
Terms for subject China containing 协定 | all forms | in specified order only
《上海合作组织成员国关于地区反恐怖机构的协定Agreement of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Establishing AntiTerrorist Regional Office
与贸易有关的投资措施协定Agreements on Trade-Related Investment Measures
代收货价邮件协定Cash-on-Delivery Agreement
保障措施协定Agreement on Safeguards
关于商标注册用商品和服务国际分类的尼斯协定Nice Agreement Concerning with International Classification of Goods and Service For the Purpose of the Registration of Marks
关于实施 1994 年关税与贸易总协定第6条的协定反倾销协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第7条的协定海关估价协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
关于对轮式车辆、可安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件制定全球性技术法规的协定Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles
关于建立国际疫苗研究所的协定Agreement on The Establishment of The International Vaccine Institute
关于援救航天员、送回航天员及送回射入外空之物体之协定Agreement on the Rescue of astronauts the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space
农业协定Agreements on Agriculture
决定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
劳务派遣协定agreement on labor dispatch
原产地规则协定Agreement on Rules of Origin
同外国缔结的条约和重要协定treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
商标国际注册马德里协定斯德哥尔摩修订文本Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
商标国际注册马德里协定有关议定书Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning International Registration of Marks
国际制冷学会的国际协定International Agreement Concerning the International institute of Refrigeration
国际复兴开发银行协定Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
国际开发协会协定Articles of Agreement of the International Development association
国际海事卫星组织业务协定Operating Agreement relating to the International Maritime Satellite organization
《国际移动卫星组织公约》1998 年修正案及《国际移动卫星组织业务协定》1998年修正案 1998Amendment to the Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization Inmarsat and Operating Agreement on the International Mobile Satellite Organization
国际纺织品贸易协议的延长议定书Protocol Extending the Arrangement of 20 December 1973 Regarding International Trade in Textiles
国际货币基金协定Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
国际通信卫星组织协定Agreement Relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite organization
国际通信卫星组织业务协定Operating Agreement Relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
国际金融公司协定Articles of Agreement of the International Finance Corporation
1994 年关税与贸易总协定General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade 1994
1994 年国际热带木材协定 1994International Tropical Timber Agreement
废除条约和重要协定abrogate treaties and important agreements
建立亚洲开发银行协定Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank
建立商品共同基金协定Agreement Establishing the Common Fund for Commodities
建立国际农业发展基金的协定Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development
建立国际发展法学院协定Agreement for the Establishment of the International Development Law Organization
建立非洲开发基金协定Agreement Establishing the African Development Fund
建立非洲开发银行协定Agreement Establishing the African Development Bank
成立国际竹藤组织的协定Agreement on the Establishment of the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
我国与外国缔结的条约、协定treaties and agreements China concluded with foreign states
批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定ratify or abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
批准条约和重要协定ratify treaties and important agreements
技术性贸易壁垒协定Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade
捐赠协议约定specified in the donation agreement
有关税收的协定agreement on taxation
条约和协定treaty and agreement
条约和重要协定treaty and important agreement
根据本协定pursuant to...
根据本协定under this agreement
纺织品与服装协定Agreements on Textiles and Clothing
经济贸易条约、协定economic and trade treaty or agreement
同外国缔结条约和重要协定conclude treaties and important agreements (with foreign states)
补贴和反补贴措施协定Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
装运前检验协定Agreement on Pre-shipment Inspection
订有诉讼管辖协定reach an agreement on litigation jurisdiction
设立亚洲再保险公司的协定Agreement Establishing the Asian Reinsurance Corporation
调解协定settlement agreement
进口许可程序协定Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures
邮政包裹协定Postal Parcels Agreement
邮政包裹协定及邮政包裹协定最后议定书Postal Parcels Agreement Final Protocol to the Postal Parcels Agreement
邮政支票协定Giro Agreement
邮政汇票协定Money Orders Agreement
重要协定important agreement
附件 1C:与贸易有关的知识产权协定Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
附件 IB:服务贸易总协定Annex 1B: General Agreement on Trade in Services
附件 1A:货物贸易多边协定Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization