
Terms for subject Technology containing 单层 | all forms | in specified order only
不溶性单层insoluble monolayer
两侧多层单干形twice storied cordon
内层交叉单板cross band veneer
内层交叉单板cross ing
内层交叉单板cross band
分层单位stratigraphical unit
分层单位stratigraphic unit
分层单级整群抽样stratified single-stage cluster sampling
分层单级整群抽样stratified one-stage cluster sampling
分层心色散位移单模光纤shifted single-mode fiber
分层简单随机抽样stratified simple random sampling
分层芯单模光纤segmented-core single-mode fiber
单一水层湖oligomictic lake
单一煤层开采法in-the-seam mining
单位层型unit stratotype
应力分析中的单元层elementary layer
单光纤套层single fiber jacket
单分子吸附monomolecular layer
单分子层monomolecular film
单分子层吸附monolayer adsorption
单分子层吸附容量monolayer capacity
单分子层定向表面吸附oriented adsorption
单动双层取芯器double tube swivel type core barrel (内管不动)
单动双层取芯器floating-tube core barrel (内管不动)
单动双层取芯器swivel type double tube core barrel (内管不动)
单动双层取芯器swivel tube core barrel (内管不动)
单动双层取芯器core barrel of double tube-swivel type (内管不动)
单动双层岩芯管floating-tube core barrel (内管不动)
单动双层岩芯管swivel type double tube core barrel (内管不动)
单动双层岩芯管swivel tube core barrel (内管不动)
单动双层岩芯管double tube swivel type core barrel (内管不动)
单向分层总合法one-way layer-built total-sun method
单向层压板unidirectional laminate
单向自动平层装置one-way automatic leveling device
单坡屋顶覆盖层simple roof covering
单坡屋顶覆盖层simple roof cover
单层one-sole course
单层one-layer (的)
单层single course
单层single story layer
单层one coat
单层三相绕组single-layer three phase winding
单层介质滤池mono-medium filter
单层介质砂mono-medium sand
单层仓库one-floor warehouse building
单层仓库建筑single-storey warehouse building
单层仓库建筑single-story warehouse building
单层single-layer potential
单层住宅single-storey house
单层住宅one-storied house
单层住宅single-story house
柔性路面的单层体理论single-layer theory
柔性路面的单层体理论one-layer theory
单层作业single-level operation
单层供热系统single-floor heating system
单层公共汽车single-deck bus
单层公寓one-roomed flat
单层公寓one-room flat
单层刚架single-storey rigid frame
单层刚架single-story rigid frame
单层single window
单层卷材屋顶single-layered roll roofing
单层厂房single-storey factory
单层厂房single-story factory
单层厂房one-storied factory
单层压密量one-layer compressibility
单层厚度thickness of individual bed
单层含水层single-layer aquifer
单层喷射涂层single spray coat application
单层地壳模型single-layer crust model
单层塔架正面single-towered facade
单层simple wall
单层single wall
单层one-tier wall
单层墙体结构single-wall construction
单层多孔板single perforated plate
单层多晶硅single-level polysilicon
单层天车straight rotary crown block
单层学校建筑single-storey school building
单层学校建筑single-story school building
单层容器monolayered vessel
单层密度介面反演inversion of single density interface
单层屋面single-layer roofing
单层屋面板single roof cladding
单层屋面油毡single-ply roofing asphalt felt
单层屋面片材single-ply roof membrane
单层屋面膜single-ply roof membrane
单层工业厂房single-storey industrial plant
单层工业厂房single-story industrial plant
单层工业厂房single industrial building
采料场的单层工作面single bench
单层布置single-level geometry
单层single belt
单层平边托盘single-decked flat strips pallet
单层single storey silo
单层single story silo
单层建筑one-storey building (物)
单层建筑single-storey building (物)
单层建筑single-story building (物)
单层建筑one-story building (物)
单层开口沉箱single-wall open caisson
单层single surface dressing
单层single surface treatment
单层one-shot type
单层式仓库建筑single-floor warehouse building
单层式压力容器solid wall pressure vessel
单层式地沥青混凝土路面single course asphalt pavement
单层式地沥青混凝土路面single-coat asphalt pavement
单层式封层single seal
路面的单层式封层single-shot seal coat
路面的单层式封层single seal
单层式房屋single-floor house
单层房屋one-storey building
单层房屋single-story house
单层房屋single-storey house
单层房屋one-storey house
单层房屋one-story building
单层房屋one-floor house
单层托盘single-decked flat pallet
单层抹灰single-coat plaster
单层抹灰的天棚one-coat plastered ceiling
单层抹灰的天棚one-coat plaster ceiling
