
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一批货物订shipment order
一般地说,我们不接受承兑交托收的支付条件Generally speaking, we do not accept the payment terms by D/A
下述订following orders
不保兑跟信用证unconfirmed documentary letter of credit (与保兑跟单信用证 (confirmed documentary credit) 相对)
不保兑跟信用证unconfirmed documentary credit (与保兑跟单信用证 (confirmed documentary credit) 相对)
不准许进口货negative list
不可撤消的订firm order
不可撤销的跟信用证irrevocable documentary letter of credit
不可撤销订firm order
不可转让的non-negotiable documents
不可转让的多式联运non-negotiable multimodel transport documents
不可转让的提non-negotiable bill of lading
不定值保unvalued policy
不清洁提claused B/L (与清洁提单 (clean B/L) 相对)
不清洁提claused bill of lading
不清洁提dirty B/L
不清洁提foul B/L (与清洁提单 (clean B/L) 相对)
不清洁提unclean bill o£ lading
不清洁提foul bill of lading
不清洁提unclear bill of lading
不清洁提unclean B/L (与清洁提单 (clean B/L) 相对)
不清洁提dirt B/L (与清洁提单 (clean B/L) 相对)
不清洁提bill of lading with reservation
不清洁装货foul shipping order
不能再接受新的订We are fully engaged and cannot take on fresh orders
不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
不附货运据的汇票clean bill
不附货运据的汇票bill unaccompanied by documents
专门定special order
主要principal documents
买主无意向我方递交新的订There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us
买方发现装运据是伪造的The buyer discovered the forgery of the shipping documents
买方收到提后立即抵押给他的银行On receipt of the bills of lading, the buyer pledged them to his bank at once
买汇水foreign exchange memo
事业public institution
亚洲清算货币unit of ACD
亚洲美元可转让定期存Asian Dollar CDs
亚洲货币Asian Monetary Unit (亦用 ACU)
tender shipping documents (指付款交单 (documents against payment)、承兑交单 (documents against acceptance))
tender documents (指付款交单 (documents against payment)、承兑交单 (documents against acceptance))
交货delivery note (卖方通知买方业已发货)
产品位成本unit cost of product
产品简simplification of products
产品补充定货supplemental production order
人员清manpower inventory
企业business entity
企业法人impersonal entity
会计accounting unit (entity)
伦敦交货的订The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London
伪造提forged bill of lading
保险估价如原保险所载valued as in orginal policy
作业通知job order
作业通知job ticket
你方不可方面取消合约You can not cancel the contract unilaterally
你方第100 号订不久将执行完毕Your Order No. 100 will soon be completed
你方第55 号订不可在此阶段予以取消Your order No. 55 cannot be countermanded at this stage
依据交条件不同,托收分为付款交单,承兑交单和凭信托收据借贷三种Collection according to different conditions of delivering documents falls into D/P, D/A and D/P, T/R
倒签日期提antedated bill of lading
倒签日期提antedated B/L
借项清亦缩为 D/Ndebit note
英国厂商因其海外经销商违反规定而取消其销售资格,列入停止名stop list
全套提full set of bills of lading
全套提complete set B/L
全式提long-form bill of lading
交易所全部执行否则取消的订fill-or-kill order
公证人磅码sworn measurer weight certificate
公证提notarized bill of lading
兹寄去你方所要保险更改批单We are sending you herewith the requested indorsement to the insurance policy
兹寄去你方所要保险更改批单We are sending you herewith the requested endorsement to the insurance policy
再出口凭re-exportation voucher
分享保险participating policy
分录凭journal slip
分运提partial shipment bill of lading
列明详细情况的保险specification policy
制造费用standing orders
加工工作work sheet
劳氏海上货物保险Lloyd's S.G. policy
包装packing slip
包装清packing specification
包裹parcel form
半年期的账semiannual account
协议bargaining units
一产品经济single-product economy
一产品装配线single-model assembly line
一产品项目single-product project
原油一价格single price
原油一价格unitary price
一价格one price policy
一借款single loan
一制银行unit bank
一因素联运运价single factor through rate
一汇价single exchange rate
一税则single-column tariff
一税则制single tariff system
一税则制simple tariff system
一管理single management
一运输方式single mode of transport
一选择权single option
价为at a unit price of
价为25 港币HK 25.00
价定价法unit pricing
位与单位各不相同vary from unit to unit
位产品投资费用volume of investment costs per unit of production
位产量per unit output
位功率specific duty
位功率工作能力specific duty
位化货载装置unitized load device
位各不相同vary from unit to unit
位成本价值unit cost price
位成本分配unit profit sharing
位成本参数unit cost parameter
位成本折旧unit cost depreciation
位成本指数unit cost index
位投资成本specific investment cost
位材料消耗量unit consumption of materials
国际货币基金位特别提款权折本国货币值national currency units per SDR
位责任限度unit limitation of liability
位预算编制unit budget drafting
成组装运unitized shipment
元银行unit bank
