
Terms for subject United States containing 卫星 | all forms | in specified order only
21 世纪技术卫星technology satellite of the 21 st century
业余无线电爱好者卫星公司Amateur Radio Satellite Corporation
亚毫米波天文卫星submillimeter wave astronomy satellite
先进同步气象卫星advanced synchronous meteorological satellite
先进皮卫星试验Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment
先进跟踪与数据中继卫星系统advanced track and data relay satellite system
先进通信技术卫星advanced communications technology satellite
光学校准球试验卫星Optical Calibration Sphere Experiment
全球卫星公司Globesat Globesat Corp.
全球卫星数据库satellite global data base
全球卫星通信支持中心Global SATCOM support center
公开使用卫星教育业务open access satellite education services
军事星先进卫星终端MILSTAR advanced satellite terminals
军备控制和冲突观察卫星arms control and conflict observation satellite
军械多用途战术卫星系统ordnance multiple-purpose tactical satellite system
初始国防通信卫星计划initial defense communications satellite program
初样通信卫星Prototype Communications Satellite
初级国防卫星通信系统initial defence satellite communications system
初级国防通信卫星计划initial defense communication satellite program
劳拉天网卫星业务公司Lora Skynet Satellite Service
区域卫星支持中心regional SATCOM support center
卫星侦察预告satellite reconnaissance advance notice
卫星公司SAT Corp.
卫星工业协会Satellite Industry Association
XM 卫星广播有限公司XM Satellite Radio Inc.
卫星广播管理系统satellite broadcast management
卫星广播通信协会Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association
卫星状态报告satellite situation report
卫星电视公司Satellite Television Corp.
卫星运行中队satellite operations squadron
卫星通信对抗系统counter-satellite communications system
卫星通信局Satellite Communication Agency
卫星防护和预警/空间感知系统Spawn satellite protection and warning/ space awareness
发射-接收机试验卫星transceiver experiment
发现者卫星回收舱discover recovery capsule
同步轨道业余无线电爱好者转发卫星synchronous amateur radio transponder
同步轨道气象卫星synchronous meteorological satellite
后继早期预警卫星follow-on early warning system
商业卫星图像库commercial satellite imagery library
国家业务环境卫星系统national operational environmental satellite system
国家全球环境业务卫星系统national global operational environmental satellite system
国家战略卫星通信系统national strategic satellite communications system
国家气象卫星中心National Weather Satellite Center
国家气象卫星系统national meteorological satellite system
国家气象业务卫星系统national operational meteorological satellite system
国家海洋卫星系统national oceanic satellite system
国家海洋与大气管理局国家环境卫星、数据与信息服务部National Environmental Satellite. Data & Information Service (NOAA/NESDIS)
国家海洋勘测卫星national oceanic survey satellite
国家环境卫星中心技术备忘录National Environmental Satellite Center technical memoranda
国家环境监测卫星系统national environmental monitoring satellite system
国防卫星通信系统defense satellite communication system
国防卫星通信计划defense satellite communications program
国防导航卫星系统defense navigation satellite system
国防气象卫星计划defense meteorological satellite programme
国防通信卫星系统defense communications satellite system
国防通信卫星计划defense communication satellite project
国防通信卫星计划defense communications satellite program
国防部数据中继卫星系统Department of Defense data relay satellite system
国际磁层研究/卫星状态委员会International Magnetospheric Study/Satellite Situation Committee
在轨皮卫星自动发射台Orbiting Picosat Automated Launcher (卫星)
地球卫星公司Earth Satellite Corp. (EarthSat)
地球观测卫星公司Earth Observation Satellite Corp.
地球资源卫星系统委员会Committee on Earth Resources Satellite System
地球轨道被动测地卫星Pageos passive geodetic earth-orbiting satellite
地球辐射收支测量卫星earth radiation budget satellite
地球重力测量卫星Gravsat earth gravity survey satellite
地球重力测量卫星用户工作组Gravsat User Working Group
多光谱热成像卫星multispectral thermal imager
多用途可生存系绳试验卫星Multi-Application Survivable Tether
大学卫星university satellite
大学生探险者卫星演示倡议Student Explorer Demonstration Initiative
大气中性密度试验卫星Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment
大气密度太阳扰动试验卫星Spades solar perturbation of atmospheric density experiments satellite
太平洋靶场测量仪器卫星Pacific range instrumentation satellite
太阳扰动大气密度测量卫星solar perturbation atmosphere density measurement satellite
太阳辐射监测卫星Solrad solar radiation monitoring satellite
子午仪卫星导航系统Transit navigation system
宇宙热星际等离子体试验卫星Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer Satellite
安泰斯卫星公司Antares Satellite Corporation
定向、导航和测地卫星satellite for orientation,navigation and geodesy
γ 射线天文望远镜卫星gamma-ray astronomy telescope satellite
小型实验通信卫星small experimental communications satellite
小型用户专用军事通信卫星smaller user-dedicated military communication satellite
广域天基图像收集系统卫星broad area space-based imagery collector
应用技术卫星操作控制中心Applications Technology Satellite Operations Control Center
弹道导弹早期预警卫星ballistic missile early warning satellite
强风暴观察卫星serve storms observational satellite
卫星太阳能电池试验台卫星Picosatellite Solar Cell Testbed
微电子机械系统皮卫星检查器Microelectromechanical Systems Picosat Inspector
快速总臭氧测绘卫星quick total ozone mapping spectrometer
战术通信卫星tactical communications satellite
普林斯顿卫星系统有限公司Princeton Satellite Systems Inc.
