
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
生照顾患者Doctors have charge of patients
生说毫无节制的吸烟、引发了他的肺部疾病Smoking without restraint, says the doctor, is contributive to his lung diseases
生采用的治疗程序被指控是玩忽职守The medical procedure the doctor fallowed laid him open to charges of negligence
《时代》分四期连载了这位生关于癌症研究的文稿TIME published as a serial this doctor's contributions about cancer research in four issues
现代学把心脏比作水泵、有助于人们理解心脏的功能In its comparison of the heart to a pump, modem medicine helps people understand its function
这些地区率先实行了农村合作疗制度These regions are the first to apply the cooperative medical system in rural areas