
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
假铜绿胞菌Pseudomonas pyocyanea
假铜绿胞菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa
一性骨囊肿solitary bone cyst
乳头肾unipapillary kidney
侧唇裂unilateral harelip
侧牛皮癣合并肢体不全畸形unilateral psoriasis and ectromelia
侧肥大畸形unilateral hypertrophy
侧肺气肿unilateral emphysema
侧肺缺如unilateral pulmonary agenesis
侧肾多发性囊肿病unilateral multicystic disease of kidney
侧肾缺如unilateral agenesis of kidney
侧腭裂unilateral cleft palate
侧膈肌瘫痪unilateral paralysis of diaphragm
侧膈肌麻痹unilateral paralysis of diaphragm
侧膈膨升hemidiaphragmatic eventration
侧颜面萎缩hemifacial atrophy
倍体相同的供者haploidentical donor
发性软骨瘤solitary chondroma
发性骨软骨瘤solitary osteochondroma
向型口咽通气管one way oropharyngeal airway
向血流unidirectional blood flow
室气囊single chamber balloon
心室性房室连接univentricular atrioventricular connections
房棘球蚴囊肿echinococcosis unilocular cyst
根冠状动脉single coronary artery
独肺动脉口狭窄isolated pulmonary stenosis
眼皮foldless eyelid
管结肠造口术single barrel colostomy
纯乳房切除simple mammectomy
纯回肠造口术simple ileostomy
纯型腺瘤simple adenoma
纯性小肠溃疡simple ulcer of small intestine
纯性肠梗阻simple intestine obstruction
纯性肾囊肿simple cyst of kidney
纯皮瓣simple flap
纯表面冷却simple surface cooling
羽肌unipennate muscle
肺移植single lung transplantation
腔支气管导管single lumen endobronchial tube
蒂皮瓣single pedicle flap
足独站试验Trendelenburg sign
趾移植single toe transplantation
抗铜绿假胞菌高免疫球蛋白antipseudomonas aeruginosa hyperimmune globulin
无菌布sterile sheet
淀粉酶苏氏Somogyi units of amylase
甲状腺个结节solitary nodule of thyroid
低温保存simple hypothermic preservation
并指simple syndactyly
并趾simple syndactyly
位肾小球滤过率nephron glomerular filtration rate
进行性侧面萎缩症Romberg disease
进行性侧面萎缩症progressive facial hemiatrophy
铜绿假胞菌Bacillus pyocyaneus