极轨电离层信标导航卫星polar ionospheric beacon satellite
植被覆盖激光雷达卫星vegetation canopy lidar
模块式多用途卫星modular multimission satellite
气象卫星实验室Meteorological Satellite Laboratory
气象卫星联合咨询委员会Joint Meteorological Satellite Advisory Committee
泛太平洋卫星教育和通信实验Pan Pacific education and communications experiments by satellite
泛美卫星公司PanAmSat Corp.
泛美卫星该公司的通信卫星 泛美卫星公司Pan American Satellite
波音卫星系统有限公司Boeing Satellite Systems Inc.
泰罗斯卫星信息处理机TIROS information processor
泰罗斯卫星垂直分布探测器Tiros operational vertical sounder
泰罗斯卫星大气辐射组件TIROS atmospheric radiance module
泰罗斯业务卫星计算中心TOS evaluation center
海事通信卫星marine communications satellite
海军卫星地球物理学计划naval satellite geophysic project
海军卫星控制网络Naval satellite control network
海军卫星运行管理中心Naval Satellite Operations Center
海军导航卫星navy navigation satellite
海军研究与发展卫星通信大队naval research and development satellite communications group
海洋侦察卫星ocean area reconnaissance satellite
热带雨量探测卫星tropics rain exploring mission
环境卫星服务局Environmental Satellite Service Administration
电火箭试验自旋卫星spinning satellite for electric rocket test
电离层观测纳卫星编队iono spheric observation nanosatellite formation
直播卫星公司Direc TV
直播卫星公司Direct Broadcast Satellite Company
磁场卫星magnetic field satellite
磁层顶极光全球勘测成像卫星Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration
移动卫星风险公司mobile satellite venture
空军卫星控制中心Air Force Satellite Control Center
空军卫星控制网Air Force Satellite Control Network
空军卫星控制设施Air Force Satellite Control Facility
空军卫星试验中心Air Force Satellite Test Center
空军卫星通信系统Air Force satellite communications system
空军学院-韦伯州立大学联合卫星Joint Air Force Academy/Weber State University Satellite
空军航天技术卫星Air Force space technology satellite
空军通信卫星air force communications satellite
空间电火箭试验卫星space electric rocket test
简称图像卫星Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration
联合特遣部队卫星终端joint task force satellite terminal
自主空间运输机器人操作卫星autonomous space transport robotic operations satellite
航空卫星aviation satellite
舰队卫星fleet satellite
舰队卫星通信系统fleet satellite communications system
蜂窝卫星cellular satellite
行星际无人科学卫星interplanetary unmanned scientific satellite
西部卫星研究网Western Satellite Research Network
试验和训练卫星test and training satellite
试验小卫星XSS experimental small satellite
跟踪与数据中继卫星tracking and data relay satellite
跟踪与数据中继卫星系统tracking and data relay satellite system
轨道交会反卫星研究计划program for in orbital rendezvous anti-satellite study
轨道快车下一代卫星和通信飞行器OE-Next Generation Satellite and Commodities spacecraft
轨道无线电信标电离层校正卫星orbiting radio beacon ionospheric satellite-calibration
轨道观测卫星高分辨率成像系统OrbView high resolution imaging system
转型通信卫星transformational communications satellite
轻型合成孔经雷达卫星lightweight synthetic aperture radar
辅助核发电系统试验卫星Snapshot systems for nuclear auxiliary power-shot
辐射和释放效应联合试验卫星combined radiation and release effects satellite
通信卫星公司Communication Satellite Corporation
L-3 通信卫星网络公司L-3 Communications Satellite Networks
通信卫星规划办公室Communications Satellite Project Office
重力梯度研究卫星gravity gradient mission
重力梯度试验卫星gravity gradient test satellite
银河辐射背景实验卫星galactic radiation experiment background satellite
陆军卫星跟踪中心Army Satellite Tracking Center
陆军卫星通信系统Army SCS army satellite communication system
陆军战术实验卫星终端experimental army satellite tactical terminals
陆地卫星影像镶嵌图Landsat mosaic
陆地卫星数据产品Landsat data products
陆地卫星标准产品Landsat standard products
陆地卫星缩微胶片目录Landsat catalog microfiche
陆地卫星遥感器Landsat sensor
雨云卫星业务处理系统Nimbus operational processing system
雨云气象卫星利用中心Nimbus Data Utilization Center
雨云气象卫星/应用技术卫星数据利用中心Nimbus/ATS Data Utilization Center
雨云气象卫星技术控制中心Nimbus Technical Control Center
雨云气象卫星数据处理系统Nimbus data handling system
雨云一 E 卫星微波频谱仪Nimbus-E microwave spectrometer
雨云实用气象卫星系统Nimbus operational satellite system
雨云气象卫星Nimbus weather satellite
雨云气象卫星业务系统Nimbus operational system
雨云气象卫星数据处理中心Nimbus Data Handling Facility
频率选择通信试验卫星selective communications experiment
风暴观测卫星storm observation satellite
飞行试验卫星Cibola Flight Experiment Satellite
飞马座卫星电视公司Pegasus Satellite Television
高层大气研究卫星upper atmosphere research satellite
高级国防通信卫星advanced defense communication satellite
高级气象卫星advanced meteorological satellite
高级研究和全球观测卫星advanced research and global observation satellite
高级研究计划局环境测试卫星Advanced Research Projects Agency environmental test satellite
高轨道充电试验卫星spacecraft charging at high altitudes