
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing | all forms
三相层绕组three-phase single-layer winding
交流相感应电动机AC single phase inductor
CGS 制CGS system of units
励磁控制excitation control unit
一机组single unit
包线single -covered wire
包线single silk-enameled wire
丝热电偶single element thermocouple
串联绕组simple series winding
功率造价unit power construction cost
位冲击响应unit impulse response
位冲量函数unit impulse function
位冲量电流unit impulse current
位功率unit rating
位功率因数unit power factor
位功率重量weight-for-power ratio
位功率重量weight per unit power
位尺寸的功率power-for-size ratio
位电位unit potential
位电动机传动built in motor drive
位电压uint voltage
位电枢表面安培导体数ampere conductors per unit periphery
位磁力管unit tube
位磁导率unit permeability
位磁极unitized magnetic pole
位表面安培导体数ampere conducts per unit periphery
位重量功率power to-weight ratio
位重量功率power weight ratio
位重量铁损iron loss per unit weight
位铁耗specific core loss
位长度安匝ampere turns per unit length
位长度的平均安培导体数average ampere conductors per unit length
位长度的漏泄电导leakance per unit length
位长度的重力密度gravitational force density per unit length
位长度磁势mmf per unit length
位长度负荷load per uint length
位阶跃电压unit step voltage
位面积能流energy flow per unit area
元变压器unit connection transformer
元接线方式block connection
元接线表unit connection table
元机组方式unit system
元组合式系统building block system
元组合电动机FA motor
元组合电动机fully accessible motor
元结构电动机unit construction motor
列推力轴承single thrust bearing
simple turn
匝电流互感器bar type current transformer
匝磁极single-turn pole
匝线圈simple turn coil
匝线圈one-turn coil
匝绕组simple turn winding
匝绕组single turn winding
匝绕组one-turn winding
卷变压器single winding transformer
压式汽轮机single pressure steam turbine
双层绕组single and two-layer winding
叠绕组single lap winding
叠绕组simple lap winding
台损耗separate loss
台生产individual production
向推力负荷one-way thrust (load)
向推力轴承one-direction thrust bearing
向旋转unidirectional rotation
向旋转single direction rotation
向电动机unidirectional motor
向磁化unidirectional magnetisation
向绕组unilateral winding
向马达non-reversible motor
周同步发电机monocyclic alternator
周期启动感应电动机monocyclic start induction motor
周电动机monocyclic motor
圈式绕组single coil type winding
对电刷one pair brush
层三相绕组single layer threephase winding
层分数槽绕组single layer fractional-slot winding
层叠绕组single layer lap winding
层恒节距线圈single layer constant-span coil
层恒节距绕组single layer constant-span winding
层波绕组single layer wave winding
层短距叠绕组single layer short-pitch lap winding
层短距波绕组single layer short-pitch wave winding
层短距绕组single layer short-pitch winding
层磁场绕组single layer field winding
层绕组monolayer winding
层绕组one-position winding
层绕组single layer winding
排线圈single row coil
排绕组single row winding
方波响应unit step response
机功率power per unit
机功率unit power
机容量single machine capacity
机组水电站single unit hydroelectric development
机组水电站single unit hydroelectric station
机组电站single unit plant
机组电站single unit station
条绕组single bar winding
single pole
极发电机homo polar generator
极发电机homo polar dynamo
极同步发电机homopolar alternator
极式隔离开关single pole isolator
极感应子同步发电机homopolar inductor alternator
极感应子电动机homopolar inductor motor
极感应电动机unipolar induction motor
极电动机acyclic motor
极电机monopolar machine
极直流发电机homopolar dynamo
极直流发电机direct current acyclic generator
极磁通unipolar flux
枢发电机single armature generator
枢变换机single armature convertor
枢电动机single armature motor
枢电机single armature machine
枢直流发电机single armature DC generator
枢直流电动机single armature DC motor
枢直流电动机single armature DC motor
柱立式镗床single column vertical boring machine
梁式冲击试验Charpy test
槽绕组single slot winding
法兰轴single-flange shaft
波绕组single wave winding
波绕组simple wave winding
独励磁机励磁excitation from separately-driven exciter
独系统isolated system
独绕组separate winding
独通风individual ventilation
玻璃丝包线simplex glassfibre covered wire
电机传动individual motor drive
盘式绕组single disc winding
one phase
运行损坏single phasing damage
相中性点接地电抗器single phase neutral earthing reactor
相串励换向器式电动机single phase series commutator motor
相串励电动机conduction motor
相串励电动机single phase series motor
相交流发电机single phase AC generator
相交流电single phase alternating current
相交流电动机single phase AC motor
相交流电机single phase AC machine
相制single phase system
相单层绕组single phase single layer winding
相双层绕组single phase double-layer winding
