
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
亚区域合作组织South-East Asia Regional Cooperation
亚区域合作联盟South East Asian Association of Regional Cooperation
亚商业理事会Southeast Asian Business Council
亚国际联盟Association of Southeast Asian Nations
印度尼西亚,马来西亚,菲律宾亚木材生产者协会South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association
代理协议签订指Commercial Agency, A Guide for the Drawing Up of Contracts between Parties Residing in Different Countries (1961)
1970公司组建国际指Company Formation, an International Guide (国际商会 1970)
北贸易South-North trade (指垂直贸易 (vertical trade))
北问题problems between North and South
南问题South to South problems
太平洋委员会South Pacific Commission
美国太平洋运输公司Southern Pacific Transportation Company
方公司Southern Co. (1945)
美国方航空运输公司Southern Air Transport
美国部天然气公司Southern Natural Gas Co.
非储备银行South African Reserve Bank
非英美公司Anglo-American Industrial Corp. Ltd. (1963)
非镑South African pound
韩钢铁公司South Korea Iron and Steel Corporation
国际商会商务代理指ICC Guide for Commercial Agency
查账指audit instruction
查账指audit guide
花蜜heather honey
美国商业指American Commerce Manual
苏里盾或弗罗林Surinam Guilder or Florin
美国西航空运输公司Southwest Air Transport Corporation
西贝尔公司Southwestern Bell Corporation
诺福克方公司Norfolk Southern Corporation
贝尔方公司Bell South Corporation