
Terms for subject Business containing 单独 | all forms | in specified order only
企业的独立单位independent units of enterprise
单独事件separate event
单独事件individual event
单独判定single arbitrage
单独发盘报价exclusive offer
单独实体separate entry
股票交易所单独成交数bargain done
单独成本separate cost
单独成本曲线individual cost curve
单独承担责任undivided responsibility
单独指标independent target
单独故障independent failure
单独检验test for independence
单独法人sole corporation
单独海损指部分损失particular average
单独海损不计免赔率W.A.irrespective of percentage
单独海损不赔free of particular average unless caused by...
单独海损不赔条款free of particular average clause
单独海损不赔条款free from particular average clause
单独特殊海损理算adjustment of particular average
单独海损绝对不赔free from particular average absolutely
单独的指标independent target
单独的责任independent liability
单独的贷款业务separate lending operating
单独系统separate system
单独行为unilateral juristic act
单独财产independent property
单独贷款业务separate lending operations
单独费用particular charges
单独费用指单独海损引起的从属费用particular charge
只保所列单独海损free from particular average, unless (F.P.A. unless)
单独支配的财产separate property
您能给我说说单独海损赔偿水渍险和单独海损不赔平安险的区别吗?Can you tell me the difference between WPA and FPA?
特别单独海损指在特定事故发生场合的单独海损。在单独海损不赔条件下,仍可获得赔偿specified particular average
独立单元住房separate flat
独立基层单位independent establishment
独立施工单位independent construction unit
独立的单一经营单位independent single operating unit
单独海损责任即货运中由于海上自然灾害及意外事故造成的损失,保险人负责赔偿,包括单独海损在内with particular average