
Terms for subject Technology containing 单位 | all forms | in specified order only
单位关系固定样本调查one-unit relational panel survey
一次取样单位primary sampling unit
一次爆破单位炸药消耗量primary explosive ratio
一次爆破单位炸药消耗量initial explosive ratio
一种旧,十进烛光单位法国光度计的标准,即1厘米²的铂在它的凝固点时所发射的光的1/20, =0.96 国际烛光bougie decimale
一级抽样单位primary sampling unit
三原色单位trichromatic unit
不定期单位支出计算non-periodical calculation of unit expenditures
不定期单位支出计算non-periodic calculation of unit expenditures
与业主订约的业务单位prime professional
业务单位operating unit
中央给水规划单位central water planning unit
中间单位intermediate unit
单位primary unit
主办单位host unit
主持单位appraising unit in chief
主编单位compiled unit in chief
主要岩性单位principal lithologic unit
伊万斯一伯尔单位Evans-Burr unit
优先供应单位priority suppliers
优先分级单位priority ranking unit
传输单位unit of transfer
传输单位transmission unit
传递单位transmission unit
伦敦单位London unit
伦敦单位London standard
伦琴单位Roentgen unit
伯德单位Bird unit
伯格曼一吐纳单位Bergman-Turner unit
位势单位geopotential unit
低级分类单位lower categories
体积单位elementary volume
体积单位volume element
体积单位unit of volume
体积单位volume unit
倍数计量单位multiple unit of measurement
假想单位imaginary unit
光度单位light unit
光的单位unit of light
光距单位electrical distance unit
光距单位electric distance unit
克劳伯格单位Clauberg unit
克劳修斯单位Clausius unit
克里斯蒂森单位Christensen unit
克雷布斯黏度单位Krebs unit
分区单位divisional unit
分层单位stratigraphical unit
分层单位stratigraphic unit
分层心色散位移单模光纤shifted single-mode fiber
分数单位submultiple unit
分析单位analytical unit
分析单位analytic unit
分辨单位resolution unit
分配给联营单位利润net income distribution to affiliated units
列车单位制动力train specific braking force
列车单位制动力specific train braking force
列车单位牵引力train specific tractive force
列车单位牵引力specific train effort
列车单位阻力specific train resistance
列车平均单位阻力average specific train resistance
初级单位primary unit
初级抽样单位primary sample unit
初级抽样单位内的方差variance within primary sample units
初级抽样单位间的方差variance between primary sample units
制图单位organization of mapping
制图单位cartographical unit
制图单位cartographic unit
制外单位unit outside system
制定单位organization for working out
刻度单位scale unit
刻度单位scale base
单位normalization unit
化学单位chemical unit
化学检测单位unit for chemical measurement
化工单位操作chemical engineering unit operation
区划单位enumeration unit
区域单位regional unit
区域单位area unit
区域填图单位划分division of units in regional mapping
医疗单位标志caducei symbol
千英国热量单位/小时thousands of BTU per hour
半饱和时间单位half-saturation unit
协编单位assistant compiled unit
单一相应水位关系simple gauge relation
单一相应水位关系simple gage relation
单一进位single carry
单个位错误single-bit error
R 单位R unit (德国)
X 单位x-unit
单位三角形unit triangle
单位unit string
单位传动unit drive
单位估价表standard schedules of unit rates
单位分布unit distribution
单位分解resolution of the identity
单位分解partition of unity
单位分隔unit separation
单位切线unite tangent
单位列车阻力specific train resistance
单位利润分配unit profit sharing
单位利用率specific utilization coefficient
单位向量vector of unit length
单位向量场分析unit vector field analysis
单位含尘量specific dust load
单位含水量unit water content
单位含水量specific moisture content
单位土壤压力unit ground pressure
单位地址代码activity address code
单位地址簿activity address directory
单位地基承载力unit subgrade support
单位复抗剪函数unit complex forcing function
单位复抗力函数unit complex forcing function
单位复数complex unit
单位开采下降值decrease of specific mining quantity
单位unit type
单位式光缆unit type optical fiber cable