单层抹灰的天花板one-coat plastered ceiling
单层抹灰的天花板one-coat plaster ceiling
单层抹灰的顶棚one-coat plastered ceiling
单层抹灰的顶棚one-coat plaster ceiling
单层拉丝作业线single-level fiber forming line
单层拱热系统single-storey heating system
单层拱热系统single-story heating system
单层振动筛single-deck vibratory screen
单层排水沟single-layer drain
单层掩盖型simple covered type
单层搪瓷single enamelling
单层搪瓷single enameling
单层摇床simplex table
单层整体圬工墙one-layered monolithic masonry wall
单层整体墙single-layer monolithic wall
单层整体式圬工墙single-layered monolithic masonry wall
单层整体锻造式容器monoblock forged vessel
单层施工single-lift construction (法)
单层施工one-layer operation (法)
单层无轨电车single-deck trolley bus
仅用木龙骨支承的单层木地扳single flooring
仅用木龙骨支承的单层木地板single flooring
单层木地板single timber floor
单层木天花板single timber roof floor
单层木板桩围堰single-layer timber piling cofferdam
单层木桥面板single plank for bridge floor
单层材料monolayer material
单层板壳船single planking system
单层格床single-tier grillage
单层格栅撑single bridging
单层框架single frame
单层框架one-storey frame
单层框架one-story frame
单层楼板single-framed floor
单层楼板single floor
单层楼板beam floor
单层模型single-layer model
单层模式single-layer mode
单层模板single-tier form work
单层one-course method
单层波纹管single-ply bellows
单层淘汰盘simplex table
单层水泥混凝土路面single course concrete pavement
单层水泥混凝土路面one-course concrete pavement
单层混凝土铺面one-course concrete pavement
单层滤器simplex strainer
单层灰泥single-coat plaster
单层one-storey furnace
单层one-story furnace
单层烤炉single-deck oven
单层热压机single-layer hot press
单层热水供热系统single-floor hot water heating system
单层热水加热系统single-storey hot water heating system
单层热水加热系统single-story hot water heating system
单层牲畜车stock car single deck
单层玻璃single glass
单层甲板旅客渡轮single-deck ferryboat
单层皮带single belt
单层盖板single laying of plank covering
单层砌块墙加固single-block wall reinforcing
单层砖墙external tier
单层砖石墙厚masonry work wythe
单层砖结构one-storey brick structure
单层砖结构one-story brick structure
单层碎料板single-layer particle board
单层single-casement window
单层筑路single course construction
单层筑路one-course construction
单层single-deck screen
单层粉刷one-coat work
单层粉刷one-coat brush finish
单层纱包线single cotton-covered wire
单层纱漆包线single cotton-covered enamel wire
单层纱漆包线single cotton-covered copper wire
单层纸袋single-wall paper bag
单层线圈single-layer wind
单层线圈single-layer winding
单层线圈single-layer coil
单层结构single-skin structure
单层结构single course construction
单层结构one-course construction
单层绕组single-layer wind
单层绕组single-layer winding
单层绕组one-layer winding
单层single-shell casing
单层网络single-layer network
单层网络single-layer grid
单层薄膜single-ply film
单层螺线管single-layer solenoid
单层表面位surface potential of simple layer
单层衬砌single-shell lining
单层single bag
单层货栈one-storey warehouse
单层货栈one-story warehouse
单层跨运车one-high straddle carrier
单层路槽one-course trench
单层路面single course pavement
单层路面one-course pavement
单层车库single-level garage
单层车库one-level garage
单层转塔single-level turret
单层轴瓦solid bearing liner
单层配筋single reinforcement
单层金属闪光涂料single metallic effect paint
单层钝齿形天窗采光single saw-toothed skylight
单层钢丝网unit wire fabric
单层钢丝软管single-wire braided hose
单层钢犁铧solid share
单层钻头single-layer bit
单层铁线铠装电缆single-wire armoured cable
单层铁线铠装电缆single-wire armored cable
单层铠装电缆single-wire armored cable
单层铠装电缆single armored cable
单层铺土厚度unit lift thickness
单层铺设法single coursing
单层single-beat valve
单层防护single enclosure
单层附属建筑物single-storey annexe
单层附属建筑物single-story annex
单层隔仓板single-wall partition
单层隔仓板single-layer diaphragm plate
单层隔墙single-layer partition
单层隔墙single-layer grid
单层面板single sheathing
单层面积single-layer area
单斜层monocline layer
单斜层间储水构造storage structure of monoclinal interlayers
单斜岩层monoclinal stratum
单旋回地层monocyclical land form
单旋回地层monocyclic land form
单板条层压材parallel strand lumber