内未列入的存货stock not listed
simple interest (与复利 (compound interest) 相对)
买方或卖方向市场one way market
工序零件single-operation part
式记账法single entry bookkeeping method
据交付documentary delivery
据副本已寄出Copies of documents have already been posted
据处理processing of documents
据复查recheck of documents
据差异discrepancy in documents
据效力status of documents
据本身documents proper
方程法single equation technique
方面仲裁unilateral arbitration
方面执行的契约deed poll
方面承担义务契约unilateral contract
次抽样样品single sample
次抽样检验single sampling inspection
步式损益表single step income statement (与多步式损益表 (multiple-step income statement) 相对)
比例simple proportion (与复比例 (compound proportion)相对)
独保险single insurance
独损失particular loss
独海损亦缩为 P/Aparticular average
保 险独海损particular average
独海损particular loss (指 partial loss 局部海损,部分损失)
独海损不赔free from particular average
独海损不赔franc d' avarie particuliére
独海损不赔,平安险free from particular average
独海损不赔,美国条件free from particular average, American conditions
独海损不赔,英国条件free from particular average, English conditions
独海损全赔W.A. irrespective of percentage
独海损负责赔偿with particular average
独海损负责赔偿with average (亦用 with particular average (缩为 WPA))
独海损负责赔偿,水渍险with particular average
拉丁语独的sola (solus 的阴性词)
保险独的亦缩为 Parparticular
独的 2.particular
程费single fare
程过境单据single transit documents
类商品商店single line store (指有限商品品种商店 (limited-line store), 专营商品商店 (specialty store))
纯人寿保险单straight life policy
纯佣金straight commission
纯远期汇率outright forward rate
证不符documents not conforming to the provision of L/C
边外汇管理unilateral exchange control
边账户unilateral account
项产品分析single-product analysis
证券交易卖出与买进同一证券定cross order
卖方预计在五月三十一日或其前将未完成的订货物装船出运The sellers expect to ship the outstanding orders on or before 31st May
卡车运输公司提trucking company bill of lading
即时订immediate order
即期汇票,付款交sight draft, documents against payment
码头卸货清full outturn
原始primary documents
原报价original quotation
合同不能方面取消Contract cannot be cancelled unilaterally
同一张提one and the same bill of lading
后者则指政府正式宣布减少本国货币位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
向客户寄送催send a reminder to a customer
品质化验quality analysis certificate
售主装运vendor's shipping documents
商业跟信用证commercial documentary L/C
商品广告传advertising circulars
商品担保commodity paper
在按跟信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
填写装运complete the shipping documents
外汇成交trade ticket
多式联运MT documents
大订large order
大量订abundance of orders
大量订证明了我方轻工产品的上好质量The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products
失效的保险lapsed insurance policy
如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭付款方式发运货物If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis
如果不能在五月装运,我们只好撤回订去他处采购If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order
如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent
如果你方信用证本月底不能抵达,我们将被迫取消这一定If your L/C fails to arrive at the end of this month, we shall be compelled to cancel the order
如果首批装运的货物质量良好,随即将有续订订If the quality of this initial shipment is sound, repeat orders will follow
存入关栈报entry for warehousing
存入关栈报关warehousing entry
存款memoranda of deposit
存款deposit warrant
存货报inventory statement
存货清inventory list
存货编号顺序stock number sequence list
成本计算法specific order cost system
定价price catalogue
定期保term policy
定期存款time certificate of deposit
定货偏差purchase order deviation
定货更改通知purchase order change notice
定货要求purchase order request
定货项目purchase order item
定购亦缩为 P/Opurchase order
实体physical unit
审查装运examine the shipping documents
审核凭look through the vouchers
尺码measurement note
岀口据押汇透支overdraft for export bills
岀口报关export declaration
岀口许可证海关回联copy of certificate by customs
岀口跟汇票outward documentary bill
带批注提claused bill of lading
并装提consolidated bill of lading
库存点货inventory count slip
库存物资清stores requisition
应纳税taxable entity
金额amount billed
开具收款billing for payment
开发存tap certificate of deposit
开口保floating policy
开口保open cover
开立清make out a list
开立清draw up a list
当日定day order
当货运据转让给最终买主,他就取得提单收货人的资格When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
待交货订back order
总作业过程master route sheet
总保floating policy
总保general insurance policy
总保open policy
总提货general bill of lading
总订blanket order
成交sale slip
成本cost card