单位式光缆unit type optic fiber cable
单位式换气unit system of ventilation
单位式电缆unit-type cable
单位式通风unit system of ventilation
基本单位张量unit fundamental tensor
单位张量unit tensor
单位弯曲应力bending unit stress
单位性状unit character
单位成品回收unitary product
单位成品推销费salable expenses by unit product
单位成本cost unit price
单位成本basic cost
单位成本折旧法unit cost depreciation method
单位成本率cost performance
单位截面积unit cross-sectional area
单位持水度specific water retention
单位持水度specific retention
单位持水量specific water retention
单位持水量specific retention
单位挤压力extrusion pressure
单位有效面积存储量storage capacity per effective unit area
单位栅格elementary cell
单位模数unit module
单位横向收缩unit lateral contraction
单位气耗specific air consumption
单位水体中含沙量sediment spatial concentration
单位水力蕴藏量specific water power potential
单位水力蕴藏量specific potential power
单位水力资源specific water power potential
单位水力资源specific potential power
单位水头损失specified loss of head
单位水头损失specific loss of head
单位水头曲线specific head diagram
单位水文过程线法unitary-hydrograph method
单位水量成本cost per unit water volume
单位水量的投资investment per unit water volume
单位洪峰unit peak flow
单位unit ball
单位sphere of radius
单位生产法unit production method
单位生产量specific yield
单位生产量specific duty
单位用水量unit water use
5 单位five unit alphabet
单位砌块unit masonry
单位程序unit programme
单位程序unit program
单位编制establishment of unit
单位耗气量specific gas consumption
单位耗药量unit powder consumption
单位脉冲信号unit-pulse signal
单位脉冲函数unit impulse function
单位脉冲反应unit impulse response
单位脉冲响应unit impulse response
单位营业支出unit operating expense
单位蠕变unit creep
单位负荷unit loading
单位负荷因数unit loading factor
单位负荷因素unit loading factor
单位负载unit load
单位负载unit loading
单位负载element loading
单位贡献unit contribution
单位质量内能internal energy per unit mass
单位质量含量load per unit of mass
单位质量的作用力mass power
单位选择器开关unit-selector switch
单位通风器unit ventilator
单位速率unit speed
单位造价unit cost
单位造价unit price
单位造价cost per unit
单值进位single carry
单元位移element displacement
单列十二单位方式single-column pence
单列自位滚柱轴承single-row self-aligning roller bearing
单匝电位计single-turn potentiometer
单向位移错位unilateral moving dislocation
单向方位unilateral bearing
单向相位转换开关one-way phase switcher
单向移动错位unilateral moving dislocation
单向钳位one-way clamp
单层位single-layer potential
单层表面位surface potential of simple layer
单易位simple translocation
单电位电子枪unipotential gun
单电位聚焦系统unipotential focus system
单电位透镜univoltage lens
单电位透镜unipotential lens
单电位静电透镜unipotential electrostatic lens
单笔位绘图头single station head
单缸位复泵simplex reciprocating pump
单行移位寄存器single-line register
合同规定的一批或各单位package or units covered by the contract
合理单位rational unit
合理单位rationalized unit
合理单位系统rationalized system
单位commensurate (的)
同行业单位之间应付账款account payable interline
名册单位listing unit
吕荣单位Lugeon unit
吨/公里单位成本unit cost per ton-kilometre
听觉感觉单位sensation unit (decibel 分贝的原始称呼)
吸声单位sound absorption unit
吸音单位unit of acoustical absorption
吸音单位unit of acoustic absorption
商业单位commercial unit
商业单位business enterprise
土地丈量单位land measure
土地面积的计算单位a unit of land measurement
土壤单位pedological unit
土壤单位pedologic unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratigraphic unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratigraphical unit
土壤地层单位soil-stratification unit
土壤成分单位重量unit weight of soil constituents
土颗粒成分单位重量unit weight of soil particles
