
Terms for subject Technology containing 单叶 | all forms | in specified order only
单个小叶individual leaflet
单作用叶片泵single-acting vane pump
单侧吸入式叶轮single-sided impeller
单侧闭式叶轮single-shrouded impeller
单列叶栅single cascade
单叶三角洲unilobate delta
单叶函数schlicht function
单叶双曲面hyperboloid of one sheet
单叶回转缩机rotary single-vane compressor
单叶single-impeller pump
单叶片式混砂机single-shaft paddle-type mixer
单叶片摆动缸single-vane actuator
单叶片旋转泵single-vane rotary pump
单叶竖旋桥single-leaf bascule bridge
单叶线simple folium
单叶轮冲击破碎机single-impeller impact breaker
单叶轮泵single-impeller pump
单叶隙节unilacunar node
单吸入口叶轮single suction impeller
单吸叶轮single-inlet impeller
单扇滑动式百叶门single-leaf sliding shutter door
单扇百叶扯门one-leaf sliding shutter door
单扇百叶门single-leaf shutter door
单扇百叶门one-leaf shutter door
单眼叶ocellar lobes
单级叶轮single-stage impeller
单级叶轮泵single-stage impeller pump
单绳软百叶窗monocord Venetian blind
单翼叶轮single-vane impeller
单路叶轮泵single-channel impeller pump
单轴桨叶式搅拌机single-shaft hammer paddle arm mixer
单门叶滚动闸门single-leaf type rolling gate
单面进气叶轮single-inlet impeller
单面进气叶轮single-entry impeller
对生单叶simple and opposite leaves
棕榈叶屋面的简单房屋nipa house
简单立体交叉四叶形立体交叉grade separation