
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
不计名提bearer B/L
供油fuel supply unit
光报警视觉报警单元visual alarm unit
冷凝器位热负荷specific heat load of condenser
加工处理processing unit
动力装置位质量power plant specific mass
半超导极电机semi-superconductive homo-polar machine
一气体燃料发动机single gas fuel engine
一鱼种捕捞directed fishery
个故障动力定位系统single failure DPS
个故障单一故障single failure
个故障signal failure
个警报individual alerts
井式石油生产系统single well oil production system
件检验unit inspection
位功率的不平衡力矩power related unbalance
位努力量渔获量catch per unit of effort
位耗气量specific steam consumption
位耗热量specific heat consumption
位耗电量specific power consumption
位货运量的 CO₂ 排放量CO₂ emissions per unit load
位载荷比载specific load
体运输包装monomer transport package
侧起锚机single end windlass
元货物运输船unit cargo ship
卷筒绞车single-purchase winch
原子铱催化剂single atom iridium catalyst
向碎渣机系统one-way macerator system
壳散货船single side skin bulk carrier
壳构件single skin member
壳油船single hull tanker
层板single-layer board
屏立管single casing riser
single bottom
底结构single bottom structure
式串联减速齿轮箱tandem gear
批检验batch inspection
排滚珠轴承single row ball bearing
排直立式发动机in-line engine
断级滑行艇single-step planning boat
机拖动single-machine traction
杆操作swinging boom system
板性能plate performance
桩腿负荷jack-up load (normal for one leg)
次谐波single harmonic content
水翼艇single-hydrofoil craft
油路喷油嘴simplex nozzle
流式汽轮机single-flow steam turbine
流蒸汽机单流式蒸汽机uniflow steam engine
浮筒储存系统single buoy storage SBS system
浮筒系泊single-buoy mooring
点式系泊系统single point mooring system
点系泊的浮筒CALM buoy
点系泊的浮筒catenary anchor leg mooring buoy
点转塔系泊式浮式生产储FPSO with single point mooring system (SPM)
点转塔系泊系统single point mooring system
烟道锅炉single-pass boiler
片离合器single plate clutch
独显示individual display
独海损险with particular average
环推力轴承single collar thrust bearing
甲板船single decked ship
盘式离合器one-plate clutch
相同步发电机single-phase synchronous generator
立柱平台monopod platform
级减速装置single reduction gear
级减速齿轮箱single-reduction unit
级减速齿轮箱single-reduction gear
级压缩制冷系统single stage compression refrigerating system
级压缩机single stage compressor
级闪发single-stage flash evaporation
缸发动机试验用发动机one cylinder engine
缸汽轮机single-casing steam turbine
胀式蒸汽机single expansion engine
臂轴支架single strut shaft bracket
臂轴支架single armed propeller strut
舷侧结构散货船bulk carrier of single-side skin construction
艇体吃水canoe body draught (Tc)
轴燃气轮机single-shaft rotor gas turbine
锚腿储存系统single anchoring leg storage system
锚腿系泊系统single anchor leg system (SALW SALS)
锚腿系泊系统single anchor leg mooring
镜头反光相机single lens reflex
危险货物舱或配载图dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan
即期付款交D/P at sight
原始修理工程list for original repairs
受理的装船提received-for-shipment bill of lading
可重复使用的货物returnable cargo unit
商业据托收统一规则uniform rules for collection, ICC publication no. 322
国际多式联运International multi-model transport document
国际有害物质清证书International Certificate on Inventory of Hazardous Materials
《国际有害物质清证书》初次检验Initial survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials
《国际有害物质清证书》换证检验Renewal survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials
《国际有害物质清证书》最终检验Final survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials
《国际有害物质清证书》附加检验Additional survey for "the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials"
国际货协运International cargo agreement transportation
或弯曲板shell or bending plate element
多式联运order MTD
多式联运combined transport documents
多式联运CT document
多式联运combined transport document
多缸轴涡轮机tandem compound turbines
天线antenna unit
工程总验收general acceptance list of repairs
已装船提on board W/L
已装运提shipped bill of lading
托运shipment note
报价quotation offer
bill of landing
操作员一动作single operator action
操作员简动作simple operator action
操作限制清operational limitations
操作限制清list of operational limitations
收货mates receipt
数码镜反光相机digital single lens reflex camera
旷海浮筒系泊系统exposed location single buoy mooring system
有害物质清inventory of hazardous materials
有害物质清最少应列项目minimum list of items for the inventory of hazardous materials
机炉舱位容积功率数power refer to engine room unit volume
机炉舱位长度功率数power refer to engine room unit length
机炉舱位面积功率数power refer to engine room unit area
或桁架rod or truss element
beam element
槽形舱壁元的无支承跨距unsupported span of corrugated bulkhead elements
横摇幅值roll single amplitude
气缸控制cylinder control unit
汽轮机缸试验steam turbine single-up test
浮筒点系泊系统single buoy mooring
浮筒点系统single buoy system
海关过境customs transit document
海岸值守coast watching unit
海底管道探测跟踪pipe tracker sensor unit
海运sea waybill
海运提bill of landing
液压气缸hydraulic cylinder unit
危害的分析checklist analysis (in hazard)
渔业管理fishery management unit
潜艇艇员人脱险individual submarine escape
热水hot-water unit
燃料一循环直流冷却反应堆once-through reactor
燃油oil burning unit
环境控制environment controlling unit
用于元货载的船unit load vessel
直达提direct B/L
码头收货wharf delivery receipt
码头收货dock receipt
循环燃气轮机装置simple cycle gas turbine plant
检索simple search
测量设备simple measuring equipment
纵摇幅值single pitch amplitudeф
航空运airway bill
船舶舱ship's manifest
90 装货shipping order
警报历史清alert history list
证据目录清evidence list
试验元量unit test
负面清negative list
货物承运shipping permit
货物装船清shipping bill
信用证统一惯例uniform customs and practice for commercial documentary credits
转塔点系泊turret mooring
进料向阀feed-check valve
集装箱提container B/L
麻醉品一公约single convention on narcotic drugs