
Terms for subject Technology containing 卸料 | all forms | in specified order only
三逍卸料闸门triple air lock
三道卸料triple discharging gate
两侧卸料bilateral discharge
中心卸料central discharge
中心卸料centre discharge
中心卸料center discharge
中心卸料trunnion discharge mill
中心传动和边缘卸料的多仓磨central drive peripheral discharge type mill
中间卸料卸料磨的回粉仓medium grinding compartment
中间卸料式提升机internal discharge bucket elevator
中间卸料的链斗式提升机bucket elevator with central discharge
中间周边卸料center peripheral discharge
中高卸料通道middle-height discharge tunnel
从料斗中卸料drawing from bins
从筒仓中卸料drawing from silos
休利特电动卸料Hulett electrical unloader
伸缩式卸料溜槽extensible discharge trough
side-dumping bucket
卸料side-tipping loading bucket
侧卸斗式装料机side-dumping bucket loader
侧卸铺料机side discharge truck paver
侧向卸料side discharge
侧边卸料side discharge
侧送式卸料side delivery chute
卸料tipping bin
卸料tipping hopper
卸料tipping bucket
倾卸提升加料机skip charger
倾卸填料dumped fill
倾卸式料槽tilting pan
倾卸提升加料机skip charger
偏心卸料eccentric discharge
储料卸出台de-piling equipment
充气卸料emptying by fluidization
充气漏斗形底部卸料aerated funnel shaped bottom discharge
减压卸料expansion chamber
分堆卸料dump in piles
分格轮卸料rotary-vane type discharger
切向卸料tangential discharge
前卸式料车forward dump
前卸推料车front-dump truck
前卸推料车front lorry
前卸推料车front-dump lorry
加料和卸料位置feed end
加料和卸压fill and pressure relief
匀速卸料技术uniform discharging technique
单侧卸料unilateral discharge
卧式沉降螺旋卸料离心分离机solid bowl type screw decanter
卸料live silo
卸料discharge chamber
卸料刮板drain separator
卸料product outlet
卸料口临界直径critical outlet diameter
卸料口面积discharge area
卸料口颈圈outlet collar
卸料unloading platform
卸料throw-off shelf
卸料台架unloading skid
船用卸料吊斗marine leg
卸料吊杆discharge boom
卸料吊车unloading crane
卸料地道escape tunnel
卸料dumping position
卸料discharge place
卸料discharging pit
卸料dump pile
卸料dump tower
卸料spigot discharge
卸料discharge outlet
卸料discharge opening
卸料discharge hole
卸料容器discharge vessel
卸料容器discharge cash
卸料导管blowdown line
卸料小车tip-up trolley (输送的)
带式运输机的卸料小车tripper trailer
卸料小车tip-up trolly (输送的)
卸料小车discharge cart
卸料outlet zone
卸料平台drawing floor
卸料平底船dump scow
卸料平底船discharge scow
卸料开口宽度breadth of discharge opening
卸料强度discharge intensity
卸料悬臂discharge boom
卸料按钮discharge button
卸料推杆discharge ram
卸料dump skip
卸料tipping hopper
卸料dump hopper
卸料方法method of dumping
卸料时间time of unloading
卸料时间dumping time
卸料时间表unloading schedule
卸料stripper machine
卸料unloading device
卸料stripping machine
卸料机构shedding mechanism
卸料板式输送机drawing plate conveyer
卸料throw-off shelf
卸料discharge frame
卸料格栅discharge grid
卸料blow tank
卸料unload chute
卸料dumping trough
卸料discharge trough
卸料discharge chute
卸料blow tank
卸料discharge chute
卸料blow pit
卸料discharge pump
卸料溜子dumping apron
卸料溜子discharge chute
卸料溜槽dumping apron
卸料滑槽emptying chute
卸料滚动阀门discharge rotary valve
卸料滚筒discharge roll
卸料漏斗discharge funnel
卸料炉栅discharge grating
卸料point of discharge
卸料用板式输送机discharging plate conveyer
卸料用胶带输送机discharging belt conveyer
