
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
生很快就会给您看了The doctor will see you soon
生现在正在看病人The doctor is now with a patient
疗保险不包括种植治疗Health insurance does not cover implant treatment
疗保险不包括金属基托义齿Health insurance does not pay for metal base dentures
疗保险不包括金铂合金嵌体治疗Health insurance does not cover gold and platinum inlay treatment
口腔dental hygienist
口腔生助理dental assistant
口腔法dental forensic science
口腔预防preventive dentistry
您在其他院看过吗?Have you already attended another hospital with your problem?
您最后一次由牙洁牙是什么时候?When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned by a dentist or a dental hygienist?
您现在看生了吗?Are you under a doctor's care now?
生告诉过您,您患有牙龈炎或牙周炎吗?Has a dentist ever told you that you have gingivitis or periodontitis?
正畸治疗不被包括在疗保险内Orthodontic treatment is not covered by health insurance
残疾人口腔dentistry for the disabled (handicapped)
老年口腔geriatric dentistry
请告诉我院的名字、治疗方法和时间Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and the type of treatment you received
这是给大学附属院的介绍信This is a letter of introduction to the university hospital
金冠修复不在保治疗项目之内Gold crown is non-insurance treatment