
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
不指定盘请求non-specific volume request
不活动inactive volume
分配式磁带distribution tape reel
内容表volume table of contents
back space
volume header
布局volume layout
序列号volume serial number
开始标号beginning-of-volume label
影副本服务volume shadow copy service
标[号volume label
标题volume header
登记项volume entry
目录表volume table of contents
积滤波convolution filtering
积码convolutional code
volume group
绕插头wrap plug
跟踪驱动程序volume tracking driver
volume set
压缩文件compressed volume file
垂直vertically scrolling
备份backup volume
备份清除处理backup volume cleanup process
分类multireel sorting
封锁locked volume
工作work volume
差错登记error file
平面曲光纤传感器flat coil fiber optic sensor
当前指针current volume pointer
拷贝copy volume
数字量乘以模拟量digital multiplication by analog convolution
引用号volume reference number
结束end of volume
文本滚text wrap
日备份daily backup volume
文件分析file analysis
正向文恢复forward file recovery
永久驻留磁盘、磁 带permanently resident volume
活动active volume
海量存储mass storage volume
海量存储控制日志mass storage volume control journal
海量存储控制程序mass storage volume control
海量存储目录清单mass storage volume inventory
海量存储mass storage volume group
溢出备份spill backup volume
直接存取初始化direct access volume initialization
磁带data cell drive
磁盘disk volume
离散discrete convolution
系统system volume
系统常驻system residence volume
系统预置海量存储default mass storage volume group
薄膜扫描器film scanner
文库立即显示film library instantaneous presentation
自动automatic rollback
自动文转换automatic volume switching
自动文件名识别automatic volume recognition
虚拟virtual volume
计算机数据显示输出缩微胶阅读器datascope computer output microfilmer
迁移migration volume
通用存储general-use volume
通用海量存储general-use mass storage volume
逻辑logical volume
逻辑管理器logical volume manager
重复海量存储duplicate mass storage volume