitrogen pressure
当量氮气压力equivalent nitrogen pressure
O形压力O-ing press
C 形卧式单动曲柄压力horizontal C-frame single action crank press
C 形卧式曲柄压力horizontal C-frame crank press
U 形弯曲压力U-bending press (用于管材弯曲成形)
U 形弯曲压力U-ing press
U形弯曲压力U-bending press
0形成型压力O-forming press
U 形成型压力U-press
U 形管压力U-tube manometer
径向单位轧制压力radial unit roll pressure
径向单位轧制压力radial unit roll pressure
【压】 径向压缩应力radial compressive stress
径向压缩应力radial compressive stress
径向轧制压力radial roll pressure
怀突压力cupping press
压力overall pressure
压力main pressure drop
恒定压力挤压steady pressure extrusion
恒张力挤压constant tension force extrusion
成型压力compacting pressure
成型压力forming pressure
成型压力moulding pressure
成型压力briquetting pressure
成型压力shaping press
成形压力forming pressure
成形压力compacting pressure
U 成形压力U-shape fonning press
C 成形压力C-shaping press
0成形压力O-ing press
U 成形压力U-ing press
U 成形压力U-press
U-O 成形压力U-O press
C 成形压力C-ing forming press
戴纳帕克高能高速压力Dynapak press
手动压力manual press
手动压力hand-power press
手动螺旋压力hand-power screw press
手扳压力hand press
手扳压力hand arbor press
打包压力cabbaging press (废钢的)
扩散压力diffusion pressure
扩管压力tube expanding press
指示压力indicated pressure
压力extruding force
挤压压力extruding pressure
挤压压力squeezing press
挤压应力extrusion stress
挤压辊焊管机的压力pressure roll
挤溃压力collapse pressure
摆式压力pendulum pressure piece
摇臂式压力rocker-arm type press
摩擦压力frictional press
摩擦压力friction press
摺缝压力folding and seaming press
支承压力bearing pressure
支承压力不可调的辊式矫直机backed up roller leveller without pressure regulation
支承压力可调的辊式矫直机backed up pressure regulating roller leveller
支承压力可调的辊式矫直机backed up pressure regelating roller leveller
放射性电离压力radioactive ionization gauge
放散管煤气压力bleeder stack pressure
整体机架式压力one-piece frame press
整修压力trimming press
整形修边压力trimming press
昆塔斯钢丝缠绕等静压力Quintus isostatic press
最大压力ultimate pressure
最大压力max. pressure
最大极限压力ultimate pressure
最高压力top pressure
最高压力pressure peak
机座间带钢压力interstand strip press
机架间带钢压力interstand strip press
机械压力mechanical pressure
机械压力mechanical press (【技】利用机械传动的压力机。一般分为开式压力机和闭式压力机两种。大中型压力机多采用闭式。机械压力机广泛用于挤压、模锻、冲压和耐火材料的生产。)
机械压力mechanically operated press
机械压力mechanical pressure gauge
杯突压力cupping press
板坯压力定尺机slab sizing press
板坯压力调宽机slab sizing press
板坯减宽压力定尺机slab sizing press for width reduction
板坯齐边压力slab edge squeezer
板坯齐边压力slab reducer
初轧板坯齐边压力slab reducer
标准静压力机试验器standard deadweight press tester
核反应堆压力容器nuclear reactor pressure vessel
框架式压力frame construction press
框架结构式压力frame construction press
梅式冷挤压压力May press
楔形进料螺旋压力screw wedge press
楔调压力wedge press
模具夹紧压力die-clamping pressure
模塑压力moulding pressure
模座侧送料压力muzzle-loading press
模座侧送料压力muzzle-loading press
模锻压力die forging press
模锻压力drop press
压力lateral pressure
横向压力horizontal pressure
横置轴压力cross shaft press
正常压力normal pressure
气体煤气压力gas pressure
气体压力gaseous tension
气体压力成形gas-pressure compaction
气体压力成形gas-pressure compacting
气体压力gassing gauge
气体压力gas manometer
气刀压力精确控制accurate control of air knife pressure
气刀压力设定点air knife pressure set point
气动式压力控制阀air-operated pressure control valve
气压蓄力器pneumatic accumulator
气压蓄力器air-loaded accumulator
气焊枪气体压力torch pressure
氢气压力hydrogen pressure
氧化压力oxidizing pressure
氧气压力oxygen pressure
氧气压力调节器oxygen pressure regulator
氩气压力保护箱argon shrouded pressure box
水力液压穿孔压力hydraulic piercing press
水力压紧liquid packing
水力增压器hydraulic intensifier
水力穿孔压力hydraulic piercing press
水力蓄压器压力传动water-accumulator drive
水力蓄压器式水压机water-accumulator power press
水力蓄压装置water-accumulator installation
水力锻造压力hydroforging press
水平压力horizontal pressure
水平压力level press
水柱压力water column manometer
水银压力mercury pressure gauge
水银压力mercury manometer
水银压力mercury gauge
永久压力permanent compression
活动台面深拉压力slide drawing press
流体压力pressure of fluidity
流体压力fluid pressure
流体动力冲压法hydrodynamic process (用液体介质代替凸模的无凸模冲压法)
流动压力flow pressure
浓差压力osmotic pressure
浸出压力leaching pressure
渐进折边压力gradually working flanging press
渗透压力osmotic pressure difference
温度压力曲线temperature-pressure curve
温度-压力曲线temperature-pressure curve
炉内压力furnace pressure
炉料柱压力pressure of stock column
炉料柱压力pressure of burden column
炉罩压力hood pressure
炉顶压力furnace top pressure
炉顶压力roof pressure
炉顶压力top pressure
炉顶压力高炉的top pressure
炉顶压力furnace roof draught
炉顶压力控制furnace top pressure control
