
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 协议 | all forms | in specified order only
上市协议listing agreement
不可分割协议non-separation agreement
临界协议threshold agreement
协议prime agreement
协议master agreement
买卖协议buy-sell agreement
买回协议squeeze agreement
买方信贷协议buyer's credit agreement
互惠协议reciprocity agreement
互购协议mutual purchasing agreement
代理协议agency arrangement
代理协议agency agreement
保证协议suretyship agreement
保险协议underwriting agreement
保险协议insurance agreement
信息交流协议communication protocol
信托协议trust agreement
修改协议modify agreement
修改协议alter an agreement
债务整理协议schedule of arrangement
停滞协议standstill agreement
公司间协议inter-company agreements
共同协议mutual agreement
共同海损协议general average bond
共同海损协议average agreement
净账面协议net book agreement
出口经销协议export distribution agreement
分保协议Reinsurance Agreement
分包协议subcontracting agreement
分成协议sharing agreement
制造协议manufacturing agreement
劳务协议service agreement
劳务协议labor service agreement
劳务出口协议service export agreement
劳动生产率协议productivity agreement
劳工协议union agreement
劳资协议labor bargaining
劳资协议labor contract
劳资协议collective agreement
包销协议exclusive sale agreement
包销协议underwriting agreement
协议mutual consent
协议书副本duplicate of agreement
协议价格agreed-upon price
协议契约deed of arrangement
协议执行implementation of the agreement
协议文本version of an agreement
协议文本text of the agreement
协议有效期period of agreement
协议样本model of an agreement
协议的履行implementation of the agreement
协议的废除abrogation of agreement
协议贸易量agreed quantity of trade
口头协议verbal agreement
合作协议working agreement
合资协议joint venture agreement
商业协议inter-company agreements
商品进口代理协议commodity import agency agreement
国际运输协议international transport agreement
协议上签字affix one's signature to an agreement
协议范围内within the framework of agreement
备用协议standby agreement
外贸协议foreign trade agreement
外销协议export distribution agreement
多方协议multipartite agreement
多角协议polyangular agreement
多边协议multilateral convention
展期协议renewal agreement
履行协议performance of an agreement
工程协议project agreement
库存协议stocking agreement
执行协议execute an agreement
承包人协议contractor's agreement
技术援助协议technical assistance agreement
技术转让协议technology transfer agreement
抵押协议mortgage agreement
担保协议suretyship agreement
担保协议security agreement
撤销协议denounce an agreement
撤销协议cancellation of agreement
放款协议loan agreement
政府采购协议Agreement on Government Procurement
无效的协议nugatory agreement
无法销售可退货协议sale or return
无盖章协议parol agreement
未定案的协议unjelled agreement
标准协议格式standard form of agreement
正式协议official agreement
水面协议water-borne agreement
注销协议cancellation of agreement
海损滞期费协议average agreement demurrage
海运协议maritime transportation agreement
特惠协议preferential agreement
独家代理协议agency exclusive agreement
独家经销协议exclusive sale agreement
生产协议production agreement
生产率协议productivity agreement
码垛协议stockpiling agreement
破坏协议sabotage an agreement
租船协议charter agreement
协议let an agreement
签署协议signing of agreement
签订协议sign an agreement
签订协议make an agreement
管理协议management agreement
纯账面协议net book agreement
纺织品协议执行委员会美国Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements
经营协议management agreement
经销协议distributor agreement
联合协议union agreement
联合劳动协议joint agreement
联营协议joint operation agreement
联运协议multitransport agreement
行业性劳资协议trade agreement
补充协议complement action agreement
解除协议terminate an agreement
协议let an agreement
认购协议subscription agreement
调解协议mediation decision
购货协议purchasing agreement
跨国协议transnational agreement
转售协议resale agreement
达成协议reach an agreement
达成协议enter into an agreement
运费协议rate agreement
运输协议文件traffic documents
违反协议violation of agreement
违反协议non-observance agreement
连续协议continuing agreement
追索协议recourse arrangement
通告废除协议denounce an agreement
遵守协议abide by the agreement
采购协议procurement agreement
销售协议selling agreement
长期协议permanent agreement
长期协议long-term arrangement
限制性协议restrictive agreement
项目协议project agreement
默契协议tacit agreement
默示协议implied agreement