
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
三叉神经月节射频热凝固术radiofrequency thermocoagulation for gasserian ganglion
三叉神经月节甘油注射术glycerol injection of gasserian ganglion
关节月板articular meniscus
奇静脉accessory hemiazygos vein
乳糖神经酰胺脂质贮积症Krabbe disease
侧面部肢体发育不良综合征hemifacial microsomia syndrome
侧颅底次全联合切除术combined subtotal resection of hemicranial base
关节移植术hemi-joint transplantation
埋人横褥式缝合half buried horizontal mattress suture
奇静脉hemiazygos vein
导体点温计法transistorized thermometer method
开放装置semi-open system
烧伤数致死面积lethal area 50%
暴露疗法treatment by semiexposure
暴露疗法semi-exposure method
月板囊肿cyst of meniscus
月瓣小结nodules of semilunar valves
月神经节后神经切断术retrogasserian neurotomy
月神经节封闭的颈部前人路anterior approach in gasserian ganglion block
月线疝Spiegel line hernia
月线疝spigelian hernia
月线疝semilunar hernia
脾移植hemi-splenic transplantation
蹲试验semi squat test
闭式装置semi-close system
结肠切除术right hemicolectomy
大脑球切除术cerebral hemispherectomy
大脑球皮质切除术cerebral hemicorticectomy
大脑球肿瘤cerebral hemisphere tumor
棘肌semispinalis capitis
寰枢椎自发性脱位atlanto-axial joint spontaneous subluxation
小脑球综合征cerebellar hemisphere syndrome
小脑球缺失cerebellum agenesis
小脑球肿瘤cerebellar hemisphere tumor
尺侧肢畸形ulnar hemimelia
月瓣left semilunar valve
结肠切除术left hemicolectomy
急救rescuing radius
掌指关节脱位subluxation of metacarpophalangeal joint
支架假brace-type prosthesis for foot stump
桡侧肢畸形radial hemimelia
桡骨小头脱位subluxation of capitulum radii
桡骨小头脱位radial head subluxation
环枢关节脱位subluxation of atlantoaxial joint
经大脑球间人路transinterhemispheric approach
结肠月襞semilunar folds of colon
结膜月襞conjunctival semilunar fold
棘肌semispinalis thoracis
脊髓切综合征Brown-Sequard syndrome
轴旁性胫骨肢畸形paraxial tibial hemimelia
轴旁性腓骨肢畸形paraxial fibular hemimelia*
远端桡尺关节脱位Madelung deformity
远端桡尺关节脱位subluxation of distal radio-ulnar joint
远端桡尺关节脱位distal radioulnar joint subluxation
靴形假boot-type prosthesis for foot stump
棘肌semispinalis cervicis