
Terms for subject Air defense containing | all forms
三通道脉冲雷达three channel monopulse radar
中心处理central processing unit
主控总控制master control unit
休眠的蓝牙元地址parked member address
脉冲pseudo monopulse
作业支援exploitation support segment
保密数据secure data unit
信号保护signal protection unit
信号处理signal processing unit
信息管理information management element
倍压缩脉冲packed-4 single pulse
倍压缩脉冲packed-2 single pulse
光纤节点接口fibre nod interface unit
内部通信控制intercom control unit
冷却cooling unit
初始人网initial entry JTIDS unit
制冷cooling unit
制冷液产生cooling liquid production unit
加权元平均恒虚警weighted cell averaging CFA
一单位与恢复格式single unit and retrieval format
一系统地面控制站one system ground control station
一综合空情图single integrated air picture
一频率single frequency
位增益带宽unity-gain bandwidth
位字头unit prefixes
位时间内的信号数events per unit time
鉴频器single ended discriminator
信号哨single signal whistle
信号接收single signal reception
信道单工制single channel simplex
信道地面与空中无线电通信系统simple channel ground and air radio system
像管信号发生器monoscope signal generator
JTIDS unit
元基准号码unit reference number
元平均恒虚警cell averaging CFA
元平均恒虚警cell averaging-CFA
元平均恒虚警率cell-averaging CFAR (constant false alarm rate)
元平均恒虚警率cell average-constant false alarm rate
元平均费用average unit cost
元栅格element grid
元间距element spacing
刀四掷simple-pole four-throw
反馈single feedback
向传动二极管freewheeling diode
向垂直光栅扫描unidirectional vertical raster scan
向垂直扇扫unidirectional vertical sector scan
向水平光栅扫描unidirectional horizontal raster scan
向水平扇扫unidirectional horizontal sector scan
向脉冲列unidirectional pulse train
向语音链one-way voice link
向陷波unilateral impedance
响应干扰single response interference
基地反射率monostatic reflectivity
孔定向耦合器single hole directional coupler
字节命令编码系统single byte command coding system
导体波导uniconductor waveguide
屏蔽固体罩single shield solid enclosure
屏蔽导体single screened conductor
峰响应single peak response
工收发无线电台simplex radio station
工远距通信中心simplex remote communication center
single sweep
扫描single sweep
指令多数据装置single instruction multiple data set
定向天线阵tier array
晶硅mono-crystal silicon
极天线monopole (antenna)
极视频恒虚警率unipolar video constant false alarm rate
模式/多模式single mode/multi-mode
次校准多次测量single correction multi measurement
波振荡器single wave oscillator
波束微波全息术single beam microwave holography
波束消隐single beam blanking
源自动顺序瞄准式干扰机single automatic sequential spot-jammer
滤波接收法single filter reception
片机monolithic computer
片机single chip Micyoco
目标跟踪single target tracking
目标跟踪与识别single target tracking and identification
相半波连接single phase half-wave connection
相扫描single phase sweep
相波前uniphase wavefront
站不机动定位single station non-movable location
站定位single-station locater
站无源定位single station passive location
站机动定位single station movable location
站被动定位跟踪single observer passive location and tracking
端三极管single end triode
端推挽single ended push-pull
端混频single ended mix er
端网络one-port network
级振荡式发射机single stage oscillator transmitter
线天线single wire antenna
网孔滤波器single mesh filter
翼飞航式导弹monoplane/monowing missile
脉冲主瓣对消monopulse main-lobe cancellation
脉冲多普勒雷达MonoPhase Doppler radar
脉冲指令制导导弹频率设定single pulse frequency set-on for command-guidance missile
脉冲测角single pulse angle measuring
脉冲自跟踪monopulse auto-tracking
脉冲跟踪雷达天线系统的旁瓣对消monopulse tracking radar antenna system sidelobe blanking
脉冲跟踪雷达框图block diagram of monopulse tracking radar
脉冲雷达干扰monopulse radar ECM
脊波导single ridge waveguide
色信号载波monochrome signal carrier
色球面波monochromatic spherical wave
行存储体系结构single line storage architecture
行截流子光电管uni-traveling-carrier photodiode
覆盖高度single coverage altitude
调谐中频放大器single tuned intermediate frequency amplifier
调谐电路接收机single circuit receiving set
谐波失真single harmonic distortion
距离保护波门single range guard-gate
路单工single channel simplex
跳多谐振荡器single trip multivibrator
边带信号SSB signal
边带发生器single-sideband generator
边带接收single sideband reception
边带系统single sideband system
边带调制SSB modulation
边带调制器single side band modulator
边带调幅/抑制载波amplitude modulation single-side band, suppressed carrier
边带调相载波系统single sideband phase modulation
边带调频single-sideband frequency modulation
边带-载波抑制single sideband, suppressed carrier
边带载波抑制光调制SSB suppressed-carrier optical modulator
边带载频发射SSB carrier transmission
边带载频抑制sideband suppressed carrier
边带通信SSB communication
边带通信系统single sideband communication system
边频传输发送single side frequency transmission
通道单脉冲处理器sim channel monopulse processor
通道单脉冲雷达one channel monopulse radar
通道地面及机载电台系统single-channel ground and airborne radio system
通道模式one-way pattern
频信号发生器single frequency signal generator
频噪声single frequency noise
频转发器one-frequency translator
参与participating unit
双信double channel simplex
双信号处理dual signal processing element
双波段脉冲dual band monopulse
双通道脉冲雷达接收机two channel monopulse radar receiver
反导导弓missile defense missile
可兼容边带compatible single side-band
地面一态势图single integrated ground picture
地面控制ground-control unit
