
Terms for subject International trade containing 协定 | all forms | in specified order only
三方协定tripartite agreement
三边协定trilateral agreement
专业化协定specialization agreement
世界银行协定条款banker's Articles of Agreement
中美洲进口捐税平衡协定Central American Agreement on the Equalization of Import Charges
中美贸易关系协定People’s Republic of China-United States Agreement on Trade Relations
临时协定modus vivendi
临时协定interim agreement
书面协定written statement
事先协定prior agreement
互惠协定reciprocal agreement
互惠协定关税tariff for bargaining purposes
互惠协定关税bargaining tariff
互惠信用协定reciprocal credit agreement
互惠货币协定reciprocal currency agreement
互惠货币协定reciprocal currency arrangement
互惠贸易协定方案reciprocal trade agreements program
互惠贸易协定reciprocal trade agreement act
互换货币协定swap agreements
互换货币协定reciprocal currency agreement
互购协定swap agreements
交换本币现钞及携出入定额协定agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exportation and importation
交换货物与支付协定exchange of goods and payment agreement
交钥匙协定turn key agreement
代理协定agency agreement
代理关系协定agency agreement
以工作代替付款的协定mutual terms
价格协定price cartel
价格维持协定price maintenance agreement
保付货款协定del credere agreement
保证收取货款协定del credere commission
保证收取货款协定del credere agreement
信托协定trust agreement
共享专利协定patent-pool agreement
共同定价协议agreement fixing price
关于商业公路车辆暂进口的海关协定Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Commercial Vehicles
1891 年关于商标国际注册的马德里协定Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Mark
1971 年关于国际专利分类的斯特拉斯堡协定Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification (1971)
关税协定tariff compact
关税协定tariff agreement
关税协定agreement tariff
关税及贸易总协定General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
关税贸易总协定GATT general agreement on tariff & trade
关税贸易总协定第35条会员国article 35 nation of GATT
农产品协定Agricultural Commodity Agreement
初步协定preliminary agreement
利雅得协定Riyadh Agreement
包括一切的协定all embracing agreement
区域协定regional agreement
协定产品products subject to the agreement
协定产品product subject to the agreement
协定agreed price
协定agreement price
协定价值承运人与托运人互相协定的货物价值agreed valuation
协定价格conventional price
协定关税conventional duty
协定关税conventional tariff
协定关税agreement tariff
协定年度agreement year
协定条款article of agreement
协定税则agreement tariff
协定税则conventional tariff
协定税则制conventional tariff system
协定税率conventional tariff
协定税率制conventional tariff system
协定缔约国agreement country
协定草案draft convention
协定补充议定书supplementary protocol to an agreement
协定规格model agreement
协定贸易trade by agreement
协定'费用agreed charge
协定运价率按货物运量的增加而减低价率agreed rate
协定运费率agreed rate
协定配额bilateral quota
协议稳定价格agreed stable price
单方承担义务的协定unilateral agreement
单项商品大量采购协定single commodity bulk purchase agreement
双方协定mutual agreement
双边协定bilateral agreement
双边协定配额bilateral quota
双边信贷互惠协定bilateral swap agreements
双边谈判和协定bilateral negotiations and agreements
双边贸易协定bilateral trade agreement
双重课税协定double-tax treaty
口头协定verbal agreement
君子协定gentlemen's agreement
商业协定commercial agreement
商品协定commodity agreements
商品安排总协定general agreement on commodity arrangements
商品稳定协定commodity stabilization agreement
商品稳定化协定commodity stabilization agreement
商标国际注册的马德里协定the Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks
固定价格协议price fixing agreement
固定价格协议Price-Fixing Agreement
国定协定税率general and conventional tariff
国定及协定税则national and conventional tariff
国家协定税率制general and conventional tariff system
国际协定international agreement
国际可可协定1975 年 10 月International Agreement on Cocoa
国际咖啡协定1962年9月28 日International Coffee Agreement
国际商品协定international commodity arrangement
国际商品协定international commodity agreement
国际商品协定临时协调委员会Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangement
国际复兴开发银行协定条款Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
国际天然胶价格稳定协定International Natural Rubber Agreement on Price Stabilization
国际小麦协定International Wheat Agreement
国际棉织品贸易协定Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles
国际橄榄油协定1955年 10 月International Olive Oil Agreement International Agreement on Olive oil
国际砂糖协定International Sugar Agreement
国际砂糖协定1968年10月International Sugar Agreement
国际航空过境协定1944 年 12 月7 日International Air Services Transit Agreement
国际航空运输协定1944年12月7日International Air Transport Agreement
国际谷物协定International Grain Arrangement (1967)
国际货币协定international monetary arrangements