卸料皮带输送机drawing belt conveyer
卸料竖管discharge shaft
卸料discharge terminal
卸料站台dump platform
卸料站台discharging platform
卸料discharge end
卸料throw-off end
卸料outlet end
卸料delivery end
卸料端中空轴discharge-end trunnion
卸料端磨头outlet head
卸料端空心轴outlet trunnion (颈)
卸料端空心轴discharge-end trunnion (颈)
卸料端轴颈outlet trunnion
卸料算板discharge grate
卸料drawn-off pipe
卸料discharge pipe
卸料discharge duct
卸料discharge conduit
卸料管子弯头discharge pipe elbow
卸料管法兰discharge flange
卸料系数coefficient of discharge
卸料绞刀extracting screw
卸料绞刀discharge screw
卸料胶带输送机discharge belt conveyer
卸料unloading arm
卸料螺旋discharge auger
卸料螺旋输送机extracting screw conveyer
卸料螺旋输送机extracting screw
卸料螺旋输送机discharge screw conveyer
卸料装备unloading device
卸料装置discharge device
卸料装置dumping device
卸料装置shedding mechanism
卸料装置unloading device
卸料装置empty device
卸料装置discharge apparatus
卸料设备unloading device
卸料设备unloading assembly
卸料调节阀adjustable discharge flow gate
卸料起重机dumping crane
卸料throw-off carriage
卸料dummy car
卸料bottom-discharge tractor
卸料车轨道dump track
卸料速度mass rate of emission
卸料速度discharge rate
卸料钢板steel dump sheet
卸料relief cone (体)
卸料discharge cone (体)
卸料闸板discharge shutter
卸料闸门discharge gate
卸料discharge valve
卸料emptying valve
卸料discharge flow grate
卸料高度dumping height
卸燃料discharge of the fuel
卸货推料器discharge pusher
压滤机卸料装置press dumper
叉形卸料bifurcated discharger
叉形卸料fork stripper
双向卸料two-way chute
双向卸料two-way spout
双向卸料two-way chute
双层伸缩卸料double bellow type spout
双曲线卸料hyperbolic outlet
可调卸料齿adjustable discharge gear pump
叶轮式料斗卸料paddle-type bunker discharge carriage
后送式卸料rear-delivery chute
向后卸料刮土机backward-dumping wheel scraper
周边卸料peripheral discharge
周边卸料peripheral discharge opening
周边卸料带筛球磨机screen discharge ball mill
周边卸料碾磨机rim discharge mill
周边卸料peripheral discharge screen
喷射卸料kerne tipple
回旋卸料swing arm discharge pipe
固定卸料positive unloading stripper
固定卸料positive stripper
固定的卸料装置fixed tripper
圆库卸料系统silo-discharge system
圆库卸料装置silo-discharge device
圆库卸料锥体silo-discharge cone
地下卸料underfloor extraction
地下卸料溜子underfloor discharge chute
地下廊道卸料underground tunnel gate
塔式卸料unloading rig
塔式卸料tower unloader
塔式卸料算子cone-type discharge grate
塔式转摆式卸料conical swing discharger
塔式转摆式卸料conic swing discharger
大量材料装卸handling of bulk materials
套筒式卸料telescoping chute
对开底卸料double-leaf hinged bottom bucket
对开底卸料double door drop-bottom bucket
尾端周边卸料end peripheral discharge
尾部卸料end dump car
卸料车的皮带输送机tripper type conveyer
带侧向卸料器的带式输送机belt conveyer with lateral discharger
带式输送机卸料belt tripper
库侧卸料silo side discharge set
库侧卸料lateral unloading valve of silo
库底卸料silo bottom
卸料drop bottom skip
卸料bottom-dump bucket
卸料斗式运货汽车bottom-dumping hopper body truck
底卸式料仓hopper bin
底卸式料仓hopper-bottomed bin
底卸式料斗bottom-dump bucket
底卸式料斗hopper-bottomed bin
底卸式料斗bottom-discharge bucket
底卸式料车bottom emptying wagon
底部卸料bottom discharge
底部卸料式货车floor hopper truck
底部卸料拖车center dump trailer
底部卸料bottom-dump bucket
