
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
制造产品semimanufactured product Product that has undergone a partial processing and is used as raw material in a successive productive step (通过特别处理制造的产品并在后续生产中用作原材料。)
导体semiconductor A solid crystalline material whose electrical conductivity is intermediate between that of a metal and an insulator and is usually strongly temperature-dependent (一种固体透明的物质,它的电传导性在金属和绝缘体之间并且其传到性能依赖于温度。)
工业性工厂pilot plant
干旱陆地生态系统semi-arid land ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in regions that have between 10 to 20 inches of rainfall and are capable of sustaining some grasses and shrubs but not woodland (生态社区中相互影响的系统,它的无生命地区的降雨量在10到20英寸之间,这只能够草和灌木生存但树木不能存活。)
数致死时间lethal dose-50 time
液体肥料semi-liquid manure No definition needed (不需要定义。)
致死浓度median lethal concentration
致死浓度lethal concentration to 50%
衰期half-life The time required for one-half the atoms of a given amount of radioactive material to undergo radioactive decay (定量的辐射性物质,其原子之数量经由辐射衰退为原来的一半所需的时间。)
金属semi-metal An element having some properties characteristic of metals and others of non-metals. Many metalloids give rise to an amphoteric oxide (e.g. arsenic or antimony) and many are semiconductors (有一些金属特性和非金属特性的元素。很多非金属物质产生两性的氧化物(例如砷或锑)并且很多是半导体。)
机载式南球臭氧实验airborne southern hemisphere ozone experiment