相双频发电机single phase double-frequency generator
相发电厂single phase power station
相发电厂single phase power plant
相发电机single phase generator
相同步发电机single phase synchronous generator
相同步电动机single phase synchronous motor
相同步电机single phase synchronous machine
相回路single phase circuit
相复绕电动机single phase compound motor
相定子single phase stator
相并励电动机single phase shunt motor
相感应子发电机single phase inductor generator
相感应电机single phase induction machine
相换向器式电动机single phase commutator motor
相接入single phasing
相接地保护single phase earthing protection
相故障single phasing damage
相故障single phase fault
相整流器single phase rectifier
相电压single phase voltage
相电容器运转异步电动机permanent split capacitor single-phase motor
相电容器运转异步电动机capacitor start-and-run single-phase motor
相电机single phase machine
相电流single phase current
相电源single phase source
相电磁铁single phase magnet
相电路single phase circuit
相短路single phase short circuit
相系统single phase system
相线路single phase line
相绕组single phase winding
相自动同步电动机single phase selsyn motor
相转子single phase rotor
相运行single phasing
相运行single phase operation
相重合闸single phase auto-reclosing
级数字传感器one-step digital sensor
级汽轮机single stage turbine
级轴流式风扇single stage axial fan
漆包线enamel-bonded single-cotton wire
纱漆包线SCE wire
纱漆包线single cotton enameled wire
线single wire
线solid conductor
线圈single coil
线棒绕组single bar winding
线电路single wire circuit
线输电系统earth return system
线送电电路earth return circuit
single unit
single wrapping
绕组变压器single winding transformer
绕组多速电动机single winding multispeed motor
绕组电动机single winding motor
股线single cord
脉冲信号unit pulse signal
绕组simple frog-leg winding
转向联轴器non-reverse coupling
轴伸single shaft-extension
轴多缸汽轮机tandem compound turbine
轴承电机single bearing machine
轴拖动independent axle drive
轴汽轮发电机组single shaft turb-set
轴汽轮发电机组tandem turbogenerator set
边型直线电动机single sided linear motor
边气隙长length of sided air gap
边气隙长radial gap length on one side
边磁拉力one-sided magnetic pull
速三相感应电动机single speed threephase induction motor
速三相电动机single speed three-phase motor
速涡轮机single speed turbine
重绕组simplex winding
闭路多叠绕组single closed multiplex lap winding
闭路多叠绕组single closed duplex lap winding
闭路绕组single re-entrant winding
鼠笼single squirrel cage
鼠笼感应电机single cage induction machine
鼠笼电动机single squirrel-cage motor
鼠笼电动机single cage motor
鼠笼绕组single-cage winding
鼠笼转子single squirrel cage rotor
厘米-克-秒制CGS system of units
厘米-克-秒电磁制CGS electromagnetic units
厘米-克-秒静电位制CGS electrostatic system of units
厘米-克-秒静电制CGS electrostatic units
双极投开关bipole single-throw switch
双节距叠绕组two pitch simplex lap winding
发电机独运行generator in isolated operation
发电机-变压器generator-transformer unit
合理化电rational electrical unit
同步相电抗synchronous singlephase reactance
同步相阻抗synchronous singlephase impedance
备件清maintenance parts list
备件清spare parts list
复式开关控制multiple-switch controller unit
复式开关控制multiple-switch control unit
奥英格三相绕组多速电动机Auinger threephase single-winding multispeed motor
容许位弯曲应力allowable buckling unit stress
容许位弯曲应力allowable bending unit stress
容许位挠曲应力allowable flexural unit stress
小型相感应电动机small singlephase induction motor
工厂工作shop order
工艺art-work sheet
异槽式叠绕组stepping simplex lap winding
报废report for salvage disposal
抽样sample item
拉吐尔相换流器式电动机Latour singlephase commutator motor
收货consignment sheet
无源passive one-port
无源口网络passive two-terminal network
无源口网络passive one-port network
最大机容量maximum unit capacity
柔性加工flexible manufacture component
位安匝ampere turns per unit
位安培导体数ampere conductors per unit
位长度的漏磁导leakage permeance per unit length
位高度的漏磁导leakage permeance per unit height
电动元组合仪表aggregated electronic unit control meter
电容器启动相电动机capacitor-start singlephase motor
电枢位槽磁导armature specific slot-permeance
电枢位槽磁导率armature specific slot-permeance coefficient
电磁位制electromagnetic system of unit
电荷electric charge element
磁通控制flux guide unit
分隔simple separation
平衡的差动保护装置plain balance differential protection
并联绕组电枢multiple-wound armature
线圈coil unit
绝对电absolute electrical unit (system)
绝对电磁absolute electromagnetic unit (system)
设计design sheet
转子点接地保护rotor one-point earthing protection
转子点接地继电器rotor one-point earthing relay
CGS 静电位制CGS electrostatic system of units
饱和极同步发电机saturated homopolar alternator
高斯制Gaussian unit