
Terms containing 单 指 标 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.单一标准指数single criterion indexes
busin.单一标准指标single criterion indexes
corp.gov.单位结果指标unit result indicator
hydroel.st.单位造价指标unit cost index
tech.单位面积造价指标cost rate per unit area
agric.单指标single index
busin.单独指标independent target
busin.单独的指标independent target
busin.单项指标single-item target
space指令核目标清单command nuclear target list
fin.标普/多伦多证交所600指数参与+C1786 单位S & P/TSX 60 Index participation unit
expl.炸药与岩体的关系被认为是单位炸药消耗量、爆破人员可用来作为确定岩体中炸药分布的总指标The relationship between the explosive and the rock mass is known as the powder factor and can be used by the blaster as a general guideline for determining explosive distribution in the rock mass
el.移动式智能目标指示单元mobile intelligent targeting element
avia.窗口、图标、菜单、指标windows, icons, menus, pointing device
securit.简单波动指标技术分析ease of movement value
securit.简单波动指标ease of movement value
tech.经济指标单一化unitarization of economic indicators
econ.计算单位成本的指标产量denominator volume