底部卸料离心机basket type centrifuge
底部卸料离心机basket type centrifugal separator
底部卸料bottom-dump truck
底部卸料bottom-dump wagon
底部卸料center dump car
底部卸料bottom-dump car
废料倒卸rubbish dump
废料卸下rubbish dump
弹簧卸料spring stripper
弹簧卸料spring-operated stripper
弹簧式可动卸料spring-suspended movable stripper
弹簧柱塞式卸料spring plunger stripper
强制卸料positive discharge
S形卸料小车travelling tripper
S形卸料小车traveling tripper
往复式卸料篦子reciprocating discharge grate
往复来回卸料shuttle dumper
成品卸料product discharge door
打料机构带动的卸料knockout actuated stripper
抽吸卸料用抽风机抽气风扇extraction fan
振动卸料系统vibratory discharge system
推杆将卸料板沿分型面推开The push bar pushes out the stripper plate along the parting line
摆动卸料swivelling chute
摆动卸料swiveling chute
摆辊式卸料装置roller pendulum discharge device
摇动卸料rocker-dump car
摊铺机卸料paver bucket
收缩型卸料通道converging discharge channel
散料装卸机bulk solid loader and unloader
散装材料装卸handling of bulk materials
散装水泥气力卸料车厢pneumatic discharged car of bulk cement
散装袋卸料bulk-bag unloading station
斗式卸料hopper throat
料仓倾卸槽bin drawing channel
料仓卸货bin discharge
料仓卸载装置bin unloader
料仓应急卸料emergency bin discharge gate
料仓管状卸料系数rat-holding factor
料封卸料material lock discharging tube
料斗卸料bin discharge
料斗卸料hopper drawing channel
料斗卸料装置hopper drawing device
料斗式卸料travelling hopper
料斗式卸料traveling hopper
料饼卸出装置cake discharge
旋转卸料swing arm discharge pipe
旋转卸料revolving dump car
旋转式卸料swivelling discharge chute
旋转式卸料swiveling discharge chute
最大半径时的卸料高度dumping height at maximum radius
卸料器的皮带输送机tripper type conveyer
朝前卸料手推车front tipper
机力青储[贮]料卸载机power silage unloader
材料装卸设备material handling equipment
松散材料卸货器bulk material unloader
柔性卸料flexible spout
核电厂装卸料refueling machine of nuclear power plant
梨式卸料plow tripper
梨形卸料plow scraper
槽形卸料口卸料slot discharge
槽形卸料口料仓slot bunker
气力粒料装卸装置pneumatic grain handling unit
气动卸料pneumatic emptying
气动卸料pneumatic discharge
气动卸料air-operated bucket
气动卸料pneumatic discharger
气动卸料装置pneumatic discharge apparatus
气密式卸料装置air sealed discharging device
气密式卸料阀门air sealed discharging valve
气密式分格卸料装置air sealed rotary discharging device
气密式回转卸料装置air sealed rotary discharging device
水泥库侧卸料lateral unloading valve of cement silo
水泥库底卸料bottom unloading valve of cement silo
水泥底卸料专用设备special equipment for silo discharge
汽车卸料truck unloading hopper
沉降式螺旋卸料离心机screw discharge sedimentation centrifuge
活底卸料bottom discharge
活底卸料floor hopper
活底卸料bottom-dump bucket
活底卸料bottom-dump wagon
活底卸料bottom-discharge wagon
活底卸料belly wagon
流态化卸料fluidized discharge
流态化卸料emptying by fluidization
涡流型卸料方式vortex-shaped discharge pattern
混凝土卸料concrete discharge gutter
混凝土卸料concrete discharge channel
混凝土卸料concrete discharge pipe
溜槽卸料chute unloading
溢流卸料overflow discharge opening
漏斗卸料hopper discharge
漏斗卸料hopper throat
漏斗型单闸门卸料装置hopper type single opening shaft kiln discharge
熟料卸料闸门clinker discharge gate
熟料卸出带走的热损失clinker discharge loss
燃料卸料fuel unloading machine
燃料元件装卸口fuel handling port
