
Terms for subject Technology containing 单人 | all forms | in specified order only
个人居住单元体系personal living unit system
乘车人数通知单notice of the number of passengers on train
乘车人数通知单notice of passenger number on train
人力清单manpower inventory
人寿保险单下的保险insurance under a life policy
人工分配单labour distribution sheet
人工分配单labor distribution sheet
人工日报单daily labour report
人工日报单daily labor report
人工材料费保单labour and material payment bond
人工材料费保单labor and material payment bond
人工高架单轨系统hand suspended monorail system
人日单价man-day rate
人时单价man-hour rate
人月单价man-month rate
人造砖石单元man-made masonry unit
人造纤维单丝rayon monofil
以第三者为装船人的提单third party bill of lading
保险单上受益人背书beneficiary endorsement
债务人认为无误的确定清单account stated
单一代理人代理房地产的上市和出售in-house sale
单一法人unity of person
单一法人corporation sole
单人作业潜水器individual work submersible
单人全密式潜水服one-man completely enclosed diving suit
单人全密式潜水服one-man completely enclosed diving dress
单人公寓one-bed flat
单人凿岩single hand drilling
单人卧室single bed room
单人卧室single bedroom
单人压力舱individual pressure chamber
单人双桨艇double sculling
单人呼吸器具escape lung
单人呼吸器的呼吸囊inside bag
单人圆背低椅bucket seat
单人多机操作multimachine assignment
单人客房single guest bedroom
单人宿舍bachelor hostel
单人小餐桌snack table
单人居住单元one-bed dwelling unit
单人常压潜水器one-man atmospheric submersible
单人常压潜水器one-man atmosphere submersible
单人常压潜水服single atmospheric diving suit
单人常压潜水服one-man atmospheric diving suit
单人平地机one-man grader
单人平路机one-man grader
单人single bed
单人床客房single bed guest room
单人座板boatswain's chair
单人微型潜水器individual micro-submersible
单人single-person household
单人手扶凿岩机one-man drilling machine
单人手扶钻机one-man drilling machine
单人打眼one-man drilling
单人操作single-handed working (作业)
单人操作摊铺机one-man paver
单人操作铺路机one-man paver
单人操纵one-man operation
单人操纵机one-man machine
单人救生舱one-man survival chamber
单人沙发easy chair
单人潜水器one-man submarine
单人潜水器one-man diving submersible
单人牢房cell room
单人用五斗橱bachelor kitchen
单人用厨房bachelor kitchen
单人电焊机single operator arc welding set
单人脱险individual escape
单人脱险呼吸器individual escape apparatus
单人脱险设备individual escape equipment
单人one-man chamber
单人舱间one berth cabin
单人通行转门kissing gate
单人钻机one-man drill
单人钻进one-man drilling
单人铺位single bunk
单人链锯机one-man chain saw
单人one-man saw
单人one handed saw
单人镗床one-man borer
单位人工成本unit labour cost
单位人工成本unit labor cost
单向吸人single way suction
单程序重复式机器人single programmed repeatable robot
单跨人字屋架single-bay gable frame
单跨人字框架single-bay gable frame
发明人单项服务individual request for inventor
备用两用沙发的单人卧室single bedroom with convertible couch-bed
审定的投标人名单closed list of bidders
密封的投标人名单closed list of bidders
居住单元人数限制occupancy limitations
带缆单人常压潜水系统tethered one-man atmospheric system
房屋承租人的修房清单schedule of dilapidations
承运人舱单carrier's manifest
投标人分项标价综合单bid summary
投标人名单tenderers sheet
投标人名单bidders sheet
投标人选择名单selected list of bidders
拟订投标人名单restricted list of bidders
拟订投标人清单restricted list of bidders
插人单元plug-in unit
无扶手的单人side chair
无扶手的单人small chair
未填收货人的提单open B/L
未填收货人的提单open bill of lading
法人单位impersonal entity
申请人名单waiting list
病人单人居住单元patient unit
单人工跳汰机simple hand jig
单人造石plain cast stone
简单重复式机器人simple repeatable robot
经纪人装货收接单broker's return
船舶经纪人运货单broker's order
设有两用沙发床的单人房间single room with convertible couch-bed
运输代理人提单house bill of laden
限期缴费人寿保险单limited-payment life policy