
Terms for subject Wrestling containing 单元 | all forms
20单位国际式摔跤锦标赛International Style Wrestling Championships Among 20 Workunits
7 单位摔跤锦标赛Wrestling Championships Among Seven Workunits
单腿夹胸flying body scissors
单腿夹颈flying head scissors
单腿跪撑on thigh and hands
抱单腿拦腿摔double-leg lock
抱单腿拦腿摔single leg lock
抱单腿摔single leg pick-up
抱单臂后倒过胸摔referee's hold with slipunder to half flying mare
抱单臂滚referee's hold with slipunder to half flying mare
抱单臂滚referee's hold with slip-under to half flying mare
抱单臂背single arm-lock and buttock
抱单臂过桥摔single elbow-lock and sitback
抱单臂过桥摔sit-back with single elbow-lock
抱单臂过桥摔single elbow-lock and sit-back
抱躯干及单臂body and single arm hold
握单臂背front wing
握单臂背wrist and thigh pick-up with throw
握单臂背flying mare
握单臂背摔wrist and thigh pickup with throw
盖单mat cover
贴身单肘控制single-elbow control
锁单臂过腿摔hip roll with single elbow lock