国际货币基金协定1945年 12 月 27 日International Monetary Fund Agreement
国际货币基金协定international monetary fund agreement
国际货币基金协定Fund Agreement
国际货币基金协定条款Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
国际货币基金组织协定agreement of IMF
国际货币基金组织协定条款第二次修正案Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the IMF
国际贸易协定international trade agreement
国际铁路货物运输协定agreement concerning the international carriage of goods by rail
国际锡协定1953年International Tin Agreement
备用协定standby arrangement
外汇结算协定exchange clearing agreement
多州赋税协定multistate tax compact
多种纤维协定Multi-Fibre agreement
多边谈判与协定multilateral negotiation and agreement
多边谈判与协定multilateral negotiations and agreements
多边贸易协定multilateral trade agreement
存货协定stocking agreement
实际业务协定vocational agreement
布雷顿森林协定Bretton Woods Agreement
1962 年关于执行欧洲国际商事仲裁公约的协定Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration (Paris, 17 December 1962)
19H年特种业务客船协定Special Trade Passenger ships Agreement (1977)
1971 年特种业务客船协定Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971
广播合作协定agreement concerning cooperation in broadcasting service
开发信贷协定development credits agreement
意向协定intention agreement
战争水面险协定water-borne agreement
战争险协定war risk agreement
抵偿协定compensation agreements
换货与付款协定goods exchange and payments agreement
援助协定aid agreement
支付协定payment agreement
支持协定standby agreement
政府贸易协定governmental trade agreement
救助协定salvage agreement
文化合作协定agreement on cultural cooperation
斯特拉斯堡国际专利分类协定Strasbourg Agreement concerning the International Patent Classification
新巴塞尔协定New Basel Agreement
易货协定barter agreement
最后协定final agreement
最终协定final agreement
有秩序销售协定orderly marketing agreement
棉纺织品协定cotton textile agreement
欧洲专利协定European patent convention
欧洲内部支付协定Intra-European Payments Agreements
欧洲内部支付协定Intra-European Payments Agreement
欧洲货币协定European Monetary Agreement
正常销售协定orderly marketing agreement
民间贸易协定non-governmental trade agreement
战争险水上范围协定water borne agreement
永久性协定permanence agreement
汇兑清算协定Exchange Gearing Agreement
汇总清算协定exchange clearing agreement
汽车互撞免赔协定knock for knock agreement
汽车相撞免赔协定knock for knock agreement
泛美商业航空协定Pan American Convention on Commercial Aviation
洛美协定Lome Convention
海运协定maritime agreement
消除公害协定nuisance settlement
清算账户协定open account agreement
渥太华协定Ottawa Agreement
特惠贸易协定preferential trade arrangement
特种服务劳务协定special service agreement
独家经销协定exclusive sales arrangement
电信协定agreement on tele-communication service
百慕大协定Bermuda Agreement
相互偿付协定arrangement to offset payments
相互出借协定interlending agreement
示范协定model agreement
科学技术合作协定agrement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
租买合同上租买人不付款时卖方取回货物的协定办法recourse agreement
第二项洛美协定Second Lome Convention
筹集资金协定replacement agreement
管制性商品协定regulatory commodity agreement
约定价值.,协议价值agreed value
级限协定threshold agreement
经济援助协定agreement on economic aid
经销协定agreement to sell
统一财政奖励措施协定convention on uniform fiscal incentives
维持转售价格协定resale price maintenance agreement
美元支付协定agreement US dollars
美利坚合众国与联合国签订的邮政协定Postal Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America
联合协定joint agreement
联营协定pooling agreement
联营协定pool agreement
胞时协定provisional agreement
自主关税与协定关税national tariff and conventional tariff
自愿限制协定self-restraint agreement
自限协定self-restraint agreement
英国劳氏协会鉴定人Lloyd’s Surveyor
补偿协定compensation agreements
许可证协定licensing agreements
设备交换协定Equipment Interchange Agreement
负责协定hold harmless agreement
货币通货协定monetary agreement
购货协定条件terms and conditions of the purchase agreement
贸发会议和总协定合办的国际贸易中心UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Center
贸易协定trading arrangement
贸易协定trade agreement
贸易协定trade agreement act
贸易协定法案Trade Agreement Act
贸易和支付协定trade and payment agreement
贸易和经济协定trade and economic agreement
贸易支付协定trade and payment agreement
贸易条约和协定commercial treaties and agreements
贸易配额协定trade-quota agreement
赔偿协定reparations agreement
赔偿协定reparation agreement
输出入相抵协定compensation agreements
过境协定transit agreement
运费协定rate agreement
运输协定transport agreements
违法付款问题国际协定international agreement on illicit payments
通商协定agreement on commerce
邮政协定agreement on postal service
金桥协定Gold Bridge Agreement
铁路标准化协定railway standardization agreement act
阿鲁沙协定Arusha Agreement
附属协定collateral agreement
黄金条款协定gold clause agreement