
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
临床航空clinical aviation medicine
体检medical examiner
前方航空疗后送forward aeromedical evacuation (从战场上空运伤员至战斗地域最近的一个医疗站)
北极航空学实验室Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory
务救助medical deliverance
学信息管理系统medical information management system
学信息计算机系统medical information computer system
学监测medical monitoring
学监督medical monitoring
学试验室medical laboratory
疗后送medical evacuation
疗后送直升机medevac helicopter
疗审定medical assessment
疗护理medical care
疗疏散medical evacuation
疗空运后送medical air evacuation
疗红旗标志medical red flag
后送evacuation hospital
国际航空和航天学院International Academy of Aviation and Airspace Medicine
大学学信息网络University Medical Information Network
工业、科学与industrial, scientific and medical
工业、科学和industrial, scientific and medical
战术航空疗后送tactical aeromedical evacuation
指定的检査authorized medical examiner
指定航空学体检医生designated aviation medical examiner
指定航空学检验员designated aviation medical examiner
指定航空体检designated aviation medical examiner
授权的学考核员authorized medical examiner
授权的疗检査人员authorized medical examiner
改进型生物学舱advanced biomedical capsule
欧洲航空公司务经理协会European Airlines Medical Directors Society
武装部队疗学院armed force medical college
民用航空学研究所civil aero medical institute
民用航空学研究所civil aero-medical research institute
民用航空学研究所civil aeromedical institute
民用航空学研究所Civil Aeromedical Research Institute
民航civil aviation medicine
流动空运疗中转机构mobile aeromedical staging facility
海军航空航天疗研究实验室naval aerospace medical research laboratory
潜水diving medicine
生物biological medical
生物学仪器biomedical equipment
空中疗后送medical air evacuation
空军疗中心air force medical center
空军疗研究实验室Air Force Medical Research Laboratory
空军航空学研究实验室Air Force Aero Medical Research Lab
空勤人员学选拔mechanical selection of aircrew
空运疗组aero-medical airlift group
紧急疗服务emergency medical services
紧急疗服务emergency medical service
综合学与行为实验室测量系统integrated medical and behavioral laboratory measurement system
美国空军航空疗学校United States Air Force School of Aviation Medicine
美国陆军航空疗研究所United States Army Aeromedical Research Unit
flight surgeon (负责飞行人员在地面的保健工作,不是外科医生)
Office of Aviation Medicine (美国联邦航空局)
航空务处office of aviation medicine
航空aviation medicine
航空学护理aeromedical care
航空学排泄物装置aeromedical evacuation unit
航空学排泄系统aeromedical evacuation system
航空学监测aeromedical monitoring
航空学研究单位装置aeromedical research unit
航空学研究所Institute of Aviation Medicine
航空学考核员aviation medical examiner
航空学训练aeromedical indoctrination
航空学评定aeromedical evaluation
航空学飞行aeromedical flight
航空救撤离控制中心aeromedical evacuation control center
航空flight surgeon
航空生协会Flying Physicians' Association (美国)
航空疗撤离控制中心aeromedical evacuation control center
航空疗服务协会association of air medical services
航空疗服务队aeromedical staging unit
航空疗设备实验室aero-medical equipment laboratory
航空临床clinical medicine of aviation
航空体检aviation medical examiner
航空公司务主任协会airline medical directors association
航空军主任airmedical officer
航空港airport medicine
航空航天务中心aerospace medical center
航空航天务司令部aerospace medical command
航空航天务处office of aerospace medicine
航空航天学实验室aerospace medical laboratory
航空航天学研究实验室aerospace medical research laboratory
航空航天学研究所institute of aerospace medicine
航空航天学研究组aerospace medical panel
西航空航天学训练中心Aerospace Medicine Training Centre
航空航天学部aerospace medical division
航空航天学院school of aerospace medicine
转运evacuation hospital
阿姆斯特朗航空航天学研究实验室Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory
陆军学研究实验室army medical research laboratory
陆军流动外科mobile army surgical hospital
随船mission doctor
飞行flight medicine