单位时间里in unit time
地基单位承载力unit subgrade support
地层单位section of reservoir
地层分层单位stratigraphical unit
地层分层单位stratigraphic unit
地心单位geocentric unit sphere
地文单位physiographical unit
地文单位physiographic unit
地球速率单位earth rate unit
地球重力位单位geopotential unit
地理区划单位unit of geographical division
地理区划单位unit of geographic division
地貌地层单位morphostratigraphical unit
地质年代单位time unit
地质年代单位geochronological unit
地质年代单位符号symbol of geological time unit
地质年代单位符号symbol of geologic time unit
均值误差的标准单位standard units of mean error
处理单位process unit
处理单位processing unit
复位单元reset unit
复合单位过程线composite unit hydrograph
复合单位过程线composite unit graph
复合抽样单位complex sampling unit
单位outside firm
多伊西单位Doisy unit
多布森单位Dobson unit
多普勒单点定位Doppler single-point positioning
大地基准单点定位single astronomic station datum orientation
天文单位距离unit distance
太阳流量单位solar flux unit
失效单位failure unit
子系中断单位dynamically descendent on-unit
小基层单位small establishment
小客车单位passenger car unit
小客车交通量单位passenger car unit (用于计算道路通行能力)
尺寸单位dimensional unit
居住单位公寓的名称Unité d'Habitation
居住单位面积area of dwelling unit
屈服单位yield unit
币值稳定单位currency stable unit
布特南脱单位Butenandt unit
常用单位conventional unit system
常用实用单位usual practical
开采单位mining unit
弗洛里单位Florey unit
单位weak unit
总包单位main contractor
总臭氧单位total ozone unit
恒星日单位sidereal unit
戈德布拉特单位Goldblatt unit
成因单位genetic unit
成因地层单位genetic stratigraphical unit
成本核算单位cost unit
成组抽样单位collective sampling unit
房地产单位estate unit
指定的总量单位assigned amount unit
单位per-unit value
摄影单位photography organization
摄氏热单位centigrade heat unit
摄氏热量单位centigrade thermal unit
支付单位paying unit
支撑单位support a single floret
攻击单位challenging unit
放射性单位activity unit
效用单位utility unit
效能单位potency unit
救助单位rescue unit
显微单位microscopic unit
显微单位micrometer unit
最低单位成本minimum unit cost
最低单位费用minimum unit cost
最后取样单位ultimate sampling unit
最大单位应力maximum unit stress
最大单位流量peak unit flow
最大单位流量maximum unit flow
最小单位包装unit package
有关单位related parties
有批准权的权威单位approving authority
有效单位重量effective unit weight
有理单位rational system of units
有理单位系统rationalized system
有理化单位系统rationalized system of units
木材体积单位serch (等于0.71立方米)
木材标准单位standard unit of timber
木材计量标准单位timber standard (一百六十五立方英尺)
单位历史先进水平historical best cost of the entity
单位历史先进水平historic best cost of the entity
本格尔单位Benger unit
模拟机的机器单位machine unit
机器单位machine unit
机器的单位重量功率power per pound
机械单位mechanical-type unit
机率单位probit unit
机率单位probit method
机车单位基本阻力specific basic resistance of locomotive
机车单位阻力specific locomotive resistance
单位weight unit
材料单位消耗量unit consumption of material
材料体枳单位unit of material volume
材料体积单位unit of material volume
材料供应单位资金周转额material supplying unit turnover
材积单位board measure
标准单位normalized unit
标准单位费率standard unit rate
标准单位运费standard unit transportation
标准公差单位standard tolerance unit
标准处理单位standard unit of processing
标准气味单位standard odor unit
标准物量单位standard physical units
标准的价格单位standard unit of value
标准计量单位standard measure of quantity
标准记账单位standard unit of accounting
标准货币记账单位standard money unit of account
标准通信单位standard communication unit
标度单位scale unit
样本单位number of units in sample
核对单位verified unit
核算单位business segments
格斯特单位Guest unit
格罗斯伯格单位Grossberg unit
模数砌筑单位modular masonry unit
横截面单位面积载荷cross-sectional loading
气候地层单位climate stratigraphical unit