基于 ETST TS 07.10 的行电缆模拟协议serial cable emulation protocol based on ETST TS 07.10
增强型兵超高频终端设备enhanced manpack UHF terminal
增强型定位报告系统用户enhanced position location reporting system user unit
增强型移动情报处理enhanced mobile intelligence processing element
处理器接口processor interface unit
备用 JTIDS/MIDS 转发standby forwarding JTIDS/MIDS unit
多功能控制显示multifunction control display unit
多层片微波集成电路multi-layer monolithic microwave integrated circuit
多级别元编程国际互联网multilevel cell program Internet
多路载波multiple channels per carrier
天线位长度antenna unit length
天线相移定向器antenna phasing unit
天线附属元本地自检antenna ancillary local bit
子卫星subsatellite unit
孔径接口aperture interface unit
室内in-door unit
密钥注人控制load control unit
对数元平均恒虚警电路log cell average CFAR circuit
导弓与运载飞机的适应性missile aircraft compatibility
导弓交战区missile engagement zone
导弓佯动missile demonstration
导弓定角发射装置missile fixed-angle launcher
导弓弹着点预测missile impact prediction
导弓扌旨挥车missile commanding vehicle
导弓方位航向missile azimuth heading
导弓核火力支援missile nuclear fire support
导弓突防措施missile penetration measures
导弓纟吉构missile construction
导弓翼展missile wing unfolding
导弓自动测试装置missile automatic checker
导弓运动信息missile movement information
导弓逼近告警missile approach warning
导弓阵地伪装missile position camouflage
布拉格元接收机Bragg cell receiver
干扰频率印制interference frequency rejection unit
并存接口concurrent interface unit
序贯式独接收扫描lobing -on-receive-only
序贯式独接收扫描lobe -on-receive-only
载仪表missile-borne instrument
载电源missile-borne electrical source
当前控制接口current controlling IU
微波毫米波片集成电路micro wave and millimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuit
快速脉冲自调谐quick single pulse self-tune
惯性参考inertial reference unit
战术信息tactical information element
报告report unit
指挥控制 JTIDS 与 MIDS command and control JTIDS 与 MIDS unit
指挥控制接口command and control interface unit
位分配法unit distribution
插人plugged unit
搜索雷达元件search radar element
支持supporting unit
敌情关联enemy situation correlation element
敌情态势相关enemy situation correlation element
数字边带调制器digital single side-band modulator
数字射频存储器digital radio frequency memory unit
数据交换data exchange unit
数据处理dual data processing element
数据处理与协处理data processing/cooperating unit
数据收集与分发data collection and distribution unit
数据通信控制data communication control unit
无源测距-多站测向、个和多个天线波束法single and multiantenna beam
无源测距-多站测向、个和多个天线波束法passive ranging-multistation DF
无线电人口radio access unit
更新网络接口renewed network interface unit
服务数据MAC server data unit
位维修unit maintenance
构型简的导弹staightforward missile
校正calibration unit
格网锁基准gridlock reference unit
比幅脉冲雷达amplitude comparison monopulse radar
比相比幅脉冲雷达phase amplitude comparison monopulse radar
水面行动surface action unit
波控beam steering unit
波控元接口板BSU interface card
X波段脉冲超远程跟踪雷达HaystackHill (radar)
C 波段脉冲靶场测量雷达AN/TPQ-39 (MOTR)
C 波段脉冲靶场精密跟踪测量雷达AN/FPQ-6
海面一态势图single integrated space picture
潜艇发射的路战术干扰发射机submarine launched one-way tactical
激光制导laser guidance unit
牵制攻击导弓diversionary missile
现场和外场可更换locale replaceable unit
用于互联网协议的简密钥管理simple key management for Internet protocol
电子器材运送electronic material shipment request
电子战支援EW support element
电子控制electronic consol unit
电子支付验证electronic payment verification unit
电子监控electronic surveillance unit
电源保护power protection unit
目标探测target detection unit
移动式显示mobile display unit
移动情报处理mobile intelligence processing element
空调air conditioning unit
空调控制air conditioning control unit
双择检测simple alternative detection
天线simple antenna
雷达框图block diagram of a simple radar
算术逻辑arithmetic logic unit
精密点定位precise point positioning
红外探测infrared detection unit
维护service unit
网络收发network TR unit
网络管理network management element
美国网络后果US cyber consequences unit
联合关键任务清joint mission essential task lists
脉冲多普勒目标跟踪pulse Doppler single target track
自动测距automatic range unit
英国陆军训练元分部British army training unit subdivision
被测unit under test
视觉显示visual display unit
视频终端video terminal section
设备清equipment inventory
负温度系数negative temperature coefficient unit
资源resource element
超级网络管理super network management unit
距离range cellbin
车间/内场可更换shop replaceable unit
轻型兵携带式无线电测向系统lightweight man-transportable radio direction-finding system
载人机动manned maneuvering unit
辐射源参数清emitter parameter list
运输transportation unit
远程天线接口remote antenna interface unit
远距离监视long-range surveillance unit
通信电子器材储备清communication electronics material reserve list
通信电子系统控制communication electronics system control element
通信管理communication management unit
配电power distribution unit
防空协同作战antiaircraft co-operation unit
阵中元增益element gain in an array
阵中元方向图element pattern in an array
阵列元的孤立独立阻抗isolated impedance of an array element
阵列元的有效有源阻抗active impedance of an array element
阵列天线元间隔array element spacing
雷达radar cell
雷达录像机radar video recorder unit
雷达显示radar display unit
非指控 JTIDS non command and control JTIDS unit
非易失存储non volatile memory unit
驱动driving element
高距离分辨力脉冲high-range-resolution monopulse
高频-边带 Highfrequency-single side-band