炉顶压力控制器furnace top pressure controller
炉顶压力调节furnace top pressure control
炉顶压力调节器furnace top pressure controller
炉顶煤气压力调节器furnace top pressure controller
炉顶工作压力furnace top operating pressure
炉顶煤气压力top gas pressure (高炉的)
炉顶煤气压力top gas pressure
炉顶煤气压力记录仪top gas pressure recorder
炉顶设计压力design top pressure
焊接压力welding pressure head
焊接压力welding press
焊机压力调节器welding outfit pressure regulator
焰炬压力torch pressure
煤气压力指示器gas-pressure indicator
煤气压力gas gauge
爆炸压力explosive press
爆破压力bursting pressure
球团压力pelleting press
电动压力power press
电动压力electrically powered press
电动压力electrical pressure pump
电极压力electrode force
电极压力系统electrode-pressure system
电极头压力tip pressure
电极头压力tip pressure gauge
电磁压力成形加工法magneform process
电磁压力electromagnetic power press
电离压力压强ionization gauge
电离压力计探测器ionization gauge detector
电离压力计探测器ionization gage detector
电缆包皮压力cable-sheathing press
电缆包皮压力cable-covering press
电缆铅包皮压力lead cable press
电缆铅坯包皮压力billet fed lead cable press
真空压力vacuum pressure gauge
真空压力vacuum manometer
真空压力铸造vacuum die casting
真空压力vacuum pressure valve
真空模压力铸造法evacuated die-casting process
真空计压力vacuum gauge pressure
破坏压力failing pressure
破碎压力crushing press
硬化压力衬垫hardened pressure pad
稀油自动压力润滑automatic oil-pressure lubrication
稀油集中压力润滑系统centralized pressure-oil system
稳定挤压压力steady extrusion pressure
空气压力air pressure
空气压力air pressure mill
空气压力air-pressure mill
空气压力air pressure gauge
空气压力air-pressure gauge
空气压力释放阀air pressure release valve
空气压力释放阀air-pressure release valve
空气一水力蓄压器air-water bottle accumulator
空转压力idle forcing roller
等代压力equivalent compressive force
等压应力状态equilateral state of stress
等效压力equivalent compressive force
等渗压力isotonic pressure
等静压力isostatic pressure
粉末冶金用压力powder metallurgy press
粉末金属压力powder metal press
罩内压力hood pressure
考芬哈尔压力Couffinhal press
联合式压力combination -type press
脚踏压力kick press
脚踏压力foot press
脚踏杠杆式压力foot lever press
脱模压力ejection pressure
落料压力blanking press
薄板拉伸压力sheet-stretch press
薄板拉深压力sheet-stretch press
薄膜压力membrane pressure gauge
薄膜压力diaphragm pressure gauge
虹吸压力siphon gauge
表面压力face pressure
表面压应力compressive stress at surface
警报压力alarm manometer
调相压力传感器phase-modulated pressure sensor
贝亚德-阿波特电离压力Bayard-Alpert ionization gauge
质量压力mass pressure
起泡压力bubble point pressure
超临界压力锅炉管supercritical pressure boiler pipe
超大气压力superatmospheric pressure
超超临界压力锅炉钢管boiler pipe for ultra-supercritical pressure
超高炉顶压力super-high top pressure
车轮坯成型模锻压力wheel forging press
车轮安装压力wheel-mounting press
车轮式压力wheel press
车轮式压力wheel-mounting press
车轮模锻压力wheel forging press
轧制压力roll pressure
轧制压力rolling pressure
轧制压力pressure of rolling
轧制压力分布distribution of rolling pressure
轧辊承受的平均单位压力mean specific roll pressure (【技】轧制作业时,轧辊所承受的轧件对其单位面积上的压力,等于总压力与轧件和轧辊接触面积之比。)
轧辊有效压力effective pressure of roll
转动台式压力rotating table press
轮毂成型压力hub punch press
轮毂成形压力hub punch press (车轮坯的)
轮箍压力tyre press
轮箍压力tyre press
轴承压力bearing pressure
轻微压力slight pressure
轻微压力light pressure
辊式压力roll press
辊式送料压力roll feed press (薄板冲压时用)
送料压力forward pressure
送进压力forward pressure
通用压力common purpose press
通风气流压力draught head
速度形成的压力velocity pressure
造型压力moulding press
造型压力mould press
造球压力pelleting press
遥感压力remote induction manometer
遥测读数压力distant reading manometer
锅炉压力boiler pressure
锰白铜丝压力manganin pressure gauge
锻焊用压力faggoting press
锻焊用压力fagoting press
锻造压力forging pressure
镦锻压力upset pressure
镦锻压力upsetting press
长结晶器冷却水压力cooling water pressure in long mold
阿斯卡尼亚压力调节器Askania regulator
附加压力additional pressure
附着压力adhesion pressure
霍华德压力Howard press
静水压力系‘数hydrostatic pressure ratio
静液压力hydrostatic press
静液压力hydrostatic pressure gauge
静液力挤压hydrostatic extrusion
静液力挤压机hydrostatic extrusion press
静液力挤压机hydrostatic extrusion machine
静液力连续挤压hydrostatic continuous extrusion
静液压压力hydrostatic gauge
静液压应力hydrostatic stress
静液压张力hydrostatic tension
顶锻压力heading press
预弯边压力crimping press
预抽压力fore pressure
预热压力preheating pressure
预热压力preheating force
鼓风压力blast pressure
鼓风压力记录仪blast pressure recorder
齐边压力squeezer (板坯的)
板坯齐边压力slab squeezer
齐边压力edge squeezer
齿条传动压力rack press
齿条式压力rack-and-pinion press
齿轮传动固定式曲柄压力geared noninclinable crank press
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