燃料油卸料heating oil stripper
物料装卸物料运输material handling
用翻斗车卸料dumping with tilting bucket
用装料台卸载off-loading ramp
皮带式卸料throw-off belt
皮带秤卸料weigh belt bin
皮带运输机的卸料belt tripper
盘式卸料算子dish type discharge grate
卸料式拌和机non-tilting drum mixer
直接卸料direct dumping
真空卸料vacuum unloading
真空卸料系统vacuum unloading system
磨机卸料mill outlet
磨矿机卸料端提升机mill-head elevator
离心卸料centrifugal discharge
离心卸料提升机centrifugal discharge elevator
离心卸料斗式提升机bucket elevator with centrifugal discharge
称重胶带卸料weighing belt bin
移动卸料travelling tripper
移动卸料traveling tripper
移动式卸料travelling skip
移动式卸料traveling skip
移动式卸料装置travelling tripper
移动式卸料装置traveling tripper
空中卸料aerial dump (架空索道起重机斗)
空心轴卸料磨机trunnion discharge mill
空气卸料pneumatic discharge channel
空气卸料aerated discharge channel
窑炉卸料furnace discharge
立窑卸料篦子shaft kiln discharge grate
筒仓卸料silo gate
管状卸料rat hole discharge
翻斗卸料机构skip release mechanism
翻斗车的自动卸料和复位gravity discharge and return of the skip
翻斗车的重力卸料和复位gravity discharge and return of the skip
胶带卸料belt tripper
脉动卸料斗式提升机positive-discharge bucket elevator
卸料self-unloading hopper
自动卸料automatic unloading
自动卸料automatic discharge
自动卸料压滤机automatic cake discharge type filter press
自动卸料automatic unloading machine
自动卸料self-unloading pump
自动卸料automatic discharging
自动卸料离心分离机self-cleaning type centrifugal separator
自动卸料self-clearing car
自动卸料self-unloading vehicle
自动卸料tripping car
自动卸料dump car
自动卸料车体hopper car body
自动卸料配料称automatic dumping batch scale
自动装卸材料的设备automated material handling equipment
自卸式料仓self-emptying hopper
自卸式饲料分送器forage unloader box
自流卸料门孔gravity gate
自流式卸料gravity-discharge chute
螺旋卸料screw discharge
螺旋卸料screw discharger
螺旋卸料auger stripper
螺旋卸料unloading auger
螺旋卸料离心机screw centrifuge
螺旋卸料离心机screw decanter
螺旋卸料离心机scroll discharge centrifuge
螺旋卸料离心机helical conveyer centrifugal
螺旋卸料系统spiral discharge system
卸料吊车charge hoist
卸料loading dock
卸料load unload point
装卸散装货料斗loading hopper
装有卸料漏斗的楼板hoppered floor
装载卸料悬臂loader discharge boom
装载机卸料悬臂loader discharge boom
覆土卸料dumping of overburden
该移动式平板车和移动电动卸料小车之间采用柱销连接The removable flat car is connected with the removable electric discharging car by dowel pins
轨道卸料track hopper
转筒式卸料装置rotary drum discharge unit
辊式卸料篦子roller type discharge grate
辊式卸料篦子roller grate
输送机卸料conveyer belt tripper
输送机卸料belt tripper
边缘卸料peripheral discharge
边缘卸料磨机peripheral discharge mill
违章卸料indiscriminate dumping
配合料装卸batch handling
重力卸料gravity dumping
重力卸料gravity discharge
重力卸料式散装水泥车bulk cement car discharged by gravity
重力卸料gravity dump body
重型卸料ingoldsby car
野蛮卸料indiscriminate dumping
钢制动自动卸料steel dump car
钩式卸料hook type stripper
钩形卸料装置stripping folk
锥形卸料conical outlet
锥形卸料conic outlet
间断卸料hanging method
间隔卸料space discharge
阀门式卸料valve discharger
颚式破碎机的卸料口间隙宽度jaw setting
风动斜槽卸料系统unloader airslide system
饲料装卸分送设备feed handling equipment
卸料high discharge skip
高架端卸料discharge over the head end
高速卸料搅拌机inclined axis mixer