
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
cut the price by half
美、加half dollar
制品partial manufactures
制成品semi-finished material
制成品crude products
加工产品semi-processed product
官方谈判semiofficial negotiation
岛及东方航运公司Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. (1840)
干豆腐semi-dehydrated bean curd
干饼干semi-dry biscuit
年一次的分期付款semiannual installments
年期的账单semiannual account
年期账half-yearly account
成品intermediary products
成品half-finished products
成品原材料semimanufactured materials
拆散式商品semi-knocked down
拆散式商品出口semi-knockdown export
数以上的外资majority foreign participation
数以上股票majority of share
数以下外资minority foreign participation
熟馅饼partially-cooked patty
生产性试验pilot plant test
生产流水线semiproduction line
组合式商品semi-knocked down
软带壳杏仁semi-soft shelled almond
集装箱船part container ship
在工商业不景气时期,该厂数机器停机了During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle
对合同文本一知have only an imperfect understanding of the contract text
承包在年内制造的任务undertake to complete the manufacture within half a year
残损货物仅可变卖原价值的一These damaged cargoes are realizable for only half of the original value
油炸脱水豆腐deep fried semi-dehydrated bean curd
浓肉汁炖干豆腐thick gravy-stewed semi-dehydrated bean curd
西球对外贸易及仲裁会议Western Hemisphere Conference on Foreign Trade and Arbitration
美国西球贸易公司Western Hemisphere Trade Corporation
该条款年后失效The clause shall cease to run 6 months later
数的投票权majority of voting power