
Terms containing 单 位成本 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.不变单位成本fixed unit cost
busin.主要产品单位成本statement of unit cost of major products
commer.产品单位成本unit cost of product
tech.产品单位成本unit cost of products
busin.产品单位成本升降分析analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product
proj.manag.单位成本为基础unit cost basis
IMF.以单位劳动力成本为基础的实际有效汇率ULC-based real effective exchange rate
IMF.以单位劳动力成本为基础的实际有效汇率unit labor cost-based real effective exchange rate
fin.以往单位成本past unit cost
avia.作业单位成本work unit cost
busin.单位成本divisional cost
fin.分部单位成本departmental unit cost
fin.加权平均单位成本weighted average unit cost
earth.sc.区域单位边际成本area-specific marginal costs
busin.单位产品人工成本labor cost per unit of product
fin.单位产品劳动成本unit labor cost
met.单位产品劳动成本labor cost per unit of output
fin.单位产品劳动成本labour cost per unit of output
met.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labor cost per unit of output
econ.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of output
busin.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of product
busin.单位产品平均总成本average total cost per unit
auto.单位产品成本unit requirement
oil单位产品成本unit product cost
textile单位产品成本unit product costs
fin.单位产品成本cost per unit product
tech.单位产品成本unit cost
tech.单位产品成本的审计audit of cost per product
busin.单位产品每月营运成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit
busin.单位产量人工成本labor cost per unit of output
met.单位产量劳动成本labor cost per unit of output
met.单位产量劳动成本指数index of labor cost per unit of output
tech.单位人工成本unit labour cost
tech.单位人工成本unit labor cost
tech.单位体积成本volume cost
tech.单位储量成本cost unit ore reserve
busin.单位制造成本per unit cost of manufacture
busin.单位加工成本per unit cost of processing
IMF.单位劳动力成本unit labor costs
IMF.单位劳动力成本unit labor cost
fin.单位劳动成本unit labor cost
econ.单位劳动成本unit labour cost
busin.单位变动成本variable cost per unit
tech.单位容量安装成本installation cost as per machine capacity
tech.单位工作成本cost of unit working
tech.单位平均成本average cost per unit
tech.单位成本basic cost
tech.单位成本cost unit price
econ.单位成本per unit cost
hydroel.st.单位成本unit cost
earth.sc.单位成本unit costs
adv.单位成本cost per rating point
fin.单位成本cost per unit
adv.单位成本cost per point
adv.单位成本cost per gross rating point
securit.单位成本divisional cost
market.单位成本self-cost of production
market.单位成本self-cost price
commer.单位成本价值unit cost price
commer.单位成本分配unit profit sharing
securit.单位成本unit cost basis
commer.单位成本参数unit cost parameter
el.单位成本所获信息量information gained per unit cost
textile单位成本技术unit cost technique
busin.单位成本折一旧depreciation-unit cost
econ.单位成本折旧depreciation cost
interntl.trade.单位成本折旧depreciation unit cost
fin.单位成本折旧depreciation-unit cost
commer.单位成本折旧unit cost depreciation
econ.单位成本折旧法unit cost depreciation-method
tech.单位成本折旧法unit cost depreciation method
fin.单位成本折旧法depreciation-unit cost method
busin.单位成本折旧法depreciation unit cost method
econ.单位成本折旧法unit cost method of depreciation
securit.<-> 单位成本折旧法depreciation-unit cost method
stat.单位成本指数unit cost index pl. indices
commer.单位成本指数unit cost index
busin.单位成本核算unit costing
textile单位成本unit cost technique
anim.husb.单位成本费用cost rate per unit
interntl.trade.单位成本cost rate per unit
tech.单位成本cost performance
avia.单位成本设计design to unit cost
econ.单位技术成本unit technical costs
commer.单位投资成本specific investment cost
tech.单位材料成本unit cost of material
tech.单位水量成本cost per unit water volume
dril.单位深度成本cost per unit depth
econ.单位生产【采油】成本unit cost of production
space单位生产成本unit production cost
econ.单位生产成本unit cost of production
fin.单位生产成本unit production costs
busin.单位生产成本per unit cost of production
proj.manag.单位生产的成本unit cost
busin.单位生产能力成本cost per unit productive capacity
econ.单位经营成本unit operation cost
econ.单位能源成本unit energy cost
tech.单位进尺直接成本direct of unit footage of tunneling
avia.单位采购成本unit procurement cost
busin.单项资本低位构成lower composition of an individual capital
tech.可归属核算单位成本attributable segment cost
tech.吨/公里单位成本unit cost per ton-kilometre
fin.固定单位成本fixed unit cost
expl.在爆破设计时选择最佳单位炸药消耗量,既能消除经济成本方面的顾虑,又能消除环境方面的顾虑An optimum powder factor can satisfy both economic and environmental considerations in blast design
tech.客运单位成本passenger traffic unit cost
shipb.客运单位成本unit cost of passenger transportation
interntl.trade.工作单位每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
busin.工作单位每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly cost per unit
proj.manag.平均单位成本average cost per unit
progr.平均单位成本unit cost of average
fin.平均单位成本average unit cost
econ.平均单位成本the average-unit-cost method
expl.平均单价、平均单位成本average unit cost
avia.平均单位采购成本average unit production cost
earth.sc.平均总单位成本average total unit cost
busin.成本中心单位cost center unit
interntl.trade.成本单位costing unit
textile成本单位unit of cost
interntl.trade.成本单位cost unit
textile成本核算单位unit of costing
tech.成本核算单位cost unit
econ.成本计算单位costing unit
textile成本责任单位cost responsibility unit
tech.折旧单位成本depreciation-unit cost method
securit.单位成本计算unit cost basis
busin.按上年单位成本计算的总成本total cost per prior year's unit cost
busin.按计划单位成本计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
tech.最低单位成本minimum unit cost
busin.本单位历史先进成本historical best cost of the entity
interntl.trade.标准单位成本standard unit cost
fin.标准单位成本unit standard cost
IMF.标准化单位劳动成本normalized unit labor cost
securit.每千个单位的成本cost per thousand (CPT)
market.每单位固定成本贡献fixed-cost FC contribution per unit
interntl.trade.每单位持有成本unit holding cost
busin.每月单位经营成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
anim.husb.每百重量单位的成本cost per hundredweight
interntl.trade.生产单位成本unit cost of production
shipb.生产单位成本production unit cost
econ.生产指数单位成本production index unit cost
tech.直接单位成本direct drilling cost
econ.社会的基本构成单位fundamental unit of society
econ.等值单位成本equivalent finished unit costs
econ.约当量单位成本equivalent finished unit costs
progr.缺货单位成本unit cost of underage
tech.装卸单位成本unit cost of loading/discharging
shipb.装卸单位成本unit cost of cargo handling
space计划采购单位成本program acquisition unit cost
econ.计算单位成本的指标产量denominator volume
fin.货物装卸单位成本unit cost of cargo handling
tech.货运单位成本freight traffic unit cost
shipb.货运单位成本unit cost of cargo transportation
fin.边际单位成本marginal unit cost
shipb.运输单位成本unit cost of transportation
busin.部门单位成本department unit cost
tech.部门单位成本departmental unit cost
oil钻井工程单位成本unit cost of drilling engineering
dril.钻头单位进尺成本bit cost/ft