
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一家工的关闭the closure of a factory
一流权威制造top maker
一流权威制造top maker
与一家订约bargain with a producer for a constant supply of the articles
与去年比该产量增加了百分之五十The output of the factory has increased by fifty percent as compared with last year
专业家制造仪器professional instrument
从工排放的废料污染了河水The waste from the factory contaminates the water in the river
他们已向我订购自行车10,000辆They have placed an order for 10,000 bicycles with our factory
代表be representative of manufacturers
内培训方式on an in-plant basis
供应商信用融通supplier credit facilities
供应商证明书supplier's certificate
修理repair maintenance depot
关闭工shut down a factory
冰箱refrigerator factory
牌或商标买卖sale by brand or trade mark
cost price
净价net price at factory
证明书manufacturer's certificate
说明书shop instructions
调整factory-adjusted control
制造亦缩为 MFRmanufacturer
制造商仓库交货价格ex maker's godown
制造商代号sign of manufacturer
制造商名称name of manufacturer
制造商检验证书manufacturer's inspection certificate
制造商说明书certificate of manufacturer
制造商责任manufacturer's liability
制造商风险producer's risk
制造商风险manufacturer's risk
制造标记stamp of the maker
制造工标记manufacturer's mark
内运输费用yard transportation expenses
商店名称trade name
联合国商委员会Committee of Manufacturers
site of factory
址勘察与调查site prospecting and probing
址方案site alternatives
址清理及整治site preparation and development
址说明site description
址调查site investigation
址选址方式locational model
址选择selection of plant location
址选择研究site selection study
外设施off-site facilities
房建造计划plan for construction
房设备周转率turnover o£ plant and equipment
房设计plant design
矿企业industrial and mining enterprises
委托制造original equipment manufactures
委托制造original equipment manufacture
委托制造出口OEM export
报价OEM price
可供选择alternative locations
可变工间接管理费用variable factory overhead cost
因缺乏燃料许多小工关闭了Many small plants closed down for lack of fuel
土地购置及址准备投资成本investment cost for land and site preparation
在产量方面超过某一工outstrip a factory in output
在工商业不景气时期,该半数机器停机了During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle
工业企业multifactory enterprise
大批量生产铸造production foundry
季节性工seasonal factory
家隐瞒市场信息withhold market information from the manufacturers
价格producer price
价格shop cost
价格EXW price
质量outgoing quality
交货ex works
交货价格ex works
电子仪器professional instrument
包建业turnkey industry
包建合同turnkey contract
厂址plant site
厂址plant location
厂房建筑平面图physical plant layout
品牌house brand
场所plant site
场所plant location
守则shop instructions
实际管理费分摊allocation of actual factory overhead
投产plant commissioning
投入物总量sum of inputs into the factory
杂项开支factory burden
杂项开支factory overhead
材料报告单shop material report
检验证明书work inspection certificate
生产事故减少奖金accident reduction bonus
管理部门management of the factory
规程factory regulation
设备安装工程plant engineering
设施与设备facilities and equipment
间接费用factory overhead
面积利用系数utilization coefficient of floor space of factory
厂址site for plant erection and operation
厂址factory site
地区与厂址选择location and site selection
地区的决策location decision
地区的决策locational decision
地区研究location study
地点industrial location
工地临时建筑preparatory installations
成套包建的工turnkey factory
生产飞速增长Production in our factory is increasing at a high rate
扩大工生产能力expansion of plant production capacity
扩建工enlarge the factory
技术许可证贸易转让方有权到技术引进方的工查看和查账access to the licensee's plant and books of account
把一工的产量提高到先进厂的水平level the output of a factory up to that of the advanced
投入物的外储运设施off-site transport and storage of inputs
按出缩写为EXWex works
成套设备工厂package plant
设备出口plant export
炼油工艺设备refinery process units
牲口屠宰加工packing plant
牲口屠宰加工packing house
现有工扩建expansion of existing plant
现有工扩建existing plant expansion
生产家价格producer's price
生产production sheds
登广告为建招标advertise for tenders for a factory
示范demonstration factory
街道办工community-run workshop
装备不足的工underequipped factory
规划的工生产能力projected plant capacity
这家子抵押了一大笔押金The factory was encumbered with a heavy mortgage
这座工将建在我市The new factory is to be located in our city
附属工accessory factory