
Terms for subject Economy containing 危机 | all forms | in specified order only
不可摆脱的经济危机inextricable crisis
世界危机world crisis
世界粮食危机world food crisis
世界食品危机world food crisis
严重的经济危机deep economic crisis
中央银行对银行危机的干预收到了良好效果The central bank's intervention in banking crisis proved effective
信任危机crisis of confidence
信用危机credit crisis
全球金融危机global financial crisis
公司已设法从这场危机中恢复过来The company has managed to stage a recovery from the crisis
农业危机the agrarian crisis
凯恩斯经济学的危机crisis in Keynesian Economics
创新危机innovation theory of crisis
危机中心center of crisis
危机周期性the periodicity of crisis
危机周期性periodicity of crisis
危机四伏be beset with crisis
危机时期time of crisis
危机的加剧exacerbation of crisis
危机管理management by crisis (or drive)
危机结束前,他们不会进入市场They will not go into the market until the crisis is over
危机theory of crises
危机重重bog down in crisis
危机阶段a phase of crisis
危机阶段phase of crisis
危机预防计划preparedness programme
即将来临的危机an impending crisis
原料危机raw material crisis
危机counter cycle
危机措施anti-crisis measure
周期性危机cyclical crisis
周期性经济危机recurrent economic crisis
周期性经济危机cyclical economic crisis
周转危机liquidity dilemma
国际危机international crisis
国际支付危机international payment crisis
国际货币制度危机crisis of international monetary system
国际货币金融危机international monetary and financial crisis
在资本主义世界,通货膨胀通常会引起经济危机15%。 Inflation usually causes economic crisis in the capitalist world
外汇危机foreign-exchange crisis
度过危机void out a crisis
循环危机cyclical crisis
循环危机cyclic crisis
我们必须迅速采取严厉措施以遏止危机的发展We must take severe measures rapidly to stop a crisis developing
政府采用进口控制来解决经济危机The government adopted import controls to solve the current economic crisis
无尽头的危机open-ended crisis
无法缓和的危机implacable crisis
无法缓和的危机implacable crises
有人警告他投机股票有破产的危险They warned him of the danger of bankruptcy in stock exhange speculations
欧洲危机Euro crisis
消除危机defuse a crisis
渡过危机stand out a crisis
潜在危机inherent hazard
生产危机industrial crisis
生产不足危机the underproduction crisis
生产不足危机underproduction crisis
生产过剩危机crisis of overproduction
生产过剩危机overproduction theory of crisis
由于经济危机,我们的业务下降了Owing to economic crisis, our business is on the decrease
粮食危机grain crises
粮食危机crisis in food
经济危机economical crisis
经济危机席卷资本主义世界economic crisis swept over the capitalist world
经济危机的周期性periodicity of economic crisis
缓和经济危机alleviate the economic crisis
美元危机United States dollar crisis
美元危机风暴storms of the dollar crisis
能源危机oil shock
证券市场危机stock exchange crisis
财政和金融危机financial and monetary crisis
货币危机的爆发the explosion of monetary crisis
货币信用危机monetary and credit crisis
资本主义货币制度危机crisis of capitalist monetary
转嫁经济危机shift the economic crisis onto others
道德危机moral hazard
金融危机financial peril
销售危机selling crisis
陷入危机falling into the precipice