我们保证妥善执行你方订We assure you of the proper execution of your order
我们的一位客户打算递送一份购买中国纺织品的大订One of our clients contemplates placing a large order for Chinese textiles
我方不得不取消订We can't help cancelling the order
我方不胜感激你方立即办理我方1122号订的货物装运Your immediate attention to the shipment of our order No. 1122 will be much appreciated
我方了解到你方市场对我方产品需求强劲,借此机会附上我方第2511号报价,以供你方参考We understand that there is a good demand for our products in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. 2511 for your consideration
我方可以接受你方订We may accept your order provided partial shipments are allowed
我方已承接大批订,无力接受追加订货数量We're weighted down with orders, we're not in a position to take on additional quantities
我方承揽货太多We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders
或有订货contingent order
所交付据有缺陷The documents tendered are defective
所得税申报income tax return
扣缴税款凭withholding statement (清单)
执行大量订execute the bulk of orders
承兑汇票documents against acceptance bill
承兑交汇票D/A bill
承办operating units
承销清亦缩为 acc/saccount sales
技术elements of technology
取得退保金额后把保险交保险公司surrender one's insurance policy
亦缩为 rptreport
持票人提bearer B/L
指不随附货运据的票据clean draft (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
指不随附货运据的票据clean bill (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
位价值per unit value
按与以前某一订完全相同再续订一次货的订单duplicate order
按付款交方式向买主收取货款draw D/P against the buyer's purchase
按保险标的价值变动调整的保险reporting policy
按凭付现条件on payment terms of cash against documents
按定交货delivered to order
按订生产job order production
按订装运shipment on order
按跟信用证方式付款payment to be made under a documentary credit
损毁材料报告spoiled material report
接受订acknowledgment of orders
支出凭payment slip
收到定after receipt of order
收到装运receipt of shipping documents
收货报received report
海关验货后签发的放行release permit
数量清schedule of quantity
整套提full set of bill of lading
整套货运set of shipping documents (包括:提单 (bill of lading) 检验证书 (certificate of inspection)、原产地证书 (certificate of origin)、商业发票 (commercial invoice)、领事发票 (consular invoice)、海关发票(customs invoice)、保险单 (insurance policy) 包装清单(packing list))
新加坡元存Singapore dollar certificate of deposits
新订new order
暂保TBD policy
暂保,承保条covering note
暂保,承保条insurance broker 保险经纪人签发给被保险人的临时保险凭证,以待由保险公司签发正式保单
暂保,承保条cover note
暂时起岸报关bill of sight
暂时进口凭temporary importation voucher
最低提费用minimum bill of lading charge
有义务提交已装船的清洁提be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading
有关relevant documents
有关据提供的指示instructions about documentation
有额度存tranche CD
有额度存tranche certificate of deposit
服务性service firm
期货交易中经纪人给履约的客户的清difference account (盈亏通知书)
期货订order for futures
未发货订unfinished orders
未完成订pending order
未完成订outstanding order
未定保indefinite policy
交易所本交regular lot
本提开列货物数量及其状况均以大副收据为凭subject to production and condition of mate's receipt
权利清bill of rights
材料stock list
材料定stores order
材料调拨申请stores transfer requisition
材料采购materials purchase order
板材度量board measure
标准保standard policy (指劳氏保单 (Lloyd's policy))
标准国际位制SI unit
landed account
核定支付凭audited vouchers
检疫申请quarantine declaration
欠交定open order
欠交定back order
欧共体记账EEC unit of account
欧洲记账European Unit of Account (1975年创立,1979 年正式建立 "欧洲货币体系",并创立欧洲记账单位 ECU, 以取代 EUA)
欧洲货币European Currency Unit, European Composite Unit
欧洲货币European Composite Unit
正常详式提regular long form bill of lading (指正式提单 (normal bill of lading))
正式保definite policy (与暂保单 (provisional policy, cover note) 相对)
正式提regular long form bill of lading
正式提normal bill of lading
正本original document (与副本单据 (copy document)相对)
残损货物清broken and damaged cargo list
汇票送交银行按跟托收收取款项The draft was sent through the banker on documentary collection
流动保open policy
流动保open policy 开口保单
浮动利率存floating rate CDs (floating rate certificates of deposit, 欧洲美元市场 (Euro-dollar market) 上的一种定期存款单,其利率随伦敦银行同业提供利率 (London interbank offered rate) 或新加坡银行同业提供利率 (Singapore interbank offered rate) 变动而调整;比较 floating rate notes 浮动利率期票)
浮动汇率存款floating rate certificate of deposit
海上保险投保marine insurance application
海上货运sea waybill
海上货运不可转让,亦称记名运费收据ocean way bill
海关退税凭debenture bond
海外金融业务off-shore banking unit
海外银行off-shore banking unit
海洋运输保险marine policy
海洋运输保险marine insurance policy
海运marine documents
海运指示提order bill of lading
