
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 单 位 | all forms | in specified order only
中国计量单位China Official System of Units
力学单位mechanical units
单位伸长unit extension
单位伸长unit elongation
单位体积unit volume
单位侧阻力unit lateral resistance
单位侧阻力lateral resistance per unit area
单位切向冻胀力unit tangential heave force
单位切向冻胀力unit tangential frozen-heave force
单位unit force
单位压缩量relative compressibility
单位容量weight of unit volume
单位工程概算approximate estimate of a unit project
单位应力unit tress
单位换算conversion of units
单位换算unit conversion
单位换算表unit conversion table
单位换算表conversion table of units
单位水泥用量unit content of cement
单位端阻力unit point resistance pressure
单位端阻力point resistance pressure per unit area
单位符号symbol of unit
单位粗集科用量unit content of coarse aggregate
单位细集料用量unit content of fine aggregate
单位英制British System of Units
单位荷载法unit-load method
单位虚荷载dummy unit load
单位虚荷载方法dummy unit-load method
单位虚荷载法dummy unit-load method
单位表面摩擦力unit skin friction
单位unit weight
单位长度扭转角angle of twist per unit length
单位长度的伸长elongation per unit length
单位长度线荷载linear load per unit length
单位长度荷载load per unit length
单位集中荷载unit concentrated load
单位面积elemental area
单位面积力force per unit area
厘米-克-秒单位Centimetre-Gram-Second unit
变换单位change of unit
变换单位conversion unit
台的单位长度横截面的惯性矩moment of inertia per unit length of cross-section of abutment
国际单位SI units
国际单位International Unit System
国际单位制辅助单位supplementary unit of International System of Unit
国际计量单位international units of measurement
土粒单位unit weight of soil particles
土粒单位unit weight of soil constituents
基本单位elementary units
基本单位basic units
大包单位general contractor
实用单位physical unit
导出单位derived units
尺寸单位dimension unit
尺寸单位unit of dimension
工作单位place of work
工程常用单位common engineering unit system
工程常用单位common engineering units
工程常用计量单位common engineering unit
常用工程计量单位common engineering units
总包单位general contract unit
总包单位general contractor
惯用单位customary unit
批准单位ratification department
承压单位应力bearing unit stress
施工单位construction unit
时间单位units of time
标准单位standard units
单位长度的扭转角angle of twist per unit length
单位面积per unit area
水下单位容量submerged unit wei ght
法定计量单位legal units of measurement
法定计量单位legal measurement units
法定计量单位lawful system of unit
法定计量单位与非法定计量单位的关系表relative table of legal measurement units and illegal measurement units
湿单位bulk density
湿单位wet unit weight
科技咨询单位scientific and technical advisory unit
米制单位metric units
英制单位British System of Units
英制单位English units
英制单位Imperial System of Units
单位荷载法dummy unit-load method
计算单位measuring units
计量单位换算表conversion table of units of measurement
设计单位project organization
设计单位design organization
重力单位gravitational units
重力单位gravitational system of units
长度单位units of length
非法定计量单位unlawful system of unit