单涂层one-pack coating
单滤料滤不分层滤床single medium unstratified filter bed
单滤料滤分层滤床single medium stratified filter bed
单组分涂层one-component coating
单色分层设色表single-colour monochrome layer tinting
单色分层设色表single-color monochrome layer tinting
单间卧室楼层one bedroomed flat
单面涂层双层纸板one-side coated duplex board
单面涂层纸one-side coated paper
单面涂层美术印刷纸one-side coated art printing paper
单面涂胶层kiss coating
单面给胶涂层法kiss coating
单面覆层single-faced cladding
卷板式单层高压筒rolled plate high pressure cylinder
卷焊式单层圆筒rol-welded monolayered cylinder
厚漆单层玻璃heavy-enamel single glass
厚漆单层玻璃纸包的heavy-enamel single ink
厚漆单层纱包的heavy-enamel single cotton
双层刚性单剑杆twinned single rigid rapiers
双层晶片单元bimorph cell
双层玻璃单元double glazing unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratigraphical unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratigraphic unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratification unit
圬工单层砖墙masonry tier
地层分层单位stratigraphical unit
地层分层单位stratigraphic unit
地层单位section of reservoir
地层单元stratigraphic unit
地层单元stratigraphical unit
地层单元section of reservoir
地貌地层单位morphostratigraphical unit
基层单位unit at the grass-roots level
基层单位grass roots unit
基层单位primary unit
基层单位basic unit
基层单位目标unit objectives
外层单砖墙outside wythe
外层单砖墙outside with
多层上光单元multiple glazing unit
多层单杆弹性道钉laminated elastic spike with single shaft
夹层单元sandwich unit
密封双层玻璃单元sealed double glazed unit
对称单柱多层框架symmetrical one-legged multistoried frame
对称单柱多层框架symmetric one-legged multistoried frame
小基层单位small establishment
层网络单元layer network element
屋顶用单层织物single-layered fabric for roofing wall
岩层单位lithogenetic unit
岩石地层单位rock-stratigraphical unit
岩石地层单位rock unit
岩石地层单位lithostratigraphical unit
岩石地层单位名称name of lithostratigraphical unit
岩石地层单位名称name of lithostratigraphic unit
年代地层单位time-stratigraphic unit
年代地层单位time-stratigraphical unit
年代地层单位chronostratigraphical unit
年代地层单位名称name of chronostratigraphical unit
年代地层单位名称name of chronostratigraphic unit
成因地层单位genetic stratigraphical unit
拼缝内层单板jointed inner plys
整体锻造式单层圆筒integrally forged monolayered cylinder
时代地层单位【地】time-stratigraphical unit
时代地层单位【地】time-stratigraphic unit
时间地层单位time-stratigraphic unit
时间地层单位time-stratigraphical unit
时间地层单位time-rock unit
朗格缪尔单层吸附模型Langmuir's single level adsorption model
构造地层单元tectono-stratigraphical unit
构造地层单元tectono-stratigraphic unit
正式地层单位formal unit
正式地层单位formal stratigraphical unit
正式地层单位formal stratigraphic unit
气候地层单位climate stratigraphical unit
水层单位hydrostratigraphical unit
水层单位hydrostratigraphic unit
水文地层单元hydrostratigraphical unit
沥青单独涂层bitumen individual coat
沥青单独涂层asphalt individual coat
生态地层单位ecostratigraphical unit
生物单位地层划分biostratigraphical classification
生物单位地层划分biostratigraphic classification
生物年代地层单位biochronostratigraphical unit
由单一弯曲断层形成的圈闭trap formed by a single curved fault
直交单板层cross banding
砌层单元unit of bond
磁性地层极性单位magnetostratigraphic polarity unit
等时性地层单位isochronous stratigraphical unit
简单釉面层plain glazed coating
简单釉面层plain glazed coat
自动单层压机automatic single daylight press
解译工程基础岩性地层单位interpreted lithologic-stratigraphical unit of engineering foundation
解译工程基础岩性地层单位interpreted lithologic-stratigraphic unit of engineering foundation
贝诺希尔德单层烘燥机Beno-Shilde drying machine
货舱单层衬垫single dunnage
跳层公寓单元duplex apartment (占有两层的公寓单元)
遥感地层单位remotely sensed stratigraphical units
遥感地层单位remotely sensed stratigraphic units
采样岩石地层单位sampling rock unit
锚固的单层板桩挡土墙single-walled anchored sheet pile bulkhead
锻焊式单层圆筒forge-welded monolayered cylinder
非产业基层单位non-industrial establishment
非基层单位值ex establishment value
非建筑企业基层单位non-construction establishment
非正式地层单位informal unit
面层单板face veneer
高层公寓单元high living unit