海运提货sea waybill
海运货物保险marine cargo insurance policy
清洁已装船提clean on board B/L
清洁提clean bill of lading (亦缩为 clean B/L)
国际商会出版物清洁提问题Problem of Clean Bills of Lading
清洁收货clean receipt
清洁的可转让的提clean negotiable bill of lading
清洁货运clean shipping documents
清算document of settlement
清算协定中使用的记账clearing sterling
火险保关于抵押财产的赔偿顺序条款full contribution mortgage clause
特别提款权存款SDR certificate of deposit
特定独海损specified particular average
特定保险specific policy
特种生产订special production order
会计现金借方凭cash debit voucher
现金支岀凭disbursement voucher
生产productive unit
生产producing unit
用散发商品传进行广告宣传advertising by circulars
由于售货太多,目前不能接受新的定Owing to heavy commitments, we're not in a position to accept fresh orders at present
由于大量的订货,我们目前无力接受新的订Owing to heavy bookings, we're not in a position to accept fresh orders at present
甲板货提Cod B/L
电报去报表sending form
电视机保用一年的保one-year warranty on a television set
略式提short-form bill of lading
看来有必要简说明一下交货问题A few words of explanation for the delivery appear necessary
船舶确定保险specific policy
确认订confirming order
禽类生产poultry production unit
空白定order form
空白报关declaration form
空载货Air Freight Manifest
空运主提master waybill
空运提airway bill of lading (airfreight bill)
空运提亦称空运单或航空托运单A/B is also called airway bill or air consignment note
空运货Air Freight Bill
合约simple contract
方法foolproof methods
样品simple sample
生产周期simple production cycle
随机抽样方差variance for simple random sampling
精确计量units of accurate measurement
紧急定货rush purchase order
double drafts
联合运输intermodal transport documents
联合运输CT documents
联合运输combined transport documents (由联合运输经营人 (combined transport operator) 签发;比较:联运提单 (through bill of lading), 由第一承运人签发)
联合运输据统一规则Uniform Rules for Combined Transport Documents
联合运输提combined transportation bill of lading
联合运输提intermodal bill of lading
联合运输提combined transport B/L
联运through documents of transport
航空货运air consignment note
航空货运airway bill
航空运价fare construction unit
航空运输house air waybill
航空运输house air bill
航行保险voyage policy
船用食品装载申报victualling bill
船货保险S.G. policy
船边交货提alongside B/L
花码packing note
花码packing slip
花码packing list
营业凭business vouchers
虚报账ed bill
计划planning unit
计时job sheet
计时time sheet
计算calculable component
的取消the cancellation of the order
订舱booking list 订运清单
订舱booking report
买主直接的订货order sheet
记事/log sheet
记工time ticket
欧洲经济共同体记账Unite de compte (Europeen)
记账货币standard currency for accounting
设备采购定facilities purchase order
调查survey unit
财产清property inventory
财产清general inventory
货物于七月一日发运,但提日期倒填为六月二十日The goods were shipped on July 1, but the B/L was backdated to June 30
货物装船清cargo list
货车运费账cart note
货车运费账cartage note
货运way bill
货运亦缩为 S/Dshipping documents
货运据到后付款payment on arrival of shipping documents
货运据总清单general specification of shipping documents
货运据流转movement of goods documents
货运承揽人提forwarder's bill of lading
贷项清credit memorandum
费用清bill of costs
资产清inventory of assets
take up a bill
起货landed account
起货指示landing order
转口报关transit declaration
转换提switch bill of lading
转期存rollover certificate of deposit
转订合同材料售货定subcontract material sales order
转让transfer order
转运transit documents
转运准transhipment permit
辅助附加supporting documents
输入提inward bill of lading
送货consignment invoice
通用提货uniform bill of lading
配套aligned documents
钢丝截面面积计量位园密尔circular mil
销售账account sales
销货sales note
附加attached papers
附加attached documents
附可转让提的即期汇票sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached
附提货据发票invoice with documents
附提货据发票invoice documents attached
附货运据的汇票bill accompanied by documents
陆水联运提overland bill of lading
陆海联运提OCP bill of lading
限定订close indent (与无限定订单 (open indent) 相对)
限定订closed indent (与无限定订单 (open indent) 相对)
除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
随函附寄报价一份We enclose you a list of quotations
随附现金的订orders accompanied with cash
非限定订open indent (与限定订单 (closed indent) 相对;比较: open order 开口订货单,延期未交定货(即指欠交定货 (back order) ))
靠船边提alongside B/L
预估pro forma
预保to be declared policy
预定advanced order
预约保open policy
保险预约保open cover
预约保open cover
预约保险prearranged insurance policy
预约保险open insurance policy
邮政verification note
邮政verification certificate
验收报告receiving report
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