
Terms for subject Commerce containing 协定 | all forms | in specified order only
英国互惠贸易协定Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
互换货币协定swap agreement
产业交易中买卖双方私人之间的协定private treaty
优惠关税协定preferential tariff agreement
保险协定费率tariff rate
公平交易协定fair-trade agreement
关于国际商标注册的马德里协定Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trade Marks (1891 年)
关税及贸易总协定肯尼迪回合Kennedy Round
冻结信贷协定standstill agreement
准国际协定quasi-international agreement
剩余农产品协定Surplus Agricultural Commodities Agreement
劳务协定条款labour agreement clause
劳资争执双方约定为准备协商而使紧张缓和下来的期间cooling-off period
劳资总协定blanket agreement
十国集团借款总协定General Agreement to Borrow
TBT协定technical barriers to trade
协定关税税则agreed tariff
协定措辞需作某些修改The wording of the agreement calls for some revision
协定文本treaty wording (措辞)
协定文本agreed text
协定条件treaty conditions
协定条款articles of an agreement
协定贸易contracted trade
协议规定代理商不得在约定的地区内承担销售其他供货商的类似产品The agreement provides that the agent shall not undertake to sell similar products for other suppliers in the agreed territory
000.协议规定如果年贸易额超过10,000美元,须加付佣金百分之二The agreement stipulates for 2% overriding commission to be paid if the yearly turnover exceeds US $10,
口头协定oral agreement
商业君子协定commercial consensus
国定税则与协定税则national and conventional tariff
国家协定税率制general and conventional tariff
国际特许经营协定international franchise agreement
国际纺织品协定International Textile Agreement
国际货运协定Convention Internationale Concemant le Transport des Merchandises
国际锡协定International Tin Agreement
外汇清算协定exchange clearing agreement
多种纤维协定Multi-Fibre Arrangement
多边外汇结算协定multilateral exchange clearing agreement
多边经济协定multilateral economic agreement
定期再购回协议term repurchase agreement
协定、一般协定general agreement
总体协定global agreement
总括协定all-embracing agreement
技术援助及制造协定technical assistance and manufacturing agreement
投资保证协定investment guarantee agreement
拉丁美洲咖啡协定Latin-American Coffee Agreement
航运收入分摊协定revenue pooling agreement
政府间商品协定inter-government commodity agreement
新西兰澳大利亚自由贸易协定New Zealand-Australia Free Trade Agreement
欧洲专利协定European Patent Convention (1972 年,缩为 E.P.C.)
此笔交易是按在装运开始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment
泛欧支付协定Inter-European Payment Agreement
清算协定中使用的记账单位clearing sterling
清算协定贸易clearing agreement trade
短期价格协定short-term price agreement
税收协定规定的特惠待遇concessions under tax treaties
美国1979年贸易协定Trade Agreements Act of 1979
自动限制协定voluntary restraint agreement
货币互换协定reciprocal swap agreement
美国贸易协定委员会Trade Agreement Committee
美国贸易协定Trade Agreement Act
转售价格协定resale price agreement
边境贸易协定Border Trade Agreement
过境协定Border Crossing Agreement
进岀相抵协定compensation agreement
违反农产品协定breach of ACA
银行代理协定correspondent arrangement
销售协定selling agreement
销售协定marketing agreement
预备贷款协定standby agreement