气压单位barometrical unit
气压单位barometrical millimeter of mercury (以毫米水银柱计)
气压单位barometric unit
气压单位pressure unit
气压单位barometric millimeter of mercury (以毫米水银柱计)
水下单位重量submerged unit weight
土的水中单位重量submerged unit weight (of soil)
水中泥沙单位spatial concentration of sediment
水中泥沙单位水流体积含沙量spatial concentration of sediment
水头测量总单位压力total water gauge
水头测量总单位压力total water gage
水头的单位损失specific loss of head
水层单位hydrostratigraphical unit
水层单位hydrostratigraphic unit
水样化验单位analysis unit of water sample
水流速度单位miner's inch (经过1平方英寸洞口的流水速度,用于美国西部)
水管理单位water management unit
水资料单位water data unit
活度单位unit of activity
活性单位active unit
浊度单位turbidity unit
测井曲线横向比例尺单位scale unit of log curve
测浊度的浊度单位nephelometric turbidity unit
测量单位system of measuring units
浓度单位unit of concentration
浓度单位等值线concentration unit contour
渔业组织单位fishery organization
漏斗单位下降值法method of specific drawdown within funnel
演化单位evolutional unit
生产单位production department
生产单位折旧法unit of production depreciation method
生态地层单位ecostratigraphical unit
生烟强度单位smoke unit
生物单位地层划分biostratigraphical classification
生物单位地层划分biostratigraphic classification
生物年代地层单位biochronostratigraphical unit
用时间单位表示经度longitude in time
单位electric unit
电动势单位electromotive unit
电流绝对单位absolute unit of current
电磁单位electro-magnetic unit
电磁单位electromagnetic unit
电磁单位electromagnetic system of units
电磁制中的单位磁质量unit magnetic mass in the electromagnetic system
看护单位nursing unit
真色度单位true color unit
着色匹配单位colour-match unit
着色匹配单位colour-matching unit
着色匹配单位color-matching unit
着色匹配单位color-match unit
砌体单位unit masonry
砌块模数单位modular masonry unit
砌筑单位masonry unit
研究单位research institution
程序单位program unit
等时性地层单位isochronous stratigraphical unit
簇射单位路程shower unit
编制单位organization for compilation
编图单位compiled unit
编图单位unit of compiling
编图单位compilation organizer
编档单位filling unit
编测单位cartographical unit
编测单位cartographic unit
缩额单位skeleton unit
网络地址单位network address unit
网络数据单位network data unit
老住房单位old dwelling unit
老居住单位old dwelling unit
航海长度单位nautical measure
航空单点与差动全球空中定位导航系统air-borne single point and differential GPS navigation
舱位订单indent for space
船位置简单推测法dead reckoning
船舶单位长度载货量cargo density
行政单位administrative unit
调查单位unit of survey
调节亚单位regulator subunit
调节亚单位regulating subunit
贝西单位Bessey unit
负荷单位load unit
财务报表按营业单位编制的惯例business entity convention
责任单位会计segment accounting
货物的实物计算单位physical unit of goods
货物装载单位unit loading
货物装载单位unit load
货载单位化费用bulk unitization charges
货运单位成本freight traffic unit cost
货运计算单位freight unit
质量单位unit of mass
质量单位mass unit
质量的米制技术单位metric-technical unit of mass
费率结构单位rate construction unit
费用单位cost unit
贾德色差单位Judd colour difference unit
贾德色差单位Judd color difference unit
选择单位selection unit
选择供货单位choose sources of supply
选择供货单位choice sources of supply
选矿单位cleaning unit
透射单位transmission unit
通量的单位unit tube of flux
道路交通量计算单位road vehicle unit
道路行车单位road vehicle unit
销售单位marketing unit
锯切单位cutting unit
单位sunshine unit
阻力单位unit of resistance
阻力单位resistance unit
阿姆奎斯特单位Almquist unit
阿瑟单位Arthur unit
阿穆尔单位armour unit
阿穆尔单位armor unit
阿马伽体积单位Amagat volume unit
阿马伽密度单位Amagat density unit
附业单位资金周转额subordinate industry unit turnover
附属会计单位auxiliary accounting unit
附费单位预算auxiliary unit budget
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