
Terms for subject International trade containing 危险 | all forms | in specified order only
不可保的危险uninsurable risk
不能保的危险uninsurable risk
中断的危险risk suspended
付费人优惠危险事故payer benefit peril
信用危险credit risk
分担危险divided coverage
危险分散distribution of risks
危险分级classification of risks
危险hazardous article
危险包装外表标志dangerous cargo
危险dangerous articles
危险品一览表dangerous cargo list
危险品符号dangerous goods code
危险品规则dangerous goods code
危险工作津贴danger money
危险性职业dangerous occupation
危险条款perils clause
危险条款peril clause
危险peril point
危险点条款peril point conventions
危险点条款peril point provision
危险物品hazardous substances
危险物品dangerous substance
危险物品hazardous substance
危险的开始commencement of risk
危险的材料hazardous materials
危险类别class of risk
危险讯号danger signal
危险货物dangerous goods
危险货物hazardous cargo
危险货物hazardous goods
危险货物dangerous cargo
危险货物标签dangerous label
危险货物类别specifications of dangerous goods
危险货物类别specification of dangerous goods
危险货费率dangerous cargo rate
变更危险性质change in nature of risk
可保危险insurable risks
各种运输方式危险品运输的国际公约International Convention on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by all Modes of Transport
基期危险basic perils
增加危险increase of risk
实际有形危险physical hazard
巨灾危险catastrophe risks
巨灾危险catastrophe hazard
异常危险abnormal risk
意外危险emergency risks
承保的危险perils insured against
拒保危险prohibited risk
损害危险由货主负担owner's risk of damage
暴露危险exposure hazard
海上危险marine risk
海上危险maritime perils
海上危险marine adventure
海上运输保险一第三者危险marine insurance: third party risk
火灾危险fire peril
特别危险事故special perils
真有危险性的职业hazardous occupation
破损危险由货主负担owner's risk of breakage
第一危险保险first loss insurance
第二危险secondary danger
职业性危险occupational hazard
贸易危险trade hazard
边缘危险border-line risk
迫近的危险imminent danger
道德危险moral hazard
附加危险additional perils
附加危险extraneous risks
高